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Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Gear/Accessories/Data/doc

-- Accessories Data
local T = "[[Armour]] ([[Accessories|Accessory]])"
local D = "Defence"
local M = "Magic Defence"
local P = "------"
local CA = "[[Alchemist]]"
local CT = "[[Tailor]]"
local CB = "[[Blacksmith]]"
local H = " (High Level)"
local G = "[[Lunares Coins|Gold Lunares Coins]]"
local S = "[[Lunares Coins|Silver Lunares Coins]]"
local B = "[[Lunares Coins|Both Lunares Coins]]"
local W = "[[Passwords|Password]]"

local Data =
	-- Necklaces START --
	["Charm"] = {
		Description = "Slightly improves your Luck.",
		Rarity = 1,
		Usable = { "All" },
		SkillLvl = 0,
		Stat1 = D,
		Stat1Value = 1,
		Stat2 = M,
		Stat2Value = 2,
		Special = "Luck +2",
		CraftClass = CA,
		CraftRank = "Fledgling",
		Ingredients = { "[[Suspicious Object]]", "[[Leather String]]" },
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Exp = 10,
		Sold = 720,
		Sell = 380,
		Type = T,
		Subtype = 'Necklaces'
	["Claw Necklace"] = {
		Description = "A necklace made of various animal claws.<br>Oddly, it makes you feel closer to nature.",
		Rarity = 1,
		Usable = { "All" },
		SkillLvl = 5,
		Stat1 = D,
		Stat1Value = 3,
		Stat2 = M,
		Stat2Value = 1,
		Special = "Strength +1",
		CraftClass = CA,
		CraftRank = "Fledgling",
		Ingredients = { "[[Animal Claws]]", "[[Animal Fang]]", "[[Leather String]]" },
		Amount = { 2, 1, 1 },
		Exp = 10,
		Sold = 1200,
		Sell = 320,
		Type = T,
		Subtype = 'Necklaces'
	["Savage Necklace"] = {
		Description = "A necklace made from the claws of ferocious beasts. Symbolises knowledge of the wild.",
		Rarity = 3,
		Usable = { "All" },
		SkillLvl = 10,
		Stat1 = D,
		Stat1Value = 4,
		Stat2 = M,
		Stat2Value = 2,
		Special = "Strength +2",
		CraftClass = CA,
		CraftRank = "Apprentice",
		Ingredients = { "[[Hard Claws]]", "[[Thick Fang]]", "[[Leather String]]" },
		Amount = { 1, 2, 1 },
		Exp = 25,
		Sold = 7000,
		Sell = 1150,
		Type = T,
		Subtype = 'Necklaces'
	["Coral Necklace"] = {
		Description = "A pretty necklace made of coral.<br>It makes you feel at one with the ocean.",
		Rarity = 2,
		Usable = { "All" },
		SkillLvl = 5,
		Stat1 = D,
		Stat1Value = 0,
		Stat2 = M,
		Stat2Value = 2,
		Special = "Dexterity +1",
		CraftClass = CA,
		CraftRank = "Adept",
		Ingredients = { "[[Pretty Coral]]", "[[Little Shell]]", "[[String]]" },
		Amount = { 1, 2, 1 },
		Exp = 65,
		Sold = 2800,
		Sell = 500,
		Type = T,
		Subtype = 'Necklaces'
	["Durable Charm"] = {
		Description = "A charm that improves your Luck.<br>It also boosts your defensive abilities.",
		Rarity = 3,
		Usable = { "All" },
		SkillLvl = 10,
		Stat1 = D,
		Stat1Value = 4,
		Stat2 = M,
		Stat2Value = 4,
		Special = "Luck +4",
		CraftClass = CA,
		CraftRank = "Adept",
		Ingredients = { "[[Mysterious Object]]", "[[Leather String]]" },
		Amount = { 2, 1 },
		Exp = 65,
		Sold = 4000,
		Sell = 1500,
		Type = T,
		Subtype = 'Necklaces'
	["Marine Necklace"] = {
		Description = "Made as a tribute to the god of the sea, it is a sign of those who understand the ocean.",
		Rarity = 3,
		Usable = { "All" },
		SkillLvl = 10,
		Stat1 = D,
		Stat1Value = 1,
		Stat2 = M,
		Stat2Value = 3,
		Special = "Dexterity +2",
		CraftClass = CA,
		CraftRank = "Adept",
		Ingredients = { "[[Stunning Coral]]", "[[Durable Shell]]", "[[String]]" },
		Amount = { 1, 2, 1 },
		Exp = 65,
		Sold = 4500,
		Sell = 1200,
		Type = T,
		Subtype = 'Necklaces'
	["Beastly Necklace"] = {
		Description = "Made from the claws of only the fiercest beasts. Proof of mastery of the wild.",
		Rarity = 4,
		Usable = { "All" },
		SkillLvl = 15,
		Stat1 = D,
		Stat1Value = 8,
		Stat2 = M,
		Stat2Value = 4,
		Special = "Strength +4",
		CraftClass = CA,
		CraftRank = "Expert"..H,
		Ingredients = { "[[Sharp Claws]]", "[[Strong Fang]]", "[[Leather String]]" },
		Amount = { 2, 1, 1 },
		Exp = 130,
		Sold = 14000,
		Sell = 2300,
		Type = T,
		Subtype = 'Necklaces'
	["Sea Necklace"] = {
		Description = "Made as a tribute to the god of the sea, it is worn only by true masters of the ocean.",
		Rarity = 4,
		Usable = { "All" },
		SkillLvl = 15,
		Stat1 = D,
		Stat1Value = 4,
		Stat2 = M,
		Stat2Value = 8,
		Special = "Dexterity +4",
		CraftClass = CA,
		CraftRank = "Expert"..H,
		Ingredients = { "[[Glittering Coral]]", "[[Rainbow Shell]]", "[[String]]" },
		Amount = { 1, 2, 1 },
		Exp = 130,
		Sold = 9000,
		Sell = 3500,
