Behold, the Mastersmithy!

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Blacksmith's Song
Behold, the Mastersmithy!
Lyrics Akihiro Hino
Music Nobuo Uematsu
Composition & Synth Programming
Mixing Engineer
ACE (Tomori Kudo & CHiCO)
Vocals & Chorus Yuji Hasegawa
Master Vulcan
Ignatius's Sister Magmia
Magmia's Big Brother Ignatius
The Ironsmith Steele
Blacksmith-in-Training Fyra
The Wandering Swordsman Sebastian
The Talking Sword Durandal
Guest Appearance Guildmates
Records Flutter
Music The Plushtones
Stage Setting Pam
Costumes Minister
Assistance Ophelia
Production Director Erik
Special Thanks The Citizens of Reveria

Behold, the Mastersmithy! is a song which will be played after the player reached Master Rank Blacksmith.


四角トンカチ 心をこめて
希望 たたいてる
ボクの道具たちが みんなをつなぐ
それがボクの夢さ 笑顔をつくろう
ボクはめざすよ 一流鍛冶屋
今日もアツいよ 鍛冶屋の熱気
彼の未来も あの子の夢も
君のもとにも ボクの道具を
だから真剣 気が抜けないよ
ボクの道具たちが みんなをつなぐ
それがボクの夢さ 笑顔をつくろう
ボクの道具たちが 世界を救う
それがボクの夢さ 未来をつくろう


English (EU)

The metallic rhythm resounds from the smithy.
It echoes all around, throughout the whole town.
And plumes of light smoke fill the sky.
Such forms the essence of my dreams!
My hammer of steel tempers my heart
And forges these dreams anew.
Your cheers and excitement,
Help me keep ignited, the furnace that's burning inside.
You see, these tools that toil are connected to you all.
So let's all get to hammerin' out some dreams!
My goal is to be the very best Blacksmith.
I wonder when that'll happen?
Until then, I'll just have to keep hammerin' away!
Behold, the Mastersmithy!
The heat in the smithy burns like a thousand suns.
And, boy, the metals have never been hotter.
His dreams and her future, their dreams and their future
Are all forged together at last.
It's all thanks to you, that these tools that I use
Have been able to finish the job.
Finally, I set my hammer down and wipe my brow of sweat.
Behold, the Mastersmithy!
You see, these tools that toil are connected to you all.
So let's all get to hammerin' out some dreams!
These tools that toil, will help save the world!
Let's hammer away at these dreams and forge a new future!

English (NA)

The clanging rhythm resounds from the smithy.
It echoes all 'round, throughout the whole town,
While plumes of smoke eagerly fill the sky.
My dreams are made of these sights and sounds!
The finest hammer tempers my heart,
Forging these dreams anew every day.
As everyone waits, excited,
I'll keep honing my skills all the way!
All my tools bringing everyone together,
That's my dream! It's a good reason for all of us to smile!
My goal is to be the very best Blacksmith,
I wonder if that will happen someday...
So here I am, crafting tools again today.
Behold, the Mastersmithy!
The heat in the smith's heart burns like a thousand suns,
And my molten resolve has never been so hot.
Boys and girls dream of well-forged futures.
Our times are fused together, like it or not!
It's all thanks to you that these tools that I use
Can finish any job, no matter how gritty.
By my sweat and because of your faith I can say,
Behold, the Mastersmithy!
You see, these tools that toil are connected to you all.
So let's all get working on our purest desire!
These tools that toil will save the world!
Let's hammer away and set hearts on fire!


El rojizo fulgor que de la forja saldrá
Con cada martilleo una nueva forma creará
Al paladín ayudamos, su gratitud nos dará
Y al mercenario y al leñador, a todos por igual
Mi mayor sueño he de cumplir
Y en las forjas pasaré días y días sin salir
Herrero es mi profesión
Forja y carbón son mis amigos, mi consolación
Alegrías y penas, compañeros con tesón
Al buen herrero no lo detiene un bastón
Pues me honra y deleita forjar y forjar
Y hasta el fin de mis días con hierro trabajar
Ese es mi sino; mi senda, mi caminar
Al calor de la forja
Mi arboleda, mi camino, mi dulce despertar
Los metales, en su desdicha
Al calor de la forja, los veo enrojecer
Así comienza mi gran dicha
Y ahí empieza mi quehacer
Con mi martillo y mi yunque
Trabajaré hasta el amanecer
Al calor de la forja
Alegrías y penas, compañeros con tesón
Al buen herrero no lo detiene un bastón
Con mi martillo y mis útiles
Crear, templarme, envejecer


