Gift-Wrapped Mimic

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A Mimic type enemy that appears atop Mt Snowpeak during the Carpenter Special Request. It looks like a present complete with ribbon and Christmas Garland.


The Gift-Wrapped Mimic has four different attacks and are as follows. (Note these attacks names are not canon, and instead are used simply for identification purposes.)

  • Wrap-Slap
    • The Mimic uses it's arms to slap the player
  • Pain Needles:
    • The Mimic creates a magical seal that shoots out glowing needles at any player directly in front of it.
  • Seasons Beatings
    • A magical light falls from the sky, slamming down on the ground, damaging anyone it hits, as well as causing splash damage in a small radius to anyone around.
  • Joy Bomb
    • The Mimic goes into a defensive position, closing itself up for a few seconds, then bursting open again and shooting balls of light that fly up and crash down again.


Because this is a special request enemy, it is much tougher than it's usual counterparts, and can inflict much greater damage. High defense and a shield can help a player withstand it's slap, but the rest of it's attacks appear magic based, so expect some damage to get through. Pain Needles can be avoided simply by maneuvering behind the Mimic, and using the opportunity to strike at it.

Before using in it's "Seasons Beatings" attack, the Mimic will raise it's arms and hop once. This is your chance to move away before the attack hits. Anyone caught in the blast will be subject to high damage, as this appears to be it's strongest attack.

Finally, Joy Bomb is the easiest to see coming, simply because it is preceded by the Mimic going into it's "box form". Though multiple balls of light shoot out, there is no splash or AOE damage from this attack.

Another recommended strategy is to get the Mimic into a corner and just wail on it, not giving it time to recover, though this is best done with allies.

All in all, though it has some strong attacks, this enemy is not all that difficult, and could even be solo'd without the need of assistance, by a crafty player.


Happiness Ribbon