		Type = T,
		Subtype = 'Necklaces'
	["Reinforced Charm"] = {
		Description = "A charm that greatly improves your Luck. It also boosts your defensive abillities.",
		Rarity = 4,
		Usable = { "All" },
		SkillLvl = 20,
		Stat1 = D,
		Stat1Value = 6,
		Stat2 = M,
		Stat2Value = 6,
		Special = "Luck +10",
		CraftClass = CA,
		CraftRank = "Expert"..H,
		Ingredients = { "[[Curious Object]]", "[[Wonderful String]]" },
		Amount = { 2, 1 },
		Exp = 130,
		Sold = 15000,
		Sell = 3800,
		Type = T,
		Subtype = 'Necklaces'
	["Fluffkin Fuzzband"] = {
		Description = "A Good-luck bracelet passed down from one Fluffkin to another over the centuries.",
		Rarity = 5,
		Usable = { "All" },
		SkillLvl = 30,
		Stat1 = D,
		Stat1Value = 8,
		Stat2 = M,
		Stat2Value = 8,
		Special = "Special Skill damage +",
		CraftClass = CA,
		CraftRank = "God-in-Training",
		Ingredients = { "[[Gigaga String]]", "[[Monster Hide]]", "[[Rainbow Shell]]" },
		Amount = { 1, 1, 1 },
		Exp = 600,
		Sold = 20000,
		Sell = 6000,
		Type = T,
		Subtype = 'Necklaces',
		DLC = 1
	["Tidal Necklace"] = {
		Description = "Necklace infused with the power of the sea. Calms the nerves like a warm ocean breeze.",
		Rarity = 5,
		Usable = { "All" },
		SkillLvl = 50,
		Stat1 = D,
		Stat1Value = 8,
		Stat2 = M,
		Stat2Value = 16,
		Special = "Dexterity +10",
		CraftClass = CA,
		CraftRank = "God-in-Training",
		Ingredients = { "[[Ancient Coral]]", "[[Ancient Seashell]]", "[[Gigaga String]]" },
		Amount = { 1, 2, 1 },
		Exp = 1500,
		Sold = "N/A",
		Sell = 10000,
		Type = T,
		Subtype = 'Necklaces',
		DLC = 1
	["Demonic Necklace"] = {
		Description = "Necklace infused with demonic power. The weak-willed can become possessed by it.",
		Rarity = 5,
		Usable = { "All" },
		SkillLvl = 50,
		Stat1 = D,
		Stat1Value = 16,
		Stat2 = M,
		Stat2Value = 8,
		Special = "Strength +10",
		CraftClass = CA,
		CraftRank = "God"..H,
		Ingredients = { "[[Evil Claws]]", "[[Mad Beast's Fang]]", "[[Gigaga String]]" },
		Amount = { 2, 1, 1 },
		Exp = "??",
		Sold = "N/A",
		Sell = "?",
		Type = T,
		Subtype = 'Necklaces',
		DLC = 1
	["Destiny Charm"] = {
		Description = "Lucky charm that might make all your wishes come true.",
		Rarity = 5,
		Usable = { "All" },
		SkillLvl = 70,
		Stat1 = D,
		Stat1Value = 15,
		Stat2 = M,
		Stat2Value = 10,
		Special = "All elements ++",
		CraftClass = CA,
		CraftRank = "God"..H,
		Ingredients = { "[[Goddess's Bead]]", "[[Lifeforce Cluster]]", "[[Queen Gel]]" },
		Amount = { 1, 1, 1 },
		Exp = 1500,
		Sold = "N/A",
		Sell = 14000,
		Type = T,
		Subtype = 'Necklaces',
		DLC = 1
	["Djinn Talisman"] = {
		Description = "Charm said to be inhabited by a djinn. It boosts your attack power.",
		Rarity = 5,
		Usable = { "All" },
		SkillLvl = 90,
		Stat1 = D,
		Stat1Value = 15,
		Stat2 = M,
		Stat2Value = 18,
		Special = "Attack +30",
		CraftClass = CA,
		CraftRank = "God"..H,
		Ingredients = { "[[Sorcery Powder]]", "[[Sorcery Orb]]", "[[Wonderful String]]" },
		Amount = { 5, 1, 2 },
		Exp = 2000,
		Sold = "N/A",
		Sell = 36000,
		Type = T,
		Subtype = 'Necklaces',
		DLC = 1
	["Tsunami Talisman"] = {
		Description = "Charm infused with the power of raging waves. It improves your defence.",
		Rarity = 5,
		Usable = { "All" },
		SkillLvl = 100,
		Stat1 = D,
		Stat1Value = 23,
		Stat2 = M,
		Stat2Value = 16,
		Special = "Defence +20",
		CraftClass = CA,
		CraftRank = "God"..H,
		Ingredients = { "[[Wicked Bird Feather]]", "[[Fortified Shell]]", "[[Horror String]]" },
		Amount = { 1, 1, 2 },
		Exp = "??",
		Sold = "N/A",
		Sell = "?",
		Type = T,
		Subtype = 'Necklaces',
		DLC = 1
	["Legendary Talisman"] = {
		Description = "Charm said to host the spirit of a legendary hero. Helps you when you're under attack.",
		Rarity = 5,
		Usable = { "All" },
		SkillLvl = 0,
		Stat1 = D,
		Stat1Value = 6,
		Stat2 = M,
		Stat2Value = 6,
		Special = "Knockback resistance",
		Sold = "5 "..G,
		Sell = 10,
		Type = T,
		Subtype = 'Necklaces',
		DLC = 1
	["Goddess's Blessing"] = {
		Description = "Charm infused with limitless love. Use a Life Cure while wearing to recover full HP.",
		Rarity = 5,
		Usable = { "All" },
		SkillLvl = 0,
		Stat1 = D,
		Stat1Value = 5,
		Stat2 = M,
		Stat2Value = 5,
		Special = "Revive with full HP",
		Sold = "7 "..G,
		Sell = 10,
		Type = T,
		Subtype = 'Necklaces',
		DLC = 1
	["Elise's Talisman"] = {
		Description = "Charm blessed with good wishes from Elise.",
		Rarity = 5,
		Usable = { "All" },
