Tale of Lunares - Part 2

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The Princess and the Dragon

The player wakes up and goes to check the mailbox only to discover a letter with an apple motif from an unknown sender begging for help. "Please...help me. I'm waiting in the castle. Please, come quickly!"

Flutter and the player head to the castle and inside they are stopped by the minister. The minister begins sweating upon hearing the news of the apple motif letter but he denies that his sudden change in composure relates to the note. He allows the player to continue through to look around the castle. When the duo proceed, they briefly overhear a conversation between Erik, Hughes, and Mustang. The men appear to be discussing matters relating to a child. The men are startled by the unexpected arrival of the player and the butterfly. Erik, amused of the talking butterfly, decides to hear out what the duo has to say. The men are all shocked to hear that the duo received a letter which was written on apple-motif stationery. Mustang takes his leave as Hughes asks the player to go as well since the king has matters to attend to.

The player seeks the minister again to try to dig up more information. The minister asks if the duo have come across a "lively young boy". Flutter acknowledges that they have come across such an individual.

The minister pulls aside one of the paladins and asks for his help with a riddle which he has been stumped on. "Picture an apple. Two worms are guarding it. One on the LEFT and one on the RIGHT. How does the apple feel?" The paladin doesn't understand what the minister is hinting at. The minister then says, "If you want to know how the apple FEELS, you must sneak BY the worms, and MEET the apple." He invites the other paladin guard to listen to his "riddle". Flutter and the player take the hint. The player sneaks past the guards and enters the left door which leads to Castele Castle's Inner Garden.

--to be continued--