User blog:Andibad/Random Stuff part 3 - Last

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Well is non-complete stuff about item, include description and price.

see ya!

PS: don't claim this data as yours, so don't forget to give credit to this page, or this wiki or my nickname. no needed credit if is still on this wiki. I just lazy to post these on each page.

Price = Buy (show on shop or on bounty prize), if you sell that item, you will get 50~60 % depend on rarity, quality and extra material on it.

Item Name


Description (English - Eu Version)
Squire's Sword 400 A wooden sword used for training Paladins. More bark than bite.
Bronze Sword 800 A sword made of bronze. Easy to wield but not the strongest sword out there.
Iron Sword 1600 "A heavy iron sword. Looks imposing, but it's actually a pretty common weapon. "
Silver Sword 3600 An easy-to-handle sword made of silver. Perfect for those with some experience.
Gold Sword 5000 A flashy sword made of shiny gold. For those well versed in swordsmanship.
Captain's Sword 9000 A sword used by the Paladin captain himself. Better hope he doesn't catch you with it...
Paladin's Sword 24000 A sword used by Castele's Paladins. It glows with the light of a Paladin's valour.
Maajik Blade 19000 A sword used by Al Maajik's Maajiknights. Perfect for any adventure into the desert.
Azure Rose 10000 A ritual sword used by Port Puerto nobles. An elegant design belies its lethal edge.
Gallant Blade 30000 A sword belonging to a famous swordsman. Its style and strength are unmatched.
Joyeuse 24000 A legendary sword tempered from the finest materials and honed for ultimate strength.
Crystal Sword 16000 A sword that reflects the heart of its wielder. Negativity dulls its usually brilliant glow.
Key Cutter 12000 "Said to be the ""key"" to any monster's heart. If only it opened locked treasure chests... "
Bone Sword 21000 A cursed sword. It is recommended that the wielder take great care in using it.
Adventurer's Sword 30000 "A sword housing the spirit of an adventurer, passed down from generation to generation. "
Custom Bronze Sword 0 A design made popular by the Ironsmith. It's easy to wield and the hottest sword around!
Squire's Sword 400 A sword used by Paladins-in-training. Cannot be sold now.
Novice's Claymore 400 "A beginner's greatsword. Great for training, but not so good against bigger monsters. "
Bronze Claymore 1100 "A greatsword made of bronze. Of reasonable size and weight, if a bit on the weak side. "
Iron Claymore 1800 A heavy greatsword made of iron. A fairly good sword...if you can lift it.
Silver Claymore 3800 Easy-to-handle greatsword made of silver. Suitable for practising those heavy swings.
Gold Claymore 5800 A greatsword made of gold. Its weight gives it a surprising amount of destructive power.
Flamberge 20000 A greatsword of fiery design. Its shape gives it a unique cut all its own.
Arcana Blade 16000 A greatsword imbued with magical power. It fills the wielder with arcane energy.
Demonic Void 34000 "A greatsword teeming with demonic energy. Control it, or it will control you. "
Crescent Blade 44000 A mythical sword of light. Its radiance can vanquish even the darkest of evils.
Giga Buster 56000 A legendary sword made by ancient giants. Said to be mighty enough to split the earth.
Novice's Claymore 400 A beginner's claymore. Cannot be sold now.
Novice's Dagger 200 "A beginner's dagger. Not much, but better than nothing...just. "
Bronze Dagger 580 A dagger made of bronze. Suitable for adventurers from all walks of Life!
Iron Dagger 640 "A durable dagger made of iron. Its blade is extremely sharp, so be extra careful! "
Silver Dagger 2000 A dagger made of silver. Monsters' natural aversion to silver makes it a reliable weapon.
Gold Dagger 3000 A dagger made of gold. Its gaudy looks can make even the toughest monster cringe.
Rogue's Dagger 11000 "Loved by ""treasure hunters"" for its lightness. Very reliable when...""procuring"" treasure. "
Hunter's Bow 400 A beginner's bow. More pea shooter than bow.
Oak Bow 1200 A bow made of oak. Nice and sturdy for lining up those all-important shots.
Pine Bow 1800 "A bow made of pine wood. While well-made, it takes considerable strength to use. "
Palm Bow 2400 "A sturdy bow made of palm wood. It can take some getting used to, but it's worth it. "
Sugar Bow 4800 A bow made of sugar wood. A nicely balanced bow.
Orca Bow 12000 A mighty bow that shoots arrows like jets from a whale's blowhole. Quite the rarity!
Flaming Bow 15000 "A bow infused with a phoenix's flame. With this, you'll never be down and out! "
Wyvern's Breath 24000 A bow that possesses the power of dragons. Its power is akin to that of a wyvern's breath.
Destiny Bow 32000 Holds the power to alter the wielder's fate. It can turn the battle in your favour.
Forest Bow 13800 A sacred bow that may only be wielded by those chosen by the forest itself.
Hunter's Bow 400 A beginner's bow. Cannot be sold now.