		SkillLvl = 30,
		Stat1 = D,
		Stat1Value = 12,
		Stat2 = M,
		Stat2Value = 6,
		Special = "Battle EXP +++",
		Sold = G,
		Sell = 10,
		Type = T,
		Subtype = 'Necklaces',
		DLC = 1
	["Noelia's Talisman"] = {
		Description = "A charm blessed with good wishes from Noelia.",
		Rarity = 5,
		Usable = { "All" },
		SkillLvl = 30,
		Stat1 = D,
		Stat1Value = 6,
		Stat2 = M,
		Stat2Value = 12,
		Special = "Gathering EXP +++",
		Sold = G,
		Sell = 10,
		Type = T,
		Subtype = 'Necklaces',
		DLC = 1
	["Yuelia's Talisman"] = {
		Description = "A charm blessed with good wishes from Yuelia.",
		Rarity = 5,
		Usable = { "All" },
		SkillLvl = 30,
		Stat1 = D,
		Stat1Value = 6,
		Stat2 = M,
		Stat2Value = 12,
		Special = "Crafting EXP +++",
		Sold = G,
		Sell = 10,
		Type = T,
		Subtype = 'Necklaces',
		DLC = 1
	-- Necklaces END --
	-- Specs START --
	["Angler's Goggles"] = {
		Description = "Goggles worn by keen Anglers. Protect your eyes from sunlight reflecting off the water.",
		Rarity = 1,
		Usable = { "All" },
		SkillLvl = 0,
		Stat1 = D,
		Stat1Value = 2,
		Stat2 = M,
		Stat2Value = 2,
		Special = "Focus +2",
		Sold = 4800,
		Sell = 1200,
		Type = T,
		Subtype = 'Specs'
	["Round Specs"] = {
		Description = "A pair of glasses suitable for long hours at<br>the library. Now you're reading with power!",
		Rarity = 0,
		Usable = { "All" },
		SkillLvl = 0,
		Stat1 = D,
		Stat1Value = 1,
		Stat2 = M,
		Stat2Value = 2,
		Special = "Intelligence +1",
		CraftClass = CA,
		CraftRank = "Fledgling",
		Ingredients = { "[[Yellow Stone]]", "[[Castele Copper]]" },
		Amount = { 2, 1 },
		Exp = 10,
		Sold = 6300,
		Sell = 1150,
		Type = T,
		Subtype = 'Specs'
	["Stylish Specs"] = {
		Description = "A slick, stylish pair of half-frame glasses.<br>With fashion, less really is more!",
		Rarity = 2,
		Usable = { "All" },
		SkillLvl = 0,
		Stat1 = D,
		Stat1Value = 2,
		Stat2 = M,
		Stat2Value = 2,
		Special = "Intelligence +1",
		CraftClass = CA,
		CraftRank = "Adept",
		Ingredients = { "[[Blue Stone]]", "[[Blue Gel]]", "[[Port Puerto Silver]]" },
		Amount = { 2, 1, 1 },
		Exp = 65,
		Sold = 8000,
		Sell = 2600,
		Type = T,
		Subtype = 'Specs'
	["Black-Rimmed Glasses"] = {
		Description = "Glasses with a thick, black rim.<br>Show off your intellectual side!",
		Rarity = 2,
		Usable = { "All" },
		SkillLvl = 5,
		Stat1 = D,
		Stat1Value = 3,
		Stat2 = M,
		Stat2Value = 1,
		Special = "Intelligence +2",
		CraftClass = CA,
		CraftRank = "Expert",
		Ingredients = { "[[Blue Stone]]", "[[Black Gel]]", "[[Platinum Ore]]" },
		Amount = { 2, 1, 1 },
		Exp = 115,
		Sold = 10000,
		Sell = 3200,
		Type = T,
		Subtype = 'Specs'
	["Classy Monocle"] = {
		Description = "A fancy monocle. Perfect in just about<br>any situation. Tea, anyone?",
		Rarity = 3,
		Usable = { "All" },
		SkillLvl = 5,
		Stat1 = D,
		Stat1Value = 2,
		Stat2 = M,
		Stat2Value = 5,
		Special = "Intelligence +2",
		CraftClass = CA,
		CraftRank = "Expert",
		Ingredients = { "[[Blue Stone]]", "[[Yellow Gel]]", "[[Al Maajik Gold]]" },
		Amount = { 2, 1, 1 },
		Exp = 115,
		Sold = 10000,
		Sell = 3000,
		Type = T,
		Subtype = 'Specs'
	["Red-Rimmed Glasses"] = {
		Description = "Glasses with a fiery red rim. Laid-back<br>glasses that belie a passionate soul.",
		Rarity = 2,
		Usable = { "All" },
		SkillLvl = 10,
		Stat1 = D,
		Stat1Value = 3,
		Stat2 = M,
		Stat2Value = 3,
		Special = "Intelligence +4",
		CraftClass = CA,
		CraftRank = "Master",
		Ingredients = { "[[Purple Stone]]", "[[Red Gel]]", "[[Magma Ore]]" },
		Amount = { 2, 1, 1 },
		Exp = 170,
		Sold = 12000,
		Sell = 5120,
		Type = T,
		Subtype = 'Specs'
	["Wild Side Shades"] = {
		Description = "Pointed sunglasses for a rebellious look.<br>Often worn by those of a spiky demeanour.",
		Rarity = 3,
		Usable = { "All" },
		SkillLvl = 10,
		Stat1 = D,
		Stat1Value = 4,
		Stat2 = M,
		Stat2Value = 2,
		Special = "Focus +1",
		CraftClass = CA,
		CraftRank = "Master"..H,
		Ingredients = { "[[Purple Stone]]", "[[Pink Gel]]", "[[Magic Ore]]" },
		Amount = { 2, 1, 1 },
		Exp = 200,
		Sold = 16000,
		Sell = 5400,
		Type = T,
		Subtype = 'Specs'
	["Mini Specs"] = {
		Description = "Small yet effective glasses. For fans of the<br>old-fashioned, academic look.",
		Rarity = 3,
		Usable = { "All" },
		SkillLvl = 10,
		Stat1 = D,
		Stat1Value = 3,
		Stat2 = M,
		Stat2Value = 5,
		Special = "Intelligence +4",
		CraftClass = CA,
		CraftRank = "Master",
