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Why was the darker background on the challenge rank separations removed? I personally found them easier to read before the change. It would be good to agree/decide on which one to use so we can have the same style across all of the pages.

Paranoodle (talk) 09:16, October 1, 2014 (UTC)

I think I messed up the formatting. Feel free to change it back!

Reub (talk) 09:23, October 1, 2014 (UTC)


Can we have some consensus on the Job name, to prevent 'edit wars' (not necessarily malicious, of course). It's 'Magician' in the EU version, and 'Wizard' in the US one. People are going to end up changing them back and forth thinking the other is wrong. TeamUnity (talk) 23:55, November 2, 2014 (UTC)

Formatting issues

I just moved some information about playing the class to the bottom of the page in its own category.  If you check the source text, I clearly put a command for a heading reading "Playing a Magician" above that series of information, but it refuses to display.  I did some poking around and it will display properly if I put it ABOVE the charts in the article and if I use a different type of heading.  Only the main heading refuses to work.  I imagine it has something to do with the chart itself and the text wrapping - my heading might be there, but sitting underneath the chart or something.  If anyone finds anything out about how to fix that, please do!  If we can't, we might need to reformat the whole page by either the charts or the system of headings.

Jinxitor (talk) 02:08, November 9, 2014 (UTC)

I've applied a temp fix and isolated the nature of the problem. For the time being the "how to play" has just been moved above the Challenges section. The problem seems to be occuring from the Table Type. The style for the Challenges table is set to "Float" which makes it look very nice and pretty, but also causes it to "float" in-line with text. Disabling Float allows for the "how to play" text to be formatted better, but results in a narrow, ugly table. I'm looking into alternatives, but for now this was the best I could do.
Sabeta Sama (talk) 06:04, November 9, 2014 (UTC)

Switching Between Magic Elements

I cannot figure out how to switch between the different elements. I have been using fire for so long and I want to use the other magic powers, but I don't know how. Somebody help me! Ugh. Lol... 01:36, December 14, 2014 (UTC)Carly