Le rythme métallique provient de la forge, quel son !
Il résonne à travers la ville, dans toutes les directions.
Le ciel est envahi de panaches de fumée,
dont la plupart de mes rêves, la nuit, sont peuplés !
Mon marteau en acier tempère mon cœur,
et sans relâche, forge mes rêves de grandeur.
Votre enthousiasme et vos encouragements,
m'aident à entretenir cette flamme, celle qui brûle intérieurement.
Voyez, ces outils en plein labeur lient chacun d'entre vous.
Alors, venez marteler quelques rêves avec nous !
Mon objectif, c'est de devenir le meilleur des forgerons.
Je me demande bien quand le destin me donnera raison.
En attendant, je continuerai à marteler à tout va !
Au son du Maître forgeron
La chaleur étouffante de cette forge ne me gêne pas.
Et jamais les métaux n'ont eu aussi chaud, c'est sûr !
Son rêve à lui, son futur à elle... leurs rêves et leur futur
enfin, ne forment plus qu'un, ça me grise.
C'est grâce à toi si les outils que j'utilise
ont été en mesure de finir le travail requis.
Je peux à présent m'éponger le front, poser ma panoplie.
Au son du Maître forgeron
Voyez, ces outils en plein labeur lient chacun d'entre vous.
Alors, venez marteler quelques rêves avec nous !
Mes fidèles outils peuvent sauver le monde, il me semble !
Alors façonnons mes rêves, forgeons un nouveau futur ensemble !


Der metallische Rhythmus der Schmiede
hallt durch die Gassen der ganzen Stadt.
Feine Rauchschwaden erfüllen die Luft.
Die Essenz meiner Träume!
Mein Hammer stählt mein Herz,
und formt meine Träume aufs Neue.
Euer freudiger Jubel
nährt die Flamme des Schmelzofens, der in mir brennt.
Wie ein unsichtbares Band verbinden uns die Werkzeuge miteinander.
Lasst uns also ein paar Träume schmieden!
Ich will der beste Schmied der Welt werden.
Ich frage mich, wie lange das wohl dauert.
Bis es so weit ist, arbeite ich eifrig weiter!
Dort! Die Meisterschmiede!
Die Flammen der Schmiede brennen wie tausend Sonnen.
Das Metall glühte niemals heißer.
Ihre gemeinsamen Träume und ihre gemeinsame Zukunft
sind endlich vereint in einer Legierung der Liebe.
Euch habe ich es zu verdanken, dass meine Werkzeuge
diese Herausforderung bewältigen konnte.
Nun endlich lege ich meinen Hammer nieder und wische mir den Schweiß von der Stirn.
Dort! Die Meisterschmiede!
Wie ein unsichtbares Band verbinden uns die Werkzeuge miteinander.
Lasst uns also ein paar Träume schmieden!
Meine treuen Werkzeuge werden die Welt retten!
Lasst uns unseres Glückes Schmied sein und aus der Asche die Zukunft formen.


Il ritmo metallico rimbomba dalla fucina.
Echeggia tutt'intorno e attraversa la cittadina.
E pennacchi di fumo leggero riempiono il cielo.
È così che i miei sogni prendono forma!
Il martello d'acciaio tempra il mio cuore...
... e forgia nuovamente questi miei sogni.
Il tuo entusiasmo e il tuo incoraggiamento...
... tengono viva la fiamma, la fornace che mi brucia dentro.
Forza, sudiamo con questi attrezzi che accomunan tutti noi...
... e forgiamo qualche sogno a suon di martellate!
Miro a divenire il più grande dei fabbri.
Chissà se mai succederà!
Fino ad allora, continuerò a martellare!
Ammira, il Mastro fabbro!
Il calore nella fucina brucia come mille soli.
E mai il metallo fu più caldo.
I sogni di lui e il futuro di lei, i loro sogni e il loro futuro...
... vengono infine plasmati assieme.
Il merito è tuo se questi miei arnesi...
... hanno potuto finire il lavoro.
Ed ora, posato il martello, asciugo via il sudore dalla fronte.
Ammira, il Mastro fabbro!
Forza, sudiamo con questi attrezzi che accomunan tutti noi...
... e forgiamo qualche sogno a suon di martellate!
Il sudore versato con questi attrezzi salverà il mondo!
Diamo vita a questi sogni e forgiamo insieme un nuovo domani!

Other languages

Language Name
English Behold, the Mastersmithy! (EU)
Behold, the Master Smith! (NA)
Japanese ボクはマイスター
Spanish Al calor de la forja
French Au son du Maître forgeron
German Dort! Die Meisterschmiede!
Italian Ammira, il Mastro fabbro!