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A Shady Request 5 Sleep Powder Sleep Antidote, 800 Dosh
A Shadier Request 5 Poison Powder Poison Antidote, 500 Dosh
An Even Shadier Request 5 Stun Powder Stun Antidote, 2,100 Dosh



The gatekeeper Hamsvich keeps mentioning is Gaites.

Secret Society

He's a member of a secret society. They're all dressed in the same getup. More of them can be found in Al Maajik and Port Puerto.


First Quest

"Hello passerby. I'm so glad you happened along here. I need some help! I was going to ask that gatekeeper over there for his aid, but he's been giving me very strange looks. Ack! He's glaring at me now. What did I ever do to him? Er...anyway...I really need Sleep Powder! The kind you use to make Sleep Bombs! Five pinches of Sleep Powder should do. In return, I'll give you 800 Dosh and three Sleep Antidotes." "Oh boy. that fellow by the gate is staring at me again. perhaps I have spinach stuck in my teeth. But...how would he know a thing like that?!"

"That gatekeeper is staring at me again. Maybe we went to school together or something..."

Second Quest

"Hello, random passerby. You've happened by at a rather opportune moment! I have a request. I was going to ask my dear friend, the creepy gatekeeper who's always staring at me... But I'd rather ask you instead! I want 5 pinches of Poison Powder! You know, to make Poison Bombs! I'll give you 500 Dosh and three Poison Antidotes in exchange! Deal?" "I need 5 to...well, never you mind. But don't tell the gatekeeper what I'm up to! He'll just keep giving me strange looks. Such a suspicious one, that gatekeeper! If only he'd bestow a smile on me every now and again."

"I was a bit worried you'd want to keep everything for your own nefarious purposes. Thank you! "I sense you're wondering why I need such items. You're a curious one, arent' you? Heh heh heh...

Additional Quotes

In The Day

"There are seven great Mysteries of Castele, the first being King Erik's childlike form... That leaves six more mysteries! Good luck finding them all, my friend."

At Night

"Heh heh... I wrote a magnificent book, but I had to make sure people would actually READ it. So I snuck into the Library Al Maajik and secretly placed it on the moon bookshelf. Give it a read next time you're in Al Maajik!"