Novice's Staff 400 A beginner's magic staff. It's more bark than bite.
Oak Staff 1500 A magic staff made of oak. Its power is nothing to write home about.
Pine Staff 2500 A magic staff made of pine wood. Able to channel the user's magic.
Palm Staff 3500 A magic staff made of palm wood. Its look and feel are well known.
Sugar Staff 5500 A magic staff made of sugar wood. Its shiny finish exudes a magical air.
Mooncrest Staff 12000 "A staff believed to contain the essence of the moon. It exudes a soft, other-worldly glow. "
Star Staff 15000 A staff said to hold the essence of the stars. It shines brightly through the darkness.
Bat Wing Staff 24000 A staff said to house the power of a demon. Stare at it and you might be lost in darkness.
Dragon's Tail 28000 A staff made from a dragon's tail. The dragon's spirit still inhabits the staff.
Purrfection Staff 18000 A staff with a distinctly feline style. This staff is pawsitively the cat's meow!
Staff of Wisdom 32000 An old staff used since the dawn of time. It's said to hold the lives of all its former users.
Serpent Staff 50000 The most sought-after of legendary staffs. Grants the user unparalleled magical power.
Novice's Staff 400 A beginner's magic staff. Cannot be sold now.
Relic Sword 40000 Once used by an ancient sect of Paladins. Crafted using techniques long forgotten.
Blossom Blade 20000 A sword embodying all that is just. Simply looking at it inspires valiant acts of justice!
Rune Sword 46000 A sword with an ominous curse. It steadily consumes the wielder's life force.
Divine Blade 50000 A sword blessed by the gods. It grants the wielder the power of the gods themselves.
Champion's Blade 50000 A sword once used by a champion of old. It is told of in many a Reverian legend.
Crabtastrophe 40000 Houses the rage of the goddess Cancer. Add butter for a deliciously deadly weapon!
Berserker's Rage 54000 "Said to send the wielder into a blind fury. Be it demon or god, none will escape your rage! "
Lunares Blade 56000 A claymore blessed by the gods. It holds the power of all who have ever wielded it.
Ancient Dagger 28000 A dagger from a bygone age. Imbued with the rarest of ancient powers!
Dungeon Truncheon 36000 A baton used by the royal guard. It has helped send many a villain to the dungeons!
Demonic Dagger 40000 A dagger possessed by a sinister darkness. It mercilessly consumes all light around it.
Divine Dagger 32000 A dagger blessed by the gods. This dagger penetrates darkness better than any torch!
Wyvern Bow 36000 A bow created in ancient times. Grants the wielder the power of a mighty wyvern.
Hermes' Bow 24000 A bow created millennia ago. Its arrows cut through air like a hot knife through butter.
Heartbreaker 28000 "A bow that can destroy the very hearts of its enemies, or even the wielder themselves. "
Thunderstrike Bow 40000 A bow that harnesses the power of storms. Rains down arrows with deadly precision.
Dragon Staff 30000 An age-old staff that bestows the wisdom of an ancient dragon upon its wielder.
Bon Bon-Bon 20000 "Resembles a treat more than a weapon, but don't be fooled - its power is pretty sweet! "
Chaos Bringer 22000 "A staff with a demon sealed within, the very presence of which taints the wielder's soul. "
Staff of Dawn 64000 A staff holding the spirit of a god. Grants the user divine power to vanquish all darkness!
Dragon King's Sword 10 Sword of Castele's legendary Dragon King. Few people have ever seen it in person.
Erik's Sword 10 Used by King Erik in his younger days. It is a symbol of the Stone family dynasty.
Olivia's Scimitar 10 The blade of the legendary Pirate King. It's seen countless fierce sea battles.
Dragonslayer's Sword 10 "A sword used by the Dragonslayer. It has a long history, steeped in blood and glory. "
Furia del Mar 10 A claymore from Port Puerto legend. It can unleash the fury of the ocean.
Odin's Blade 10 The claymore used by Odin. It appears the sword is able to control itself.
Sword of Heroes 22000 Used by Gladstone in his younger days. It looks like it could pack quite a wallop!
Laura's Dagger 10 A dagger given to Laura by King Erik. It has a very lightweight and slim design.
Spirit King's Bow 10 An ancient bow from the Elderwood. Personal armament of the Spirit King.
Leo's Bow 10 A bow used by Leo. Each arrow cuts through the sky like a shooting star.
Dark Sultan's Staff 10 A magic staff from Al Maajikan legend. Once used by the Legendary Dark Sultan.
Esmerelda's Staff 10 A magic staff used by Esmerelda. Imparts the user with the wisdom of the ancients.
Cutter's Cap 400 A hat used by Woodcutters. It lets the wearer hear the voices of the forest spirits.
Miner's Helmet 400 A leather headpiece used by Miners. Guards the head from rock-related mishaps.
Miner's Puffy Helmet 400 "A leather headpiece used by Miners. Practical, and the ladies certainly dig it! "
Hunter's Hat 400 A headpiece used by Hunters. Blocks out noise to help you focus.
