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Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Gear/Saws/Data/doc

-- Saws Data
local T = "[[Tools|Tool]] ([[Saws|Saw]])"
local S = "[[Carpentry]]"
local A = "Carpentry"
local P = "------"
local C = "[[Carpenter]]"
local H = " (High Level)"

local Data =
	["Makeshift Saw"] = {
		Description = "Saw for beginners. Shows signs of rusting.",
		Rarity = 0,
		Usable = { "All" },
		Skill = S,
		SkillLvl = 1,
		Stat1 = A,
		Stat1Value = 6,
		Special = P,
		Sold = 400,
		Sell = 10,
		Type = T
	["Oak Saw"] = {
		Description = "Saw with a handle made of oak. Not terrible, not great.",
		Rarity = 0,
		Usable = { "All" },
		Skill = S,
		SkillLvl = 1,
		Stat1 = A,
		Stat1Value = 9,
		Special = P,
		CraftClass = C,
		CraftRank = "Fledgling",
		Ingredients = { "[[Oak Beam]]", "[[Bronze Ingot]]", "[[Animal Hide]]" },
		Amount = { 1, 1, 1 },
		Exp = 10,
		Sold = 1100,
		Sell = 440,
		Type = T
	["Pine Saw"] = {
		Description = "Saw with a handle made from pine. Easy on the hands, tough on the wood.",
		Rarity = 1,
		Usable = { "All" },
		Skill = S,
		SkillLvl = 2,
		Stat1 = A,
		Stat1Value = 12,
		Special = P,
		CraftClass = C,
		CraftRank = "Apprentice",
		Ingredients = { "[[Pine Beam]]", "[[Iron Ingot]]", "[[Animal Hide]]" },
		Amount = { 1, 1, 1 },
		Exp = 15,
		Sold = 1980,
		Sell = 800,
		Type = T
	["Palm Saw"] = {
		Description = "Saw with a handle made from palm. Loved by Carpenters far and wide.",
		Rarity = 2,
		Usable = { "All" },
		Skill = S,
		SkillLvl = 3,
		Stat1 = A,
		Stat1Value = 16,
		Special = "Higher quality rate +1%",
		CraftClass = C,
		CraftRank = "Apprentice",
		Ingredients = { "[[Palm Beam]]", "[[Silver Ingot]]", "[[Beast Hide]]" },
		Amount = { 1, 1, 1 },
		Exp = 25,
		Sold = 3190,
		Sell = 1640,
		Type = T
	["Sugar Saw"] = {
		Description = "A saw with a handle made from sugar wood. Responds to even delicate movements.",
		Rarity = 3,
		Usable = { "All" },
		Skill = S,
		SkillLvl = 4,
		Stat1 = A,
		Stat1Value = 20,
		Special = P,
		CraftClass = C,
		CraftRank = "Adept",
		Ingredients = { "[[Sugar Beam]]", "[[Gold Ingot]]", "[[Ruby]]" },
		Amount = { 1, 1, 1 },
		Exp = 65,
		Sold = 5280,
		Sell = 3850,
		Type = T
	["Royal Saw"] = {
		Description = "Saw once used by the King of Castele. Said to have been used on castle DIY.",
		Rarity = 3,
		Usable = { "All" },
		Skill = S,
		SkillLvl = 5,
		Stat1 = A,
		Stat1Value = 24,
		Special = P,
		CraftClass = C,
		CraftRank = "Expert"..H,
		Ingredients = { "[[Fir Beam]]", "[[Platinum Ingot]]", "[[Amethyst]]" },
		Amount = { 1, 1, 1 },
		Exp = 130,
		Sold = 8800,
		Sell = 3600,
		Type = T
	["Sea Saw"] = {
		Description = "A saw believed to be used by shipbuilders. If it's enough for a boat, it's fine for you.",
		Rarity = 3,
		Usable = { "All" },
		Skill = S,
		SkillLvl = 6,
		Stat1 = A,
		Stat1Value = 30,
		Special = "Higher quality rate +5%",
		CraftClass = C,
