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Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Gear/Daggers/Data/doc

-- Daggers Data
local T = "[[Weapons|Weapon]] ([[Daggers|Dagger]])"
local S = "[[Dagger Skill]]"
local A = "Attack"
local P = "------"
local C = "[[Blacksmith]]"
local H = " (High Level)"

local Data =
	["Novice's Dagger"] = {
		Description = "A beginner's dagger.<br>Not much, but better than nothing.",
		Rarity = 0,
		Usable = { "All" },
		Skill = S,
		SkillLvl = 1,
		Stat1 = A,
		Stat1Value = 4,
		Special = P,
		Sold = 200,
		Sell = 10,
		Type = T
	["Bronze Dagger"] = {
		Description = "A dagger made of bronze.<br>Suitable for adventurers from all walks of Life!",
		Rarity = 0,
		Usable = { "All" },
		Skill = S,
		SkillLvl = 1,
		Stat1 = A,
		Stat1Value = 8,
		Special = P,
		CraftClass = C,
		CraftRank = "Fledgling",
		Ingredients = { "[[Bronze Ingot]]", "[[Dandelion Cotton]]" },
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Sold = 580,
		Sell = 210,
		Type = T
	["Iron Dagger"] = {
		Japanese = "鉄の短剣",
		Description = "A durable dagger made of iron. Its blade is extremely sharp, so be extra careful!",
		Rarity = 1,
		Usable = { "All" },
		Skill = S,
		SkillLvl = 2,
		Stat1 = A,
		Stat1Value = 12,
		Special = P,
		CraftClass = C,
		CraftRank = "Apprentice",
		Ingredients = { "[[Iron Ingot]]", "[[Wool]]" },
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Sold = 640,
		Sell = 550,
		Type = T
	["Silver Dagger"] = {
		Description = "A dagger made of silver. Monsters' natural aversion to silver makes it a reliable weapon.",
		Rarity = 2,
		Usable = { "All" },
		Skill = S,
		SkillLvl = 3,
		Stat1 = A,
		Stat1Value = 16,
		Special = P,
		CraftClass = C,
		CraftRank = "Adept",
		Ingredients = { "[[Silver Ingot]]", "[[Silk]]" },
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Sold = 2000,
		Sell = 1000,
		Type = T
	["Gold Dagger"] = {
		Description = "A dagger made of gold. Its gaudy looks can make even the toughest monster cringe.",
		Rarity = 3,
		Usable = { "All" },
		Skill = S,
		SkillLvl = 4,
		Stat1 = A,
		Stat1Value = 22,
		Special = P,
		CraftClass = C,
		CraftRank = "Expert",
		Ingredients = { "[[Gold Ingot]]", "[[Sunny Cotton]]" },
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Sold = 3000,
		Sell = 1350,
		Type = T
	["Rogue's Dagger"] = {
		Description = 'Loved by "treasure hunters" for its lightness.<br>Very reliable when... "procuring" treasure.',
		Rarity = 4,
		Usable = { "All" },
		Skill = S,
		SkillLvl = 6,
		Stat1 = A,
		Stat1Value = 30,
		Special = "Wind element +",
		CraftClass = C,
		CraftRank = "Expert"..H,
		Ingredients = { "[[Platinum Ingot]]", "[[Rainbow Feather]]", "[[Monster Hide]]" },
		Amount = { 1, 1, 1 },
		Sold = "N/A",
		Sell = 4600,
		Type = T
	["Ancient Dagger"] = {
		Description = "A dagger from a bygone age. Imbued with<br>the rarest of ancient powers!",
		Rarity = 5,
		Usable = { "All" },
		Skill = S,
		SkillLvl = 8,
		Stat1 = A,
		Stat1Value = 34,
		Special = "Battle EXP + (+10%)",
		CraftClass = C,
		CraftRank = "God-in-Training",
		Ingredients = { "[[Ancient Ingot]]", "[[Ancient Stone]]", "[[Golden Droppings]]" },
		Amount = { 1, 1, 1 },
		Sold = 28000,
		Sell = 5600,
		Type = T
	["Dungeon Truncheon"] = {
		Description = "A dagger used by the royal guard. It has helped send many a villain to the dungeons!",
		Rarity = 5,
		Usable = { "All" },
		Skill = S,
		SkillLvl = 12,
		Stat1 = A,
		Stat1Value = 40,
		Special = "May stun enemy",
		CraftClass = C,
		CraftRank = "God-in-Training",
		Ingredients = { "[[Demonic Ingot]]", "[[Rare Metal]]", "[[Divine Powder]]" },
		Amount = { 1, 3, 1 },
		Sold = "N/A",
		Sell = 18000,
		Type = T
	["Laura's Dagger"] = {
		Description = "A dagger given to Laura by King Erik. It has a very lightweight and slim design.",
		Rarity = 5,
		Usable = { "All" },
		Skill = S,
		SkillLvl = 12,
		Stat1 = A,
		Stat1Value = 42,
		Special = "S. Skill charge rate +25%",
		Sold = "N/A",
		Sell = 10,
		Type = T
	["Demonic Dagger"] = {
		Description = "A dagger possessed by a sinister darkness. It mercilessly consumes all light around it.",
		Rarity = 5,
		Usable = { "All" },
		Skill = S,
		SkillLvl = 15,
		Stat1 = A,
		Stat1Value = 46,
		Special = "May badly poison enemy",
		CraftClass = C,
		CraftRank = "God-in-Training"..H,
		Ingredients = { "[[Demonic Ingot]]", "[[Vile Claws]]", "[[Evil Claws]]" },
		Amount = { 1, 1, 1 },
		Sold = "N/A",
		Sell = 20000,
		Type = T
	["Divine Dagger"] = {
		Description = "A dagger blessed by the gods. This dagger penetrates darkness better than any torch!",
		Rarity = 5,
		Usable = { "All" },
		Skill = S,
		SkillLvl = 15,
		Stat1 = A,
		Stat1Value = 50,
		Special = "Friendship growth rate +",
		CraftClass = C,
		CraftRank = "God",
		Ingredients = { "[[Ancient Ingot]]", "[[Protection Stone +]]", "[[Lifeforce Cluster]]" },
		Amount = { 1, 1, 1 },
		Sold = "N/A",
		Sell = 16000,
		Type = T
return Data