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An angler Licence.

How to get a License

The player can get Licenses by going to Guild Master and change Life for the first time.

After that the player's License with update whenever you get enough stars for that Life. Once the player got a License it is impossible to lose.

A License can be upgraded from Novice to Fledgling by completing the story line of that particular life you choose. The 1st life you choose, you MUST complete the story line, but if you choose a new life and report to it's master, you are given the option to skip the tutorial, and receive everything you originally get during story line progression.

When enough stars are obtained by completing challenges, Report back to your life Master and you will rank-up, receive new challenges, learn new abilities, and people with the same life will have new things to say. Some will have items for you, others have more challenges.

Ranks are as progressed in this order:

Novice- Fledgling- Apprentice- Adept- Expert- Master- Hero- Legend

When Master is reached, you and all people with the same life will celebrate you achievement with a song at The Crown . The song is in Japanese( with subtitles).

When Hero is reached, your life master will say King Erik has summoned you. Talk to the King and he will give you that life's Hero Gear set. Each piece increase a certain stat by 4 or other kind of boost.

When Legend is reached King Erik will summon you again. Talk to him again to receive an End Game Weapon or Tool. Erik will also suggest to try another life.

If Origin Islands DLC is purchased and downloaded, then Licenses can be upgraded to Demi-Creator (God in training) and then Creator(God). You can start after you finish the Origin Island story line.

To Reach Demi-Creator, talk to Divinus when your rank is Legend. Answer yes and you will be Demi-Creator with new abilities and challenges. Complete the challenges to reach the Creator Rank.

If you reach Creator Rank in all 12 Lives, speak to Divinus again after you become a Creator for your 12th and final life. He with grant you the ability to equip ANY type of gear, even if that gear can't be equipped because of your current life. Gender specific gear however still requires your character to have the same gender.