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Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Gear/Bows/Data/doc

-- Bows Data
local T = "[[Weapons|Weapon]] ([[Bows|Bow]])"
local S = "[[Archery Skill]]"
local A = "Attack"
local P = "------"
local C = "[[Carpenter]]"
local H = " (High Level)"

local Data =
	["Hunter's Bow"] = {
		Description = "A beginner's bow. More pea shooter than bow.",
		Rarity = 0,
		Usable = { "All" },
		Skill = S,
		SkillLvl = 1,
		Stat1 = A,
		Stat1Value = 4,
		Special = P,
		Sold = 400,
		Sell = 10,
		Type = T
	["Oak Bow"] = { 
		Description = "A bow made of oak. Nice and sturdy for lining up those all-important shots.",
		Rarity = 0,
		Usable = { "All" },
		Skill = S,
		SkillLvl = 1,
		Atat1 = A,
		Stat1Value = 8,
		Special = P,
		CraftClass = C,
		CraftRank = "Fledgling",
		Ingredients = { "[[Oak Beam]]", "[[Straw Thread]]" },
		Amount = { 2, 2 },
		Exp = 10,
		Sold = 1200,
		Sell = 400,
		Type = T
	["Pine Bow"] = {
		Description = "A bow made of pine wood. While well-made, it takes considerable strength to use.",
		Rarity = 1,
		Usable = { "All" },
		Skill = S,
		SkillLvl = 2,
		Stat1 = A,
		Stat1Value = 12,
		Special = P,
		CraftClass = C,
		CraftRank = "Apprentice",
		Ingredients = { "[[Pine Beam]]", "[[Straw Thread]]", "[[Animal Hide]]" },
		Amount = { 2, 2, 1 },
		Exp = 15,
		Sold = 1800,
		Sell = 1000,
		Type = T
	["Palm Bow"] = {
		Description = "A sturdy bow made of palm wood. It can take some getting used to, but it's worth it.",
		Rarity = 2,
		Usable = { "All" },
		Skill = S,
		SkillLvl = 2,
		Stat1 = A,
		Stat1Value = 17,
		Special = P,
		CraftClass = C,
		CraftRank = "Apprentice",
		Ingredients = { "[[Palm Beam]]", "[[Silk Thread]]", "[[Animal Hide]]" },
		Amount = { 2, 2, 1 },
		Exp = 25,
		Sold = 2400,
		Sell = 1100,
		Type = T
	["Sugar Bow"] = {
		Description = "A bow made of sugar wood. A nicely balanced bow.",
		Rarity = 3,
		Usable = { "All" },
		Skill = S,
		SkillLvl = 3,
		Stat1 = A,
		Stat1Value = 22,
		Special = P,
		CraftClass = C,
		CraftRank = "Adept",
		Ingredients = { "[[Sugar Beam]]", "[[Flax Thread]]", "[[Monster Hide]]" },
		Amount = { 2, 2, 1 },
		Exp = 65,
		Sold = 4800,
		Sell = 2400,
		Type = T
	["Orca Bow"] = {
		Description = "A mighty bow that shoots arrows like jets<br>from a whale's blowhole. Quite the rarity!",
		Rarity = 4,
		Usable = { "Hunter" },
		Skill = S,
		SkillLvl = 4,
		Stat1 = A,
		Stat1Value = 28,
		Special = "Water element +",
		CraftClass = C,
		CraftRank = "Expert"..H,
		Ingredients = { "[[Mangrove Beam]]", "[[Marine Thread]]", "[[Vivid Coral]]" },
		Amount = { 2, 2, 2 },
		Exp = 130,
		Sold = 12000,
		Sell =3700,
		Type = T
	["Flaming Bow"] = {
		Description = "A bow infused with a phoenix's flame.<br>With this, you'll never be down and out!",
		Rarity = 4,
		Usable = { "Hunter" },
		Skill = S,
		SkillLvl = 5,
		Stat1 = A,
		Stat1Value = 34,
		Special = "Fire element +",
		CraftClass = C,
		CraftRank = "Master"..H,
		Ingredients = { "[[Fire Beam]]", "[[Pink Silk Thread]]", "[[Rainbow Feather]]" },
		Amount = { 2, 2, 1 },
		Exp = 200,
		Sold = 15000,
		Sell = 11000,
		Type = T
	["Wyvern's Breath"] = {
		Description = "A bow that possesses the power of dragons.<br>Its power is akin to that of a wyvern's breath.",
		Rarity = 4,
		Usable = { "Hunter" },
		Skill = S,
		SkillLvl = 6,
		Stat1 = A,
		Stat1Value = 42,
		Special = P,
		CraftClass = C,
		CraftRank = "God"..H,
		Ingredients = { "[[Skytree Beam]]", "[[Starry Thread]]", "[[Coal-Black Feather]]" },
