Template:Angler Challenges

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Angler Challenges

Challenge Instructions Stars
Fledgling Fisherman
(Fishing for a New Master)
Prove your skills to the Fisherman Sage by learning the art of fishing. 100

Challenge Instructions Stars
Lightning Reflexes
(Counter Hook!)
Use Counter Hook (Press (A) the moment the fish swallows the lure) 10 times. 30
My First Catch
(First Batch of Fish)
Catch 5 Castele Crucians, commonly found in waters around Castele. 30
Castele Crucian Expert
(Crucian Expert)
Catch 10 Castele Crucians, commonly found in waters around Castele. 50
Carpe Diem, Carpe...Carp!
(Your First Carp)
Catch a Castele Carp, sometimes found in waters around Castele. 30
Proficient Carp Catcher
(A Haul of Carp)
Catch 5 Castele Carp, sometimes found in waters around Castele. 50
Sweet Grassy Plains
(Your First Sweetfish)
Catch a Plains Sweetfish, commonly found in the Grassy Plains area. 30
Sweeter Grassy Plains
(School of Sweetfish)
Catch 5 Plains Sweetfish, commonly found in the Grassy Plains area. 50
As Tasty as Decorative
(What a Trophy!)
Catch the rare Ornamental Carp, said to inhabit Castele waters. (unlock by speaking to Issac) 50
One of your Five-a-Day?
(A Juicy Catch)
Catch an Applefish on the Grassy Plains. 50

Challenge Instructions Stars
Skilful Fishing
(Pull It Quickly)
Successfully use Quick Pull ((X) charged attack) 10 times while fishing. 50
Wriggly and Slippery
(Your First Eel)
Catch a Plains Eel, sometimes found in the waters of the West Grassy Plains. 50
Wrigglier and More Slippery
(An Armful of Eels)
Catch 5 Plains Eel, sometimes found in the waters of the West Grassy Plains. 70
Forest Fishing
(Your First Elderwood Trout)
Catch an Elderwood Trout, commonly found in the Elderwood. 50
Forest Fishing Frenzy
(A Haul of Elderwood Trout)
Catch 5 Elderwood Trout, commonly found in the Elderwood. 70
These Whiskers Tickle!
(Your First Catfish)
Catch a Catfish, commonly found in Haniwa Cave. 50
Here, Kitty, Kitty!
(A Cache of Catfish)
Catch 5 Catfish, commonly found in Haniwa Cave. 70
At the End of the Rainbow is...
(The Rare Rainbow)
Catch a rare Rainbow Trout, said to appear in Elderwood waters. 80
The Finest Forest Catch
(Lord of the Forest)
Catch a rare Forest Lordfish, said to appear in the Elderwood, then cash in the Bounty as an Angler. (unlock by speaking to Fisherman Sage) 150

Challenge Instructions Stars
Scrumptious Puerto Bream
(First Puerto Bream)
Catch a Puerto Bream, sometimes found in waters around Port Puerto or Tortuga Archipelago. 50
Brimming with Breams Catch 5 Puerto Breams, sometimes found in waters around Port Puerto or Tortuga Archipelago. 80
Yarr! Catch the ultra-rare Pirate Carp, rumored to inhabit waters around Port Puerto. 120
Small Fry of the Sea Catch a Sardine, commonly found in waters around Port Puerto. 80
A Big Catch of... Small Fry
(Big Catch of Small Fry)
Catch 5 Sardines, commonly found in waters around Port Puerto. 120
Can Feed a Village for a Week
(Tuna Surprise)
Catch a rare Tuna, said to appear in waters around Tortuga Archipelago. 120
Dream of Flying
(First Flying Fish)
Catch a Flying Fish, sometimes found in waters around Tortuga Archipelago. 80
Silver Wing Squad
(Squadron of Fish)
Catch 5 Flying Fish, sometimes found in waters around Tortuga Archipelago. 120
Deadly but Delicious
(First Puffer Fish)
Catch a Pufferfish, sometimes found in waters around Tortuga Archipelago. 80
Puffing Up with Pride
(Payload of Puffers)
Catch 5 Pufferfish, sometimes found in waters around Tortuga Archipelago. 120
Red-Hot Redgill
(First Redgill)
Catch a Redgill, commonly found swimming in molten lava, deep in the bowels of Mount Snowpeak. 80
Finger-Burning Redgills Catch 5 Redgills, commonly found swimming in molten lava, deep in the bowels of Mount Snowpeak. 120
Lava-Loving Prawns
(First Lava Prawn)
Catch a Lava Prawn, sometimes found swimming in molten lava, deep in the bowels of Mount Snowpeak. 80
Lava-Loving Prawn Party
(Scalded Prawns)
Catch 5 Lava Prawns, sometimes found swimming in molten lava, deep in the bowels of Mount Snowpeak. 120
Scorching Catch Catch a rare Magmafish, said to appear in molten lava, deep in the bowels of Mount Snowpeak. 120
Ready Your Sword
(Draw Your Sword)
As an Angler, catch a Swordfish on Tortuga Archipelago, then cash in the Bounty. (unlock by speaking to Seabury) 300
Heated Battle
(Torched Tuna)
As an Angler, catch a rare Volcanic Tuna in the Lava Cave on Mt Snowpeak, then cash in the Bounty. 250