		Ingredients = { "[[Purple Stone]]", "[[King Gel]]", "[[Marine Ore]]" },
		Amount = { 2, 1, 1 },
		Exp = 170,
		Sold = 19000,
		Sell = 8970,
		Type = T,
		Subtype = 'Specs'
	-- Specs END --
	-- Capes START --
	["Companion Cape"] = {
		Description = "A special adorable cape. It makes pets and party members more friendly towards you.",
		Rarity = 5,
		Usable = { "All" },
		SkillLvl = 0,
		Stat1 = D,
		Stat1Value = 15,
		Stat2 = M,
		Stat2Value = 10,
		Special = "Friendship growth rate x2",
		Sold = "3 "..G,
		Sell = 10,
		Type = T,
		Subtype = 'Capes',
		DLC = 1
	["Cape"] = {
		Description = "A cape to protect against both attacks and<br>the cold. They seem to be in fashion lately.",
		Rarity = 0,
		Usable = { "All" },
		SkillLvl = 0,
		Stat1 = D,
		Stat1Value = 2,
		Stat2 = M,
		Stat2Value = 0,
		Special = P,
		CraftClass = CT,
		CraftRank = "Fledgling"..H,
		Ingredients = { "[[Dandelion Cotton]]", "[[Straw Thread]]", "[[Redbell]]" },
		Amount = { 2, 1, 2 },
		Exp = "??",
		Sold = 800,
		Sell = 190,
		Type = T,
		Subtype = 'Capes'
	["Long Cape"] = {
		Description = "A long and more protective cape. Those of a<br>diminutive nature may struggle to wear it.",
		Rarity = 1,
		Usable = { "All" },
		SkillLvl = 5,
		Stat1 = D,
		Stat1Value = 4,
		Stat2 = M,
		Stat2Value = 0,
		Special = P,
		CraftClass = CT,
		CraftRank = "Adept"..H,
		Ingredients = { "[[Silk]]", "[[Cashmere]]", "[[Wonderful Buttons]]" },
		Amount = { 3, 2, 1 },
		Exp = "??",
		Sold = 8000,
		Sell = 3400,
		Type = T,
		Subtype = 'Capes'
	["Swallow Tail"] = {
		Description = "A cape made to resemble a swallow's tail.<br>Comfortable, and also rather stylish.",
		Rarity = 4,
		Usable = { "All" },
		SkillLvl = 5,
		Stat1 = D,
		Stat1Value = 4,
		Stat2 = M,
		Stat2Value = 4,
		Special = "Dexterity +2",
		Sold = "N/A",
		Sell = "?",
		Type = T,
		Subtype = 'Capes'
	["Bat Cape"] = {
		Description = "A cape with a jagged edge.<br>Creates a rather fearsome look.",
		Rarity = 3,
		Usable = { "All" },
		SkillLvl = 10,
		Stat1 = D,
		Stat1Value = 6,
		Stat2 = M,
		Stat2Value = 6,
		Special = P,
		CraftClass = CT,
		CraftRank = "Adept"..H,
		Ingredients = { "[[Linen]]", "[[Cashmere]]", "[[Evil Carp]]" },
		Amount = { 3, 3, 1 },
		Exp = "??",
		Sold = 14000,
		Sell = 11200,
		Type = T,
		Subtype = 'Capes'
	["Short Cape"] = {
		Description = "A short cape that hangs just below the<br>shoulders. Light, but not overly effective.",
		Rarity = 2,
		Usable = { "All" },
		SkillLvl = 10,
		Stat1 = D,
		Stat1Value = 5,
		Stat2 = M,
		Stat2Value = 2,
		Special = P,
		CraftClass = CT,
		CraftRank = "Expert"..H,
		Ingredients = { "[[Cashmere]]", "[[Marine Silk]]", "[[Moon Cluster]]" },
		Amount = { 2, 2, 1 },
		Exp = "??",
		Sold = 9800,
		Sell = 4300,
		Type = T,
		Subtype = 'Capes'
	["Daemon's Cape"] = {
		Description = "Cape for the Dark Sultan, made from the<br>finest materials found in Al Maajik.",
		Rarity = 5,
		Usable = { "All" },
		SkillLvl = 20,
		Stat1 = D,
		Stat1Value = 3,
		Stat2 = M,
		Stat2Value = 20,
		Special = "Earth element ++",
		Sold = S,
		Sell = 10,
		Type = T,
		Subtype = 'Capes',
		DLC = 1
	["Princely Cape"] = {
		Description = "Thick cape. A traditional royal garment.",
		Rarity = 5,
		Usable = { "All" },
		SkillLvl = 20,
		Stat1 = D,
		Stat1Value = 13,
		Stat2 = M,
		Stat2Value = 6,
		Special = "EXP crystal drop rate ++",
		Sold = W,
		Sell = 10,
		Type = T,
		Subtype = 'Capes'
	["Crusader's Cape"] = {
		Description = "A cape for Heroic Paladins.<br>A symbol of their strength and valour.",
		Rarity = 5,
		Usable = { "Paladin" },
		SkillLvl = 30,
		Stat1 = D,
		Stat1Value = 10,
		Stat2 = M,
		Stat2Value = 6,
		Special = "Max HP +30",
		CraftClass = CT,
		CraftRank = "God",
		Ingredients = { "[[Stardust Linen]]", "[[Rainbow Thread]]", "[[Dream Shard]]" },
		Amount = { 2, 2, 2 },
		Exp = "??",
		Sold = "N/A",
		Sell = 7200,
		Type = T,
		Subtype = 'Capes'
	["Doctor's Cape"] = {
		Description = "A cape for heroic Alchemists.<br>A symbol of their boundless knowledge.",
		Rarity = 5,
		Usable = { "Alchemist" },
		SkillLvl = 30,
		Stat1 = D,
		Stat1Value = 6,
		Stat2 = M,
		Stat2Value = 10,
		Special = "Intelligence +4",
		CraftClass = CT,
		CraftRank = "God",
		Ingredients = { "[[Divine Cashmere]]", "[[Unknown Life Form]]", "[[Green Gel]]" },
		Amount = { 2, 1, 1 },
		Exp = "??",
		Sold = "N/A",
		Sell = 9000,
		Type = T,
		Subtype = 'Capes'
	["Odin's Cape"] = {