Huntress's Hat 400 A headpiece used by Hunters. Designed not to stick out in the foliage.
Blacksmith's Beanie 400 A headpiece used by Blacksmiths. Keeps hair and sweat out of your face.
Blacksmith's Cap 400 A headpiece used by Blacksmiths for protection. Hair and furnaces do not mix.
Brave Bandana 400 A bandana used by Carpenters. One size fits all!
Bright Bandana 400 A bandana used by Carpenters. One size fits all!
Fishy Green Hood 400 A hood resembling a Castele Carp. It is said that wearing it grants great fishing prowess.
Fishy Pink Hood 400 A hood resembling an Ornamental Carp. It is said to help in understanding a fish's mind.
Slugger's Helm 400 A helm used by Mercenaries. Protects well against attacks to the back of the head.
Plain Helmet 400 A helm used by Mercenaries. Simple but effective.
Mage's Hood 400 A hood used by Magicians. Wearing one is a magical experience.
Witch's Hood 400 A hood used by female Magicians. Filled to the brim with magical power.
Alchemist's Bandana 400 "A headpiece used by Alchemists. Said to put the ""chemist"" in ""Alchemist"". "
Pan-Fried Helm 400 A special pan made to be worn as a helmet. For those who prefer al-dente to à la mode.
Potluck Helm 400 A special pan designed as a helmet. Might need washing before cooking with it.
Woodland Beret 36000 A fine beret worn by heroic Woodcutters. Proof that the wearer is one with the forest.
Avalanche Helmet 23000 A fine helmet worn by heroic Miners. Sturdy enough to protect you from cave-ins.
Sniper's Hat 24000 A fine hat worn by heroic Hunters. It allows you to sense even the tiniest creatures.
Hammer Head 14000 A headpiece worn by heroic Blacksmiths. Tempers the spirit of a true crafting genius.
Chief's Bandana 14000 A fine bandana worn by heroic Carpenters. Helps you become one with the lumber.
Whale Hood 13600 A hood worn by heroic Anglers. Hear the sounds of the ocean wherever you go!
Steel Helm 14000 A steel helm worn by heroic Mercenaries. It'll protect you from some serious attacks.
Grand Magician's Hood 34000 A hood worn by heroic Magicians. Let those around you know how grand you really are!
Crusader's Circlet 54000 A circlet worn by heroic Paladins. Bestowed upon those who earn the Queen's blessing.
Crusader's Tiara 54000 A tiara worn by heroic Paladins. Bestowed upon those who earn the King's blessing.
Creativity Cap 30052 A hat worn by heroic Alchemists. Sharpens the mind and makes any concoction a snap!
Five Star Hat 30000 A hat worn by heroic Cooks. Received five stars in last month's Finicky Food magazine!
Quilted Hat 1400 "A hat made of a thick, quilted material. Protects against attacks and the cold. "
Artisan's Hat 1400 A hat designed for artisans of all crafts. Not very suitable for battle...
Highland Beret 480 A simple beret with a tartan pattern. Complete the look with matching bottoms!
Prisoner's Hat 7200 "A hat worn by those sent to the dungeons. Strangely, kids really seem to love this look. "
Sheepish Cap 12000 A hat designed like a sheep. Don't be sheepish - this is one stylish hat!
Snow Hat 24000 "A hat to keep you warm, even in the fiercest of blizzards. Goes well with the Snow Suit. "
Monarch Crown 36000 "A crown fit for a King! Although it's a replica, the quality is second to none. "
Netted Hat 3800 A hat resembling nets used by Port Puerto's Anglers. Matches the Seafarer's Outfit.
Shellmet 4000 "A helmet made from shells. Well, what were you expecting it to be? "
Sailor's Hat 4400 A traditional hat worn by sailors. Now it's more of a fashion statement than a uniform.
Diving Mask 6400 A mask that lets you see the underwater world. A must for anybody in Port Puerto.
Flower Hairclip 2400 A pretty pink flower worn in the hair. A must for any summer party!
Buccaneer's Hat 24000 The hat of a great pirate who terrorised the seven seas. Walk the plank in style!
Gaudy Hat 32000 "A garish hat, popular among Port Puerto's elite. You'll certainly stand out wearing it. "
Twisted Headband 9000 A tightly twisted headband. When a normal headband won't cut it.
Halo 34000 An angelic hairset featuring laurel leaves and a halo. Only for the truly virtuous.
Cup Cap 5200 A hat designed to resemble a cup. Al Maajik sewing technology keeps your head cool.
Desert Headdress 4800 The perfect headgear to keep the sun off your head. An absolute must for desert life.
Jade Turban 3000 A white turban fastened with a fine piece of jade. It simply radiates elegance.
Gladiator's Helm 8000 A helmet like those of ancient gladiators. A reminder of Al Maajik's colourful history.