		CraftRank = "Master"..H,
		Ingredients = { "[[Water Beam]]", "[[Giant Tree Nuts]]", "[[Sapphire]]" },
		Amount = { 2, 1, 1 },
		Exp = 200,
		Sold = 14300,
		Sell = 9000,
		Type = T
	["Gold Saw"] = {
		Description = "Saw made from dazzling gold. Raises the quality of items produced with it.",
		Rarity = 4,
		Usable = { "All" },
		Skill = S,
		SkillLvl = 7,
		Stat1 = A,
		Stat1Value = 36,
		Special = "Higher quality rate +20%",
		CraftClass = C,
		CraftRank = "Master"..H,
		Ingredients = { "[[Fire Beam]]", "[[Gold Ingot]]", "[[Star Cluster]]" },
		Amount = { 2, 2, 2 },
		Exp = 200,
		Sold = 20800,
		Sell = 12500,
		Type = T
	["Ancient Saw"] = {
		Description = "Saw made from reptillian materials. Radiates with pure power.",
		Rarity = 4,
		Usable = { "All" },
		Skill = S,
		SkillLvl = 8,
		Stat1 = A,
		Stat1Value = 44,
		Special = P,
		CraftClass = C,
		CraftRank = "God-in-Training"..H,
		Ingredients = { "[[Earth Beam]]", "[[Big Tail]]", "[[Little Tail]]" },
		Amount = { 2, 2, 2 },
		Exp = 200,
		Sold = 28000,
		Sell = 11000,
		Type = T
	["Master Saw"] = {
		Description = "Saw passed down by famous Carpenters. Just brimming with cutting power!",
		Rarity = 5,
		Usable = { "Carpenter" },
		Skill = S,
		SkillLvl = 11,
		Stat1 = A,
		Stat1Value = 54,
		Special = "Higher quality rate +25%",
		CraftClass = C,
		CraftRank = "God"..H,
		Ingredients = { "[[Starry Beam]]", "[[Ancient Fang]]", "[[Wild Antler]]" },
		Amount = { 2, 1, 1 },
		Exp = 200,
		Sold = "N/A",
		Sell = 13000,
		Type = T
	["Gigaga Saw"] = {
		Description = "Saw created in ancient times. Contains the power of the Fluffkin.",
		Rarity = 5,
		Usable = { "All" },
		Skill = S,
		SkillLvl = 12,
		Stat1 = A,
		Stat1Value = 50,
		Special = "Crafting time limit +",
		CraftClass = C,
		CraftRank = "God-in-Training",
		Ingredients = { "[[Gigaga Beam]]", "[[Rainbow Mana]]", "[[Cruel Fang]]" },
		Amount = { 2, 1, 1 },
		Exp = 600,
		Sold = 49000,
		Sell = 12400,
		Type = T,
		DLC = 1
	["Plume Saw"] = {
		Description = "Saw blessed by the gods. Literally flies through wood!",
		Rarity = 5,
		Usable = { "All" },
		Skill = S,
		SkillLvl = 13,
		Stat1 = A,
		Stat1Value = 65,
		Special = "Crafting S. Skill rate +25%",
		CraftClass = C,
		CraftRank = "God-in-Training"..H,
		Ingredients = { "[[Gigaga Beam]]", "[[Rainbow Mana +]]", "[[Exquisite Feather]]" },
		Amount = { 2, 1, 1 },
		Exp = 1500,
		Sold = "N/A",
		Sell = 13000,
		Type = T,
		DLC = 1
	["Solar Saw"] = {
		Description = "Saw containing the power of the sun. Guaranteed to brighten the user's day!",
		Rarity = 5,
		Usable = { "Carpenter" },
		Skill = S,
		SkillLvl = 15,
		Stat1 = A,
		Stat1Value = 70,
		Special = "Higher quality rate +30%",
		CraftClass = C,
		CraftRank = "God"..H,
		Ingredients = { "[[Divine Beam]]", "[[Giant Divine Log]]", "[[Sun Cluster]]" },
		Amount = { 2, 1, 5 },
		Exp = 1800,
		Sold = "N/A",
		Sell = 16000,
		Type = T,
		DLC = 1
return Data