		Description = "A cape for Odin, the Maajiknight Captain.<br>Protects your back from the hot desert sun.",
		Rarity = 5,
		Usable = { "All" },
		SkillLvl = 40,
		Stat1 = D,
		Stat1Value = 11,
		Stat2 = M,
		Stat2Value = 5,
		Special = "Magic Defence +15",
		Sold = B,
		Sell = 10,
		Type = T,
		Subtype = 'Capes',
		DLC = 1
	["Sacred Cape"] = {
		Description = "Cape infused with the power of a Protection<br>Stone. Flutters on your back in a holy way.",
		Rarity = 5,
		Usable = { "All" },
		SkillLvl = 60,
		Stat1 = D,
		Stat1Value = 15,
		Stat2 = M,
		Stat2Value = 18,
		Special = "Focus +2",
		CraftClass = CT,
		CraftRank = "God-in-Training",
		Ingredients = { "[[Divine Cashmere]]", "[[Protection Stone]]", "[[Sun Cluster]]" },
		Amount = { 1, 1, 1 },
		Exp = "??",
		Sold = "N/A",
		Sell = 10000,
		Type = T,
		Subtype = 'Capes',
		DLC = 1
	["Ares Cape"] = {
		Description = "Finest cape made from God Materials.<br>Makes its wearer look majestic. ",
		Rarity = 5,
		Usable = { "Paladin", "Mercenary", "Miner", "Woodcutter", "Blacksmith", "Carpenter" },
		SkillLvl = 90,
		Stat1 = D,
		Stat1Value = 20,
		Stat2 = M,
		Stat2Value = 10,
		Special = "SP recovery speed ++",
		CraftClass = CB,
		CraftRank = "God",
		Ingredients = { "[[Divine Cashmere]]", "[[Mythical Beast's Scales]]", "[[Queen Gel]]" },
		Amount = { 1, 1, 2 },
		Exp = "??",
		Sold = "N/A",
		Sell = "?",
		Type = T,
		Subtype = 'Capes',
		DLC = 1
	["Dark Sultan's Cape"] = {
		Description = "Cape of the Legendary Dark Sultan, hero of<br>Al Maajikan tales told through the ages.",
		Rarity = 5,
		Usable = { "All" },
		SkillLvl = 100,
		Stat1 = D,
		Stat1Value = 15,
		Stat2 = M,
		Stat2Value = 25,
		Special = "Abnormal status immunity",
		Sold = G,
		Sell = 10,
		Type = T,
		Subtype = 'Capes',
		DLC = 1
	["Dragon King's Cape"] = {
		Description = "Cape worn by the Dragon King, the hero of<br>centuries-old Castele legend.",
		Rarity = 5,
		Usable = { "All" },
		SkillLvl = 100,
		Stat1 = D,
		Stat1Value = 23,
		Stat2 = M,
		Stat2Value = 7,
		Special = "Abnormal status immunity",
		Sold = G,
		Sell = 10,
		Type = T,
		Subtype = 'Capes',
		DLC = 1
	["Sea Lord's Cape"] = {
		Description = "Cape worn by the Sea Lord, tales of whom<br>have long been told in Port Puerto.",
		Rarity = 5,
		Usable = { "All" },
		SkillLvl = 100,
		Stat1 = D,
		Stat1Value = 20,
		Stat2 = M,
		Stat2Value = 15,
		Special = "Abnormal status immunity",
		Sold = G,
		Sell = 10,
		Type = T,
		Subtype = 'Capes',
		DLC = 1
	["Spirit King's Cape"] = {
		Description = "Cape of the Spirit King, featuring in old legend's of the Elderwood.",
		Rarity = 5,
		Usable = { "All" },
		SkillLvl = 100,
		Stat1 = D,
		Stat1Value = 18,
		Stat2 = M,
		Stat2Value = 20,
		Special = "Abnormal status immunity",
		Sold = G,
		Sell = 10,
		Type = T,
		Subtype = 'Capes',
		DLC = 1
	-- Capes END --
	-- Rings START --
	["Topaz Ring"] = {
		Description = "A ring adorned with a large Topaz. Its vibrant<br>orange glow is reminiscent of the sun.",
		Rarity = 1,
		Usable = { "All" },
		SkillLvl = 5,
		Stat1 = D,
		Stat1Value = 1,
		Stat2 = M,
		Stat2Value = 4,
		Special = "Earth element +",
		CraftClass = CA,
		CraftRank = "Apprentice"..H,
		Ingredients = { "[[Topaz]]", "[[Iron Ingot]]" },
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Exp = 45,
		Sold = 3000,
		Sell = 1600,
		Type = T,
		Subtype = 'Rings'
	["Aquamarine Ring"] = {
		Description = "A ring adorned with a large Aquamarine gem.<br>As clear and beautiful as the southern seas.",
		Rarity = 1,
		Usable = { "All" },
		SkillLvl = 5,
		Stat1 = D,
		Stat1Value = 1,
		Stat2 = M,
		Stat2Value = 4,
		Special = "Vitality +1",
		CraftClass = CA,
		CraftRank = "Apprentice"..H,
		Ingredients = { "[[Aquamarine]]", "[[Iron Ingot]]" },
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Exp = 45,
		Sold = 4000,
		Sell = 2400,
		Type = T,
		Subtype = 'Rings'
	["Amethyst Ring"] = {
		Description = "A ring adorned with a large Amethyst.<br>It gleams a clear and vibrant purple.",
		Rarity = 2,
		Usable = { "All" },
		SkillLvl = 5,
		Stat1 = D,
		Stat1Value = 1,
		Stat2 = M,
		Stat2Value = 4,
		Special = "Intelligence +1",
		CraftClass = CA,
		CraftRank = "Adept"..H,
		Ingredients = { "[[Amethyst]]", "[[Silver Ingot]]", "[[Water Mana]]" },
		Amount = { 1, 1, 1 },
		Exp = 80,
		Sold = 6000,
		Sell = 5500,
		Type = T,
		Subtype = 'Rings'
	["Ruby Ring"] = {
		Description = "A ring adorned with a large ruby.<br>It shines a deep and fiery red.",
		Rarity = 3,