Maharaja Turban 14000 "The symbol of a great desert king. Though it appears plain, it holds deep meaning. "
Spikeband 18000 "A thick headband with large, protruding spikes. Popular on the punk scene. "
Yippee-Ki-Yay Hat 18000 A cowboy's signature hat. You get a sense of the Wild West just wearing it. Yee-haw!
Dancer's Veil 26000 Headgear specially made for dancers. Fine silk flows perfectly with their elegant steps.
Demon Headpiece 36000 "Designed by the Dark Sultan's crazed fans, it's all the rage among their fellow cultists. "
Leather Cap 960 "A sturdy helmet made of leather. It's light and durable, but not the most protective. "
Savage Cap 2800 A helmet made of high-quality leather. It provides a reasonable level of protection.
Beastly Cap 12000 A helmet made of very tough leather. Protects your noggin from knocks.
Mermaid Helm 2400 A helm made using fish scales. It's fairly sturdy.
Snakeskin Helm 1400 A helm made using snake scales. It doesn't provide much protection.
Dragon Helm 28000 A helm made using dragon scales. It provides excellent protection.
Iron Helm 1000 "A helm wrought of iron. Heavy and a little uncomfortable, but offers good protection. "
Gold Helm 3200 "A shining golden helm. Made using precious gold, it provides very good protection. "
Magic Helm 12000 A helm made using Magic Ingots. Its mystical properties provide excellent protection.
Inferno Helm 18000 "A helm made using a Magma Ingot. Very sturdy, and gives off a gentle heat. "
Tidal Helm 18000 "A helm made using a Marine Ingot. Very sturdy, and cool to the touch. "
Holy Helm 90000 One of the finest helms around. Only for those who have proven themselves worthy.
Flame Hood 10000 A hood imbued with the power of fire. For those who like all things red.
Aqua Hood 10000 A hood imbued with the power of water. For those who like all things blue.
Earth Hood 15000 A hood imbued with the power of the earth. For those who like all things green.
Wind Hood 15000 A hood imbued with the power of wind. For those who like to gaze up at the sky.
Light Hood 24000 A hood imbued with the power of light. For those who love gazing at the moon.
Umbral Hood 24000 A hood imbued with the power of darkness. For those who see darkness in everything.
Frigid Headwear 4600 "A hat made for frolicking in the snow of Mt Snowpeak. Keeps heat in, and cold OUT! "
Coastal Headwear 4000 A hat made for splashing around by the sea. Shields your head from those pesky UV rays!
Sandy Headwear 4600 A hat for braving fierce desert sandstorms. Fantastic at keeping your hair sand-free!
Grotto Headwear 9000 A hat for spelunking in Reveria's caves. A must for any cave exploration. Safety first!
Sky-High Headwear 11000 "The perfect hat for exploring Levitania. Sadly, won't help alleviate fear of heights. "
Grinning Hat 18000 A dark witch's hat with a mischievous smile. Some reports say the hat speaks on its own.
Shark Hat 30000 A hat in the shape of a fearsome shark. This style might just CATCH on...
Kodama Tunic 400 Woodcutter's clothes made from strong materials. Perfect for life in the forest.
Kodama Dress 400 Woodcutter's clothes made from strong materials. Perfect for life in the forest.
Miner's Cuirass 400 "Chest armour worn by Miners. Tough, but allows for easy movement. "
Miner's Frock 400 Simple clothing worn by Miners. Designed with lightness and comfort in mind.
Hunter's Tunic 400 A simple tunic worn by Hunters. Designed for lightness so you can keep on hunting.
Huntress's Top 400 Simple clothing for Hunters. Bottoms come separately for maximum manoeuvrability.
Carpenter's Tunic 400 A heavy-duty tunic worn by Carpenters. Tough enough to withstand the elements.
Carpenter's Shirt 400 Simple clothing for Carpenters. Separate top and bottoms for maximum manoeuvrability.
Carp Smock 400 A simple smock resembling a calm riverbed. Helps to understand life in Reveria's waters.
Carp Tunic 400 A simple tunic reminiscent of a calm stream. Helps to understand life in Reveria's waters.
Cloth Merc Armour 400 "Light, manoeuvrable gear for Mercenaries. Strong, despite being made of cloth. "
Light Merc Armour 400 Light armour worn by Mercenaries. Designed with defence in mind.
Paladin's Armour 400 A noble chestplate for new Paladin recruits. Children of Castele dream of putting it on.
Paladin's Breastplate 400 A noble chestplate for new Paladin recruits. Children of Castele dream of putting it on.
Woodland Jacket 32000 A fine jacket given to heroic Woodcutters. Wearers feel instantly at one with nature.
Grand Miner's Cuirass 22000 A fine cuirass given to heroic Miners. Perfectly designed for pros of the pickaxe.
Sniper Tunic 24000 A fine tunic given to heroic Hunters. Even your prey will stop to admire its quality.
Chief's Apron 16000 A fine apron given to heroic Carpenters. Many pockets for holding all the best tools.
Berserker's Armour 32000 Fine armour given to heroic Mercenaries. Great if you prefer an aggressive approach.