Challenge Instructions Stars
Fish Spotting
(Extra Focused)
Use Focused Pull ((X) supercharged attack) Successfully 10 times while fishing. 100
Sand-dwelling Fish
(First Sandfish)
Catch a Sandfish, commonly found in the Aridian Desert. 100
A School of Sandfish Catch 5 Sandfish, commonly found in the Aridian Desert. 150
Dark as Night
(First Black Bass)
Catch a Black Bass, commonly found around Al Maajik and the Subterranean Lake. 100
The Desert Shadow
(Bundle of Bass)
Catch 5 Black Bass, commonly found around Al Maajik and the Subterranean Lake. 150
Drought-Resistant Fish
(First Desert Tuna)
Catch a rare Desert Tuna, said to appear in the Aridian Desert. 100
Parched Tuna Catcher
(Duneful of Tuna)
Catch 5 Desert Tuna, said to live in the Aridian Desert. 150
Squiggly Squid
(First Squid)
Catch a Squid, commonly found in the Nautilus Cave or Deepsea Cave. 100
Tentacular Adventure
(Squid Quidtuple)
Catch 5 Squid, commonly found in the Nautilus Cave or Deepsea Cave. 150
Craving Prawn
(First Prawn)
Catch a Prawn, commonly found in the Nautilus Cave or Deepsea Cave. 100
Craving More Prawns
(Plenty of Prawns)
Catch 5 Prawns, commonly found in the Nautilus Cave or the Deepsea Cave. 150
Ice Fishing
(First Smelt)
Catch a Smelt, commonly found on the summit of Mount Snowpeak. 100
Freezing Cold
(Melting Smelts)
Catch 5 Smelt, commonly found on the summit of Mount Snowpeak. 150
Cool Cephalopod
(First Icy Squid)
Catch a rare Icy Squid, inhabiting cold waters on the summit of Mount Snowpeak. 100
Chilly Cepahlopods
(Putting Squid on Ice)
Catch 5 rare Icy Squid, inhabiting cold waters on the summit of Mount Snowpeak. 150
Icy Touch
(Chilly Catch)
Catch a rare Frosty Fish, inhabiting cold waters on the summit of Mount Snowpeak. 150
Sun Protection Catch a rare Parasol Fish, apparently found around Cacto Cove. 150
The Unspoken Evil
(A Vicious Carp)
Catch a rare Evil Carp, menacing the waters in Al Maajik. 150
Coldwater Tuna Time Catch a rare Coldwater Tuna on the summit of Mt Snowpeak, then cash in the Bounty as an Angler. (unlock by speaking to Fisherman Sage) 300
Lord of the Deep Sea As an Angler, Catch a rare Deep Sea Lordfish, sighted in the Deepsea Cave, then cash in the Bounty. (unlock by speaking to Guppy) 400
The Darkness Within Catch a rare Bass of Darkness in the Drysand Desert, then cash in the Bounty as an Angler. (unlock by speaking to Tabitha) 500

Challenge Instructions Stars
First Love Catch a rare Sea Bream of Love, rumored to appear around Cacto Cove. 400
High Voltage
(First Electric Eel)
Catch an Electric Eel, sometimes found in the Subterranean Lake. 150
Electrifying Experience Catch 5 Electric Eels, sometimes found in the Subterranean Lake. 400
Moustached Cave Fish
(First Cave Catfish)
Catch a rare Cave Catfish, sometimes found in the Subterranean Lake. 150
Moustached Fish Family
(Herding Catfish)
Catch 5 rare Cave Catfish, sometimes found in the Subterranean Lake. 250
Go With the Flow
(Keep Going with the Flow)
Successfully use the Go with the Flow Special Skill 10 times while Fishing. 150
Swimming Cactus Catch a rare Cactus Fish, said to inhabit the Aridian Desert sands. (unlock by speaking to Mackerel) 300
Not Really a Fish
(A Flaky Fish)
Catch a rare Sweet Fish Pastry, said to appear in the waters around Cacto Cove. (unlock by speaking to Anchovy) 400
Lord of the Subterranean Lake Catch a rare Bluescale Lordfish in the Subterranean Lake, then cash in the Bounty as an Angler. 600

Challenge Instructions Stars
Levitanian Sardine
(First Sky Sardine)
Catch a Sky Sardine, commonly found in the clouds of Levitania. 200
Levitanian Sardine Squad
(Terra Nimbus Sardine Squad)
Catch 5 Sky Sardines, commonly found in the clouds of Levitania. 400
Like a Balloon
(First Floaty Puffer Fish)
Catch a Floaty Pufferfish, sometimes found in the clouds of Levitania. 200
Light as a Cloud
(Pop Five Floaters)
Catch 5 Floaty Pufferfish, sometimes found in the clouds of Levitania. 400
Worth Its Weight in Gold Catch a rare Golden Swordfish on Tortuga Archipelago, then cash in the Bounty as an Angler. (unlock by speaking to Seabury) 1000
Sky's Not the Limit
(Land a High Flier)
Catch a rare High-Flying Fish on Levitania, then cash in the Bounty as an Angler. (unlock by speaking to Fisherman Sage) 1500

Challenge Instructions Stars
Royal Whiskers Catch 5 Gigaga Catfish, found in Origin Island's Central Grassland. 1500
Living Fossil
(Living Fossils)
Catch 3 rare Fossilfish, said to inhabit waters in Origin Island's Central Grassland. 1500
Angel Kiss Catch 3 Kissylips Angelfish, found on Origin Island's Penguin Beach. 1500
Follow the Rainbow Catch a Rainbow Sunfish, found under the rainbow on Origin Island's Penguin Beach. 1500
Fish Most Evil
(The Wickedest Tuna)
Catch a rare Demonic Tuna on Origin Island's Penguin Beach, then cash in the Bounty as an Angler. 1500
The God of All Fish
(The Creator of All Fish)
Catch a Godfish from Origin Island's Central Grassland, then cash in the Bounty as an Angler. 2500