		Usable = { "All" },
		SkillLvl = 5,
		Stat1 = D,
		Stat1Value = 1,
		Stat2 = M,
		Stat2Value = 4,
		Special = "Fire element +",
		CraftClass = CA,
		CraftRank = "Expert"..H,
		Ingredients = { "[[Ruby]]", "[[Platinum Ingot]]", "[[Fire Mana]]" },
		Amount = { 1, 1, 1 },
		Exp = 130,
		Sold = 13000,
		Sell = 6800,
		Type = T,
		Subtype = 'Rings'
	["Sapphire Ring"] = {
		Description = "A ring adorned with a large Sapphire. The<br>gem is a deep blue, like the ocean depths.",
		Rarity = 3,
		Usable = { "All" },
		SkillLvl = 20,
		Stat1 = D,
		Stat1Value = 2,
		Stat2 = M,
		Stat2Value = 6,
		Special = "Water element +",
		CraftClass = CA,
		CraftRank = "Expert"..H,
		Ingredients = { "[[Sapphire]]", "[[Platinum Ingot]]", "[[Wind Mana]]" },
		Amount = { 1, 1, 1 },
		Exp = 130,
		Sold = 13000,
		Sell = 7500,
		Type = T,
		Subtype = 'Rings'
	["Emerald Ring"] = {
		Description = "A ring adorned with a large Emerald. Shines<br>a deep green, like Reveria's dense forests.",
		Rarity = 3,
		Usable = { "All" },
		SkillLvl = 20,
		Stat1 = D,
		Stat1Value = 2,
		Stat2 = M,
		Stat2Value = 6,
		Special = "Wind element +",
		CraftClass = CA,
		CraftRank = "Expert"..H,
		Ingredients = { "[[Emerald]]", "[[Platinum Ingot]]", "[[Earth Mana]]" },
		Amount = { 1, 1, 1 },
		Exp = 130,
		Sold = 12000,
		Sell = 7200,
		Type = T,
		Subtype = 'Rings'
	["Black Onyx Ring"] = {
		Description = "A ring adorned with a large Black Onyx.<br>The stone is as dark as the dead of night.",
		Rarity = 4,
		Usable = { "All" },
		SkillLvl = 20,
		Stat1 = D,
		Stat1Value = 4,
		Stat2 = M,
		Stat2Value = 8,
		Special = P,
		CraftClass = CA,
		CraftRank = "Master"..H,
		Ingredients = { "[[Black Onyx]]", "[[Celestial Ingot]]", "[[Shadow Mana]]" },
		Amount = { 1, 1, 1 },
		Exp = 200,
		Sold = 20000,
		Sell = 11800,
		Type = T,
		Subtype = 'Rings'
	["Diamond Ring"] = {
		Description = "A ring adorned with a large Diamond.<br>Shines and sparkles like the stars.",
		Rarity = 5,
		Usable = { "All" },
		SkillLvl = 20,
		Stat1 = D,
		Stat1Value = 8,
		Stat2 = M,
		Stat2Value = 4,
		Special = P,
		CraftClass = CA,
		CraftRank = "Master"..H,
		Ingredients = { "[[Diamond]]", "[[Celestial Ingot]]", "[[Light Mana]]" },
		Amount = { 1, 1, 1 },
		Exp = 200,
		Sold = "N/A",
		Sell = 12400,
		Type = T,
		Subtype = 'Rings'
	["Celestial Ring"] = {
		Description = "Diamond ring with starlight captured inside.",
		Rarity = 5,
		Usable = { "All" },
		SkillLvl = 80,
		Stat1 = D,
		Stat1Value = 16,
		Stat2 = M,
		Stat2Value = 8,
		Special = "All elements +",
		CraftClass = CA,
		CraftRank = "God"..H,
		Ingredients = { "[[Star Diamond]]", "[[Ancient Ingot]]", "[[Rainbow Mana +]]" },
		Amount = { 1, 1, 1 },
		Exp = "???",
		Sold = "N/A",
		Sell = 40000,
		Type = T,
		Subtype = 'Rings',
		DLC = 1
	["Star Ring"] = {
		Description = "A ring blessed by the stars. Enables natural<br>HP recovery during battles.",
		Rarity = 5,
		Usable = { "All" },
		SkillLvl = 0,
		Stat1 = D,
		Stat1Value = 7,
		Stat2 = M,
		Stat2Value = 7,
		Special = "Auto HP recovery in battle",
		Sold = "3 "..G,
		Sell = 10,
		Type = T,
		Subtype = 'Rings',
		DLC = 1
	["Moon Ring"] = {
		Description = "A ring blessed by the moon. Makes SP recover quicker.",
		Rarity = 5,
		Usable = { "All" },
		SkillLvl = 0,
		Stat1 = D,
		Stat1Value = 5,
		Stat2 = M,
		Stat2Value = 9,
		Special = "SP recovery speed ++++",
		Sold = "3 "..G,
		Sell = 10,
		Type = T,
		Subtype = 'Rings',
		DLC = 1
	["Sun Ring"] = {
		Description = "A ring blessed by the sun. Makes your<br>Special Skill gauge charge up quicker.",
		Rarity = 5,
		Usable = { "All" },
		SkillLvl = 0,
		Stat1 = D,
		Stat1Value = 9,
		Stat2 = M,
		Stat2Value = 5,
		Special = "S. Skill charge rate x2",
		Sold = "3 "..G,
		Sell = 10,
		Type = T,
		Subtype = 'Rings',
		DLC = 1
	-- Rings END --
	-- Stone START --
	["Philosopher's Stone"] = {
		Description = "A miraculous stone that improves all your<br>abilities. Also gives a great defensive boost.",
		Rarity = 5,
		Usable = { "All" },
		SkillLvl = 30,
		Stat1 = D,
		Stat1Value = 10,
		Stat2 = M,
		Stat2Value = 20,
		Special = "Basic Stats +5",
		CraftClass = CA,
		CraftRank = "Hero"..H,
		Ingredients = { "[[Unknown Life Form]]", "[[King Gel]]", "[[Antenna Lantern]]" },
		Amount = { 1, 1, 1 },
		Exp = 260,
		Sold = "N/A",
		Sell = 9000,
		Type = T,
		Subtype = 'Stones'
	["Double-Edged Stone"] = {
		Description = "Charm that boosts your power, but makes<br>Lady Luck turn away from you.",