Crusader's Plating 76000 Fine plating given to heroic Paladins. Only a select few are worthy of this armour.
Castele Shirt 420 Traditional garb from Castele's history. Very popular among Castelian men.
Castele Blouse 420 Traditional garb from Castele's history. Very popular among Castelian women.
Quilted Coat 2400 "A warm and durable coat. Stay warm, look cool. What more could you want? "
Artisan's Apron 1800 A simple but effective apron. Designed to be used in any walk of life.
Tuxedo 22000 A classy look for more formal gatherings. Suitable even for an audience with the King!
Highland Top 800 A plain jacket traditionally worn with tartan. Now often worn by waiters at fancy cafés.
Duelling Outfit 2600 Clothing worn for duelling. For those who value pride and honour above all else.
Prisoner's Shirt 7200 A prisoner's shirt for Reveria's wrongdoers. It takes a certain nerve to pull this look off.
Snow Suit 28000 A thick poncho that keeps out the cold. You won't be spotted if you get lost in the snow!
Monarch Outfit 42000 "A fine garment, fit for a king. Designed from a portrait of King Erik of Castele. "
Harbour Hunk Suit 2800 A traditional Port Puerto sailor's outfit. It has caught a wave of popularity lately.
Harbour Hunny Suit 2200 A traditional Port Puerto sailor's outfit. It is now causing waves in the fashion world.
Seafarer's Outfit 4800 Traditional clothing of Port Puerto. Still worn today at special rites of passage.
Twin Tail Jacket 6400 A jacket that blends fashion and tradition. Popular with even conservative nobles.
Shell Armour 4400 Armour fashioned from a collection of shells. More often chosen for style over substance.
Sailor's Top 5200 Port Puerto's signature outfit. Originally worn as a sailor's uniform.
Holiday Shirt 4000 A flamboyant shirt that just screams holiday. Makes you look as cool as a sea cucumber.
Holiday Top 4200 "An easy-breezy beach top perfect for sun and surf! The tag reads, ""dry clean only"". "
Buccaneer's Coat 28000 The coat of a legendary pirate. Keeps the wind off so you don't shiver yer timbers!
Gaudy Jacket 36000 An ostentatious jacket preferred among Port Puerto's elite. It is...eyecatching...
Summer Fun Top 15000 A bright and summery top. It really captures the spirit of summer!
Angelic Tunic 44000 "A robe inspired by a painting of an angel. Sadly, it doesn't come with wings. "
Desert Top 4200 Traditional menswear in Al Maajik. Note: Undershirt NOT included.
Twilight Top 4400 Traditional womenswear of Al Maajik. Don't let the heat stifle your style!
Chic Maajik Top 4000 "A long-sleeved shirt, popular in Al Maajik. Perfect for a night on the town! "
Chic Maajik Loose Top 6200 "A loose-fitting shirt, popular in Al Maajik. Nothing beats the heat like a Chic Maajik! "
Linen Tunic 3200 A simple tunic for those who value function over form. Guaranteed to keep you cool.
Gladiator's Armour 9400 "Armour worn by ancient gladiators. For some reason, it is popular with tourists. "
Puffy-Sleeved Top 6000 A well-made shirt with puffy sleeves. Commonly worn by Al Maajik's upper class.
Maharaja Robe 20000 A fine robe worn by a desert king. It gleams a bright white like the scorching desert sun.
Spike Tanktop 22000 A top designed to embody the spirit of punk. Popular among more rebellious youngsters.
Yippee-Ki-Yay Outfit 16000 "An outfit made famous by wild cowboys. Recently, it's galloping back in to fashion! "
Dancer's Top 28000 "An incredibly soft dancer's top. Made from fine silk, it adds flair to the performance. "
Devilish Outfit 36000 A devilishly tight-fitting top. Comes in one colour only: flame red.
Leather Armour 800 "Simple armour made of leather. It's light and durable, but not the most protective. "
Savage Armour 3000 Armour made of high-quality leather. It has been carefully tanned and crafted.
Beastly Armour 16000 Armour made of very tough leather. It is both fashionable and extremely effective.
Mermaid Mail 3200 "Armour made using fish scales. Don't expect too much, and things will go swimmingly. "
Snakeskin Mail 2000 Armour crafted using snake scales. It's not particularly effective.
Dragon Mail 32000 Armour crafted using dragon scales. It lets you feel like a mighty dragon...sort of.
Iron Armour 1200 "Armour wrought of iron. Heavy and uncomfortable, but offers good protection. "
Gold Armour 3800 "Golden armour that can face up to any blow. Heavy, but provides very good protection. "
Magic Armour 14000 "Armour made using Magic Ingots. So light, you wouldn't believe it's made of metal! "
Inferno Armour 13000 "Armour made using Magma Ingots. Protects you from enemies, and from the cold. "
Tidal Armour 24000 Armour made using Marine Ingots. Keeps you safe and pleasantly cool.
Holy Armour 82000 "Armour made from a sacred metal. Light, easy to wear and the finish is simply divine! "
Frigid Armour 5600 Gear for those who live in colder climates. It almost makes you want to take up skiing...