		Amount = { 2, 2, 2 },
		Exp = 200,
		Sold = 24000,
		Sell = 10500,
		Type = T
	["Forest Bow"] = {
		Description = "A sacred bow that may only be wielded by<br>those chosen by the forest itself.",
		Rarity = 5,
		Usable = { "Hunter" },
		Skill = S,
		SkillLvl = 7,
		Stat1 = A,
		Stat1Value = 50,
		Special = "Dexterity +10",
		CraftClass = C,
		CraftRank = "God"..H,
		Ingredients = { "[[Divine Beam]]", "[[Millennial Branch]]", "[[Ancient Nuts]]" },
		Amount = { 2, 1, 2 },
		Exp = "",
		Sold = "N/A",
		Sell = 6900,
		Type = T
	["Wyvern Bow"] = {
		Description = "A bow created in ancient times. Grants the<br>wielder the power of a mighty Wyvern.",
		Rarity = 5,
		Usable = { "All" },
		Skill = S,
		SkillLvl = 8,
		Stat1 = A,
		Stat1Value = 54,
		Special = "Battle EXP + (+10%)",
		CraftClass = C,
		CraftRank = "God-in-Training",
		Ingredients = { "[[Divine Beam]]", "[[Rainbow Mana]]", "[[Gigaga String]]" },
		Amount = { 2, 1, 1 },
		Exp = 600,
		Sold = 36000,
		Sell = 12400,
		Type = T
	["Destiny Bow"] = {
		Description = "Holds the power to alter the wielder's fate. It can turn the battle in your favour.",
		Rarity = 5,
		Usable = { "Hunter" },
		Skill = S,
		SkillLvl = 10,
		Stat1 = A,
		Stat1Value = 62,
		Special = "Critical rate +++",
		CraftClass = C,
		CraftRank = "Hero"..H,
		Ingredients = { "[[Skytree Beam]]", "[[Starry Thread]]", "[[Unknown Life Form]]" },
		Amount = { 2, 2, 1 },
		Exp = 260,
		Sold = "N/A",
		Sell = 6000,
		Type = T
	["Hermes' Bow"] = {
		Description = "A bow created millennia ago. Its arrows cut<br>through air like a hot knife through butter.",
		Rarity = 5,
		Usable = { "All" },
		Skill = S,
		SkillLvl = 12,
		Stat1 = A,
		Stat1Value = 58,
		Special = "Wind element +++",
		CraftClass = C,
		CraftRank = "God-in-Training"..H,
		Ingredients = { "[[Gigaga Beam]]", "[[Yggdrasil Branch]]", "[[Crab Shell]]" },
		Amount = { 2, 1, 3 },
		Exp = 1500,
		Sold = "N/A",
		Sell = "??" ,
		Type = T
	["Leo's Bow"] = {
		Description = "A bow used by Leo. Each arrow cuts through the sky like a shooting star.",
		Rarity = 5,
		Usable = { "All" },
		Skill = S,
		SkillLvl = 12,
		Stat1 = A,
		Stat1Value = 102,
		Special = "S. Skill charge rate +25%",
		Sold = "N/A",
		Sell = 10,
		Type = T
	["Heartbreaker"] = {
		Description = "A bow that can destroy the very hearts of its enemies, or even the wielder themselves.",
		Rarity = 5,
		Usable = { "Hunter" },
		Skill = S,
		SkillLvl = 15,
		Stat1 = A,
		Stat1Value = 72,
		Special = "Earth element +++",
		CraftClass = C,
		CraftRank = "God-in-Training"..H,
		Ingredients = { "[[Gigaga Beam]]", "[[Giga Gigaga Log]]", "[[Giant Beast's Horn]]" },
		Amount = { 2, 1, 1 },
		Exp = 1800,
		Sold = "N/A",
		Sell = 14000,
		Type = T
	["Thunderstrike Bow"] = {
		Description = "A bow that harnesses the power of storms. Rains down arrows with deadly precision.",
		Rarity = 5,
		Usable = { "Hunter" },
		Skill = S,
		SkillLvl = 15,
		Stat1 = A,
		Stat1Value = 80,
		Special = "Special skill damage +",
		CraftClass = C,
		CraftRank = "God"..H,
		Ingredients = { "[[Divine Beam]]", "[[Giant Divine Log]]", "[[Mythical Beast's Scales]]" },
		Amount = { 2, 1, 1 },
		Exp = "",
		Sold = "N/A",
		Sell = "?",
		Type = T
	["Spirit King's Bow"] = {
		Description = "An ancient bow from the Elderwood. Personal armament of the Spirit King.",
		Rarity = 5,
		Usable = { "All" },
		Skill = S,
		SkillLvl = 15,
		Stat1 = A,
		Stat1Value = 120,
		Special = "Attack +30",
		Sold = "N/A",
		Sell = 10,
		Type = T
return Data