		Rarity = 5,
		Usable = { "All" },
		SkillLvl = 70,
		Stat1 = D,
		Stat1Value = 20,
		Stat2 = M,
		Stat2Value = 10,
		Special = "0 Luck, all other Stats +10",
		CraftClass = CA,
		CraftRank = "God"..H,
		Ingredients = { "[[Mysterious Artefact]]", "[[Ancient Emerald]]", "[[Spell Stone +]]" },
		Amount = { 1, 1, 1 },
		Exp = 1800,
		Sold = "N/A",
		Sell = "?",
		Type = T,
		Subtype = 'Stones',
		DLC = 1
	["Monarch's Stone"] = {
		Description = "Only those who have earned the king's<br>deep trust are allowed to wear this charm.",
		Rarity = 5,
		Usable = { "All" },
		SkillLvl = 80,
		Stat1 = D,
		Stat1Value = 20,
		Stat2 = M,
		Stat2Value = 20,
		Special = "Basic Stats +7",
		CraftClass = CA,
		CraftRank = "God"..H,
		Ingredients = { "[[Element Zero]]", "[[Prism Jewel]]", "[[Soul Stone +]]" },
		Amount = { 1, 1, 1 },
		Exp = "???",
		Sold = "N/A",
		Sell = "?",
		Type = T,
		Subtype = 'Stones',
		DLC = 1
	-- Stone END --
	-- Wings START --
	["Angelic Wings"] = {
		Description = "White wings that make you look like a real angel.",
		Rarity = 5,
		Usable = { "All" },
		SkillLvl = 0,
		Stat1 = D,
		Stat1Value = 5,
		Stat2 = M,
		Stat2Value = 5,
		Special = P,
		Sold = W,
		Sell = 10,
		Type = T,
		Subtype = 'Wings'
	["Demon Wings"] = {
		Description = "Black wings that make you look like a devil.",
		Rarity = 5,
		Usable = { "All" },
		SkillLvl = 0,
		Stat1 = D,
		Stat1Value = 6,
		Stat2 = M,
		Stat2Value = 4,
		Special = P,
		Sold = W,
		Sell = 10,
		Type = T,
		Subtype = 'Wings'
	["Dragon Wings"] = {
		Description = "It wouldn't be a dragon outfit without wings.<br>If only they let you soar through the skies...",
		Rarity = 5,
		Usable = { "All" },
		SkillLvl = 0,
		Stat1 = D,
		Stat1Value = 3,
		Stat2 = M,
		Stat2Value = 3,
		Special = "Friendship growth rate +",
		Sold = W,
		Sell = 10,
		Type = T,
		Subtype = 'Wings'
	["Celestial Wings"] = {
		Description = "Wings that would let you freely soar in the<br>skies...if they weren't just a replica.",
		Rarity = 5,
		Usable = { "All" },
		SkillLvl = 20,
		Stat1 = D,
		Stat1Value = 8,
		Stat2 = M,
		Stat2Value = 1,
		Special = "Charged attack power ++",
		Sold = G,
		Sell = 10,
		Type = T,
		Subtype = 'Wings',
		DLC = 1
	["Gold Dragon Wings"] = {
		Description = "Golden Dragon Wings. They might allow you to<br>fly...if they weren't a replica.",
		Rarity = 5,
		Usable = { "All" },
		SkillLvl = 20,
		Stat1 = D,
		Stat1Value = 6,
		Stat2 = M,
		Stat2Value = 8,
		Special = "Luck +10",
		Sold = S,
		Sell = 10,
		Type = T,
		Subtype = 'Wings',
		DLC = 1
	["Freya's Wings"] = {
		Description = "Accessory for female warriors, modelled on<br>a battle goddess's wings.",
		Rarity = 5,
		Usable = { "All" },
		SkillLvl = 60,
		Gender = "Female",
		Stat1 = D,
		Stat1Value = 5,
		Stat2 = M,
		Stat2Value = 5,
		Special = "Luck +2",
		CraftClass = CT,
		CraftRank = "God",
		Ingredients = { "[[Divine Cashmere]]", "[[Snow-White Feather]]", "[[Divine Beast Skin]]" },
		Amount = { 1, 1, 1 },
		Exp = "??",
		Sold = "N/A",
		Sell = 8000,
		Type = T,
		Subtype = 'Wings',
		DLC = 1
	["Minerva's Wings"] = {
		Description = "Accessory for female warriors. Grants<br>divine protection on any battlefield.",
		Rarity = 5,
		Usable = { "All" },
		SkillLvl = 70,
		Gender = "Female",
		Stat1 = D,
		Stat1Value = 10,
		Stat2 = M,
		Stat2Value = 10,
		Special = "Luck +4",
		CraftClass = CT,
		CraftRank = "God",
		Ingredients = { "[[Rainbow Linen]]", "[[Exquisite Feather]]", "[[Other-Worldly Leaf]]" },
		Amount = { 1, 1, 1 },
		Exp = "??",
		Sold = "N/A",
		Sell = "?",
		Type = T,
		Subtype = 'Wings',
		DLC = 1
	["Valkyrie Wings"] = {
		Description = "Accessory for female warriors,<br>blessed by divine spirits of battle.",
		Rarity = 5,
		Usable = { "All" },
		SkillLvl = 80,
		Gender = "Female",
		Stat1 = D,
		Stat1Value = 15,
		Stat2 = M,
		Stat2Value = 15,
		Special = "Luck +6",
		CraftClass = CT,
		CraftRank = "God",
		Ingredients = { "[[Divine Cashmere]]", "[[Divine Bird's Feather]]", "[[Crystal Scale]]" },
		Amount = { 1, 1, 1 },
		Exp = "??",
		Sold = "N/A",
		Sell = "?",
		Type = T,
		Subtype = 'Wings',
		DLC = 1
	-- Wings END --
	-- Brooches START --
	["Paladin's Pride"] = {
		Description = "A brooch imbued with the spirit of a Paladin.<br>Helps raise sword and shield skills faster.",
		Rarity = 5,
		Usable = { "All" },
		SkillLvl = 0,
		Stat1 = D,
		Stat1Value = 5,
		Stat2 = M,
		Stat2Value = 5,