Coastal Armour 4800 "Gear for those living in more tropical climes. Feelin' hot, hot, hot! "
Sandy Armour 5600 Gear for life in the desert. Somehow it makes you want to take a dash across the dunes.
Grotto Armour 12000 Gear for those who enjoy spelunking. Helps you feel cosy in even the dankest of caves.
Sky-High Armour 18000 Gear for those who adore Levitania. It makes you feel like you can soar among the clouds!
Fluffy Ribbon Top 0 The puffy bow tie really adds style to an otherwise plain outfit.
Kodama Pantaloons 400 Simple legwear designed for Woodcutters. Perfectly suited to life in the forest.
Kodama Bottoms 400 Simple legwear designed for Woodcutters. Perfectly suited to life in the forest.
Rock Bottoms 400 Baggy legwear designed for Miners. Frees up your legs to let you swing with power.
Miner Short-Shorts 400 Short legwear designed for Miners. Frees up your legs to let you swing with power.
Hunter's Trousers 400 Legwear designed for Hunters who live for the chase. Made for being on the move.
Huntress's Bottoms 400 Legwear designed for Hunters who live for the chase. Made for being on the move.
Carpenter's Slimfit 400 Basic legwear for Carpenters. A must for work that's demanding on the whole body.
Carpenter's Baggies 400 Basic legwear for Carpenters. Has a unique design that balloons out around the thighs.
Carp Trousers (♂) 400 "Simple legwear for Anglers, inspired by a single question: ""what if fish had legs""? "
Carp Trousers (♀) 400 "Simple legwear for Anglers, inspired by a single question: ""what if fish had legs""? "
Mercenary's Greaves (♂) 400 "Simple legwear for Mercenaries. Light and resilient, with great freedom of movement. "
Mercenary's Greaves (♀) 400 "Simple legwear for Mercenaries. Light and resilient, with great freedom of movement. "
Paladin Leg Guards (♂) 400 "The proper legwear for a male Paladin. Tight fitting, but made of flexible materials. "
Paladin Leg Guards (♀) 400 "The proper legwear for a female Paladin. Tight fitting, but made of flexible materials. "
Woodland Trousers 19600 Fine legwear for heroic Woodcutters. It is said the Forest Lady herself made them.
Grand Miner's Bottoms 12000 "Fine legwear for heroic Miners. So light, you won't notice them. Happily, others will. "
Sniper's Culottes 19600 Fine legwear for heroic Hunters. It is unrivalled in flexibility.
Chief's Breeches 9600 Fine legwear for heroic Carpenters. Designed for perfect comfort while crafting.
Tough Leg Guards 14000 Fine legwear for heroic Mercenaries. Repels almost any attack on the legs.
Crusader's Leg Guards 30000 Fine legwear for heroic Paladins. Only a few elite are worthy of wearing them.
Castele Slacks 600 "Traditional woven slacks from Castele. Well loved by Castelians, even to this day. "
Castele Skirt 600 A traditional woven skirt from Castele. The short skirt with a long history.
Quilted Bottoms 2000 Toasty legwear padded around the thighs. Fashionable if worn with a Quilted Coat.
Artisan's Puffy Shorts 1600 "Specially-made legwear for all walks of Life. Affectionately referred to as ""puffers"". "
Formal Trousers 16000 Trousers made for more formal situations. Tapered in the middle for extra flair.
Highland Kilt 800 "Traditional menswear from Castele. Lately, it is popular among both men and women. "
Duelling Bottoms 2200 "Light trousers worn to take part in a duel. Be challenged by your foe, not your clothes! "
Prisoner's Shorts 7200 "Trousers given to those behind bars. They have many practical uses, not all noble... "
Snow Bottoms 14000 The number one legwear for winter warmth. Looks great with a matching Snow Suit.
Monarch Tights 22000 Tights inspired by a portrait of King Erik. They are of truly magnificent quality.
Harbour Hunk Slacks 1800 Trousers worn by Reveria's sailors. Still popular with the people of Port Puerto.
Harbour Hunny Skirt 1800 "A vibrant skirt popular with Port Puerto girls. Casual yet stylish, it'll be a hit anywhere! "
Seafarer's Capris 4000 "Traditional trousers from Port Puerto. The older generation call them ""pantalones"". "
Watermeloons 3800 Trousers with a watermelon design. Gives you a fantastically fruity feeling!
Shell Bottoms 4200 Legwear made from an assortment of shells. More mussel than muscle.
Sailor's Bottoms 5000 Standard legwear for sailors. Veterans of the sea would be scuppered without them!
Sea Trunks 4000 "Simple trunks, perfectly made for swimming. Just don't wander around town in them. "
Sea Sarong 4200 A summery skirt worn over some shorts. The skirt can be removed for swimming.
Buccaneer's Bottoms 22000 "Trousers worn by a legendary pirate. Somehow, they make you yearn for the sea. "
Gaudy Bottoms 32000 "Trousers popular with Port Puerto's elite. Apparently, they are the pinnacle of fashion. "
Summer Fun Bottoms 16000 Thin legwear perfectly suited to a summer's day. Look cool while you stay cool!
Angelic Pantaloons 34000 Shorts said to have been worn by an angel. They're so comfy and easy to wear. Heaven!
Loose Trousers 3600 "Traditional Al Maajik menswear. Light and airy, making it perfect for desert journeys. "
Desert Diva Skirt 2400 "A long, flowing skirt often worn in Al Maajik. Similar in style to the Harbour Hunny skirt. "
Chic Maajik Capris 2800 A pair of loose-fitting capris popular with youngsters. Part of the Chic Maajik range.
Chic Maajik Skirt 7600 A pink miniskirt designed for ease of movement. Part of the Chic Maajik range.
Linen Bottoms 4000 "Light, well-ventilated linen trousers. Sometimes, simple really is the best. "
Gladiator's Leg Guards 9400 Leg guards made famous by gladiators. Often bought by tourists as a souvenir.
Loose Stripies 4000 Loose-fitting striped trousers. They are popular with the upper class.
Maharaja Bottoms 15000 All the rage in Al Maajik. The pinnacle of fine tailoring.
Punk Bottoms 7200 Trousers with attitude! Bring out the rebel in you.
Yippee-Ki-Yay Chaps 12000 Sturdy trousers worn by cowboys on cattle drives. Saddle up!
Dancer's Bottoms 22000 Trousers that flow with your every movement. Time to dance the night away!
Demon Tights 34000 Devilish legwear for the naturally impish. Wear them and release your inner trickster.
Leather Leggings 800 Leg guards made from leather. They offer more protection than everyday trousers.
Savage Leggings 3000 Leg guards made from high-quality leather. More protective than ordinary leather.
Beastly Leggings 16000 "Leg guards crafted from top-grade leather. Light and resilient, this hide will save yours! "
Mermaid Leggings 2200 Leg guards fashioned using fish scales. Very useful against some enemies.
Snakeskin Leggings 2000 "Leg guards fashioned using snake scales. Easy to craft, they are reasonably resilient. "
Dragon Leggings 29000 Leg guards fashioned using dragon scales. These could tip the scales in your favour!
Iron Leg Guards 1200 Shin guards wrought of iron. The first choice for any newcomer to plate armour.
Gold Leg Guards 3800 "Shin guards made of pure gold. Strong, but rather heavy, so some prefer to avoid them. "
Magic Leg Guards 14000 "Shin guards made from Magic Ingots. Tough and very light, they are a wondrous creation. "
Inferno Leggings 14000 Leg guards made using Magma Ingots. They give off a comforting warmth.
Tidal Leggings 24000 Shin guards made using Marine Ingots. They are incredibly cool to the touch.
Holy Leggings 82000 "Leg guards made from a rare, valuable metal. Pricey, but you'll find no better protection. "
Frigid Bottoms 4400 Legwear for those living in freezing climes. Provides excellent protection from the cold.
Coastal Bottoms 4800 "Legwear for those in more tropical climes. Well ventilated, despite their bulky looks. "
Sandy Bottoms 4400 Legwear for those adventuring in the desert. Protects against the scorching desert sun.
Grotto Bottoms 12000 Legwear for intrepid cave explorers. Perfect for the harsh conditions of Reveria's caves.
Sky-High Bottoms 16000 Legwear for adventuring in Levitania. Suited to the floating isle's unique conditions.
Striped Skirt 1800 A stripy skirt popular in Castele. Comfortable and colourful - a winning combination!
Sunshine Skirt 2000 A pretty skirt with a flowery design. It is very popular with the girls of Port Puerto.
Lined Skirt 2800 "A wrap-around skirt with a banded design. Simple yet stylish, it goes with anything! "
Chequered Skirt 12000 A skirt with a chequered design. Don't be a square - this design is the height of fashion!
Frilly Skirt 5000 "A medium-length, frilled skirt. It's really making waves in the fashion world. "
Polka Dot Skirt 18000 A cute skirt with a polka dot design. Show off your bubbly personality!
Banded Skirt 9000 A long skirt that falls just below the knees. For those looking for a more refined style.
Denim Long Skirt 12000 "A long skirt made of denim. A bold, modern look that can stand up to wear and tear. "
Furnace Apron (♂) 400 An apron used by Blacksmiths. Provides protection from the furnace's searing heat.
Furnace Apron (♀) 400 An apron used by Blacksmiths. Provides protection from the furnace's searing heat.
Mage's Robe 400 A long robe worn by Magicians. Just wearing it makes you feel like a master of magic!
Witch's Robe 400 A long robe worn by Magicians. Just wearing it makes you feel like a master of magic!
Weaver's Outfit 400 A shirt and overalls for keen Tailors. Tough fabric stops any wayward needles.
Seamstress's Dress 400 A skirt and blouse for keen Tailors. Tough fabric stops any wayward needles.
Alchemic Coat 400 A coat for aspiring Alchemists. Designed to protect against any leaks and spillages.
Alchemic Dress 400 A dress for aspiring Alchemists. Designed to protect against any leaks and spillages.
Chef's Apron (♂) 400 An apron worn by Cooks. A must for anyone wanting to become a seasoned chef.
Chef's Apron (♀) 400 An apron worn by Cooks. A must for anyone wanting to become a seasoned chef.
Heatwave Apron 14000 An apron for heroic Blacksmiths. Even the hottest of flames won't trouble this gear.
Grand Magician's Robe 48400 A robe for heroic Magicians. Crafted to release all your inner power.
Fashionista Dress 22400 Attire for heroic Tailors. An outfit befitting Reveria's leaders in fashion.
Doctor's Garb 36000 A coat for heroic Alchemists. Passed down through generations of master Alchemists.
Five Star Outfit 38000 Clothing for heroic Cooks. It stands as proof of their mastery of the culinary art.
Pretty Princess Outfit 26000 A beautiful dress for formal occasions. It would even be befitting of the King's halls.
Fluffy Suit 32000 An outfit designed to resemble a sheep. It's un-baa-lievably soft!
Flame Robe 12000 A magical robe imbued with the power of flames.
Aqua Robe 12000 A magical robe imbued with the power of water.
Earth Robe 17000 A magical robe imbued with the power of the earth.
Wind Robe 17000 A magical robe imbued with the power of wind.
Light Robe 26000 A magical robe imbued with the power of light.
Umbral Robe 26000 A magical robe imbued with the power of darkness.
Famous Fisher's Smock 14400 Gear for heroic Anglers. This gear is the stuff of fishing legend.
Miner's Mitts 400 Gloves designed for Miners. Provide better grip so you can swing harder.
Carpenter's Gloves 400 Gloves designed for Carpenters. Plenty of grip where you need it most.
Merc Gauntlets 400 Tough gauntlets worn by Mercenaries. Protect against any blows to your hands.
Paladin's Gauntlets 400 Tough gauntlets worn by Paladins. Made to offer good grip for swords and shields alike.
Cook's Gloves 400 Gloves for use in the kitchen. Designed for handling all sorts of food.
Woodland Bangles 6000 Wristbands for heroic Woodcutters. They let you cut huge trees with ease.
Grand Miner's Mitts 10400 Gloves for heroic Miners. They make you feel at one with the pickaxe.
Sniper's Gloves 11200 Gloves for heroic Hunters. Provide perfect grip for any type of bow.
Hammer Gloves 7000 Gloves for heroic Blacksmiths. Wearing them helps you forge intricate masterpieces.
Chief's Hand Guards 8000 Hand guards for heroic Carpenters. Use even complex tools with utter confidence.
Famous Fisher's Gloves 13600 "Gloves for heroic Anglers. Feel at one with the rod, the river and the fish. "
Metal Gauntlets 19600 Gauntlets for heroic Mercenaries. Provide unrivalled protection for the hands.
Crusader's Gauntlets 26000 Gauntlets for heroic Paladins. Befitting of a true hero of the realm.
Silk Pincushion 12000 A fine pincushion for heroic Tailors. Proves your status as master of the needle.
Quilted Mittens 1380 Quilted gloves lined with soft cotton. Like wrapping your hands in a snuggly cloud!
Artisan's Mitts 1200 Crafter's gloves to protect fingers from harm. Light and flexible for creating fancy designs.
Fluffy Mitts 15000 "Gloves stuffed to the brim with soft wool. Warm, stylish, and adorable. "
Snow Gloves 14000 Warm and waterproof gloves for playing in the snow. Be master of the snowball fight!
Monarch Gloves 25000 Gloves inspired by the King's official garb. Equal in quality to those of the King himself.
Shell Gauntlets 3800 "Stylish gauntlets made from various shells. Effective, but they can get a bit clammy. "
Gaudy Gloves 30000 "Garish gloves worn by Port Puerto's elite. The larger the gem, the higher one's status. "
Angelic Bangles 34000 Wristbands often seen in pictures of angels. Guides the hands of those who seek peace.
Gladiator's Wristbands 6000 Wristbands worn by the gladiators of old. As strong as the warriors who wore them.
Gold Bangles 3800 Wristbands made of pure gold. Worn as a status symbol among Al Maajik's aristocrats.
Slash Bangles 12000 Wristbands worn by Reveria's punks. For those looking for a striking appearance.
Glitter Bangles 26000 "Bracelets made of seven smaller rings. Worn by dancers, they jingle as they move. "
Leather Gauntlets 480 Gauntlets made of leather. The most basic armour for novice adventurers.
Savage Gauntlets 2800 High-quality leather gauntlets. Provide good protection as far as light armour goes.
Beastly Gauntlets 14000 Gauntlets made from top-grade leather. Durable leather hand guards.
Mermaid Gloves 2100 Gauntlets made using fish scales. Provide decent protection against various attacks.
Snakeskin Gloