Special Attacks: Mercenary

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A mercenary is able to do a series of various attacks. Some of these moves are triggered by button chains, others are done by charging a certain button, and lastly, some are triggered through full skill bars.

List of Chain button attacks:

-Left swing: tap the A button once

-Right swing: tap the A button twice

-Cleaver: tap the A button again after right swing

-Cross Cut: tap the A button after cleaver

-Hurricane: tap A during cross cut

-Tornado Shot: tap A after cross cut

List of charged attacks:

-Charge Swing: hold the A button while moving forward

-Victory Shot: tap the A button after charge attack

-Axel Swing: tap A after victory shot

-Home-Run Swing: tap A after axel swing

-Full Swing: charge and release the A button

-Heavy Swing: chase and release the A button twice as long as for Full Swing

Shockwave: press and hold the X button

Super Shockwave: press and hold X for twice the duration of Shockwave

List of fully charged bars attacks:

-Earthquake: press X when your skill bar is fully charged.

-Volcano: (for master levels and up) press X with a full skill bar

-Big Bang: (Creator level only) press X with a full skill bar

-Creator Ability: Berserker: Special skill bar filled twice: Press X