		Special = "Paladin skill growth x2",
		Sold = "3 "..G,
		Sell = 10,
		Type = T,
		Subtype = 'Brooches',
		DLC = 1
	["Mercenary's Pride"] = {
		Description = "A brooch imbued with a Mercenary's spirit.<br>Helps raise your Greatsword skill faster.",
		Rarity = 5,
		Usable = { "All" },
		SkillLvl = 0,
		Stat1 = D,
		Stat1Value = 5,
		Stat2 = M,
		Stat2Value = 5,
		Special = "Mercenary skill growth x2",
		Sold = "3 "..G,
		Sell = 10,
		Type = T,
		Subtype = 'Brooches',
		DLC = 1
	["Hunter's Pride"] = {
		Description = "A brooch imbued with the spirit of a Hunter.<br>Helps raise your bow skills faster.",
		Rarity = 5,
		Usable = { "All" },
		SkillLvl = 0,
		Stat1 = D,
		Stat1Value = 5,
		Stat2 = M,
		Stat2Value = 5,
		Special = "Hunter skill growth x2",
		Sold = "3 "..G,
		Sell = 10,
		Type = T,
		Subtype = 'Brooches',
		DLC = 1
	["Magician's Pride"] = {
		Description = "A brooch imbued with a Magician's spirit.<br>Helps raise your magic skills faster.",
		Rarity = 5,
		Usable = { "All" },
		SkillLvl = 0,
		Stat1 = D,
		Stat1Value = 5,
		Stat2 = M,
		Stat2Value = 5,
		Special = "Hunter skill growth x2",
		Sold = "3 "..G,
		Sell = 10,
		Type = T,
		Subtype = 'Brooches',
		DLC = 1
	["Miner's Pride"] = {
		Description = "A brooch imbued with the spirit of a Miner.<br>Helps raise your Mining skill faster.",
		Rarity = 5,
		Usable = { "All" },
		SkillLvl = 0,
		Stat1 = D,
		Stat1Value = 5,
		Stat2 = M,
		Stat2Value = 5,
		Special = "Miner skill growth x2",
		Sold = "3 "..G,
		Sell = 10,
		Type = T,
		Subtype = 'Brooches',
		DLC = 1
	["Woodcutter's Pride"] = {
		Description = "A brooch imbued with a Woodcutter's spirit.<br>Helps raise your woodcutting skills faster.",
		Rarity = 5,
		Usable = { "All" },
		SkillLvl = 0,
		Stat1 = D,
		Stat1Value = 5,
		Stat2 = M,
		Stat2Value = 5,
		Special = "Woodcutter skill growth x2",
		Sold = "3 "..G,
		Sell = 10,
		Type = T,
		Subtype = 'Brooches',
		DLC = 1
	["Angler's Pride"] = {
		Description = "A brooch imbued with the spirit of an Angler.<br>Helps raise your fishing skills faster.",
		Rarity = 5,
		Usable = { "All" },
		SkillLvl = 0,
		Stat1 = D,
		Stat1Value = 5,
		Stat2 = M,
		Stat2Value = 5,
		Special = "Angler skill growth x2",
		Sold = "3 "..G,
		Sell = 10,
		Type = T,
		Subtype = 'Brooches',
		DLC = 1
	["Cook's Pride"] = {
		Description = "A brooch imbued with spirit of a Cook.<br>Helps raise your cooking skills faster.",
		Rarity = 5,
		Usable = { "All" },
		SkillLvl = 0,
		Stat1 = D,
		Stat1Value = 5,
		Stat2 = M,
		Stat2Value = 5,
		Special = "Cook skill growth x2",
		Sold = "3 "..G,
		Sell = 10,
		Type = T,
		Subtype = 'Brooches',
		DLC = 1
	["Blacksmith's Pride"] = {
		Description = "A brooch imbued with a Blacksmith's spirit.<br>Helps raise your smithing skills faster.",
		Rarity = 5,
		Usable = { "All" },
		SkillLvl = 0,
		Stat1 = D,
		Stat1Value = 5,
		Stat2 = M,
		Stat2Value = 5,
		Special = "Blacksmith skill growth x2",
		Sold = "3 "..G,
		Sell = 10,
		Type = T,
		Subtype = 'Brooches',
		DLC = 1
	["Carpenter's Pride"] = {
		Description = "A brooch imbued with a Carpenter's spirit.<br>Helps raise your carpentry skills faster.",
		Rarity = 5,
		Usable = { "All" },
		SkillLvl = 0,
		Stat1 = D,
		Stat1Value = 1,
		Stat2 = M,
		Stat2Value = 1,
		Special = "Carpenter skill growth x2",
		Sold = "3 "..G,
		Sell = 10,
		Type = T,
		Subtype = 'Brooches',
		DLC = 1
	["Tailor's Pride"] = {
		Description = "A brooch imbued with the spirit of a Tailor.<br>Helps raise your sewing skills faster.",
		Rarity = 5,
		Usable = { "All" },
		SkillLvl = 0,
		Stat1 = D,
		Stat1Value = 1,
		Stat2 = M,
		Stat2Value = 1,
		Special = "Tailor skill growth x2",
		Sold = "3 "..G,
		Sell = 10,
		Type = T,
		Subtype = 'Brooches',
		DLC = 1
	["Alchemist's Pride"] = {
		Description = "A brooch imbued with an Alchemist's spirit.<br>Helps raise your alchemy skills faster.",
		Rarity = 5,
		Usable = { "All" },
		SkillLvl = 0,
		Stat1 = D,
		Stat1Value = 1,
		Stat2 = M,
		Stat2Value = 1,
		Special = "Alchemist skill growth x2",
		Sold = "3 "..G,
		Sell = 10,
		Type = T,
		Subtype = 'Brooches',
		DLC = 1
	-- Broochs END --
	["Plushling Backpack"] = {
		Description = "Backpack in a style that's all the rage among<br>Plushlings. Well-balanced and handy.",
		Rarity = 5,
		Usable = { "All" },
		SkillLvl = 10,
		Stat1 = D,
		Stat1Value = 10,
		Stat2 = M,
		Stat2Value = 8,
		Special = "Item drop ++++",
		Sold = B,
		Sell = 10,
		Type = T,
		DLC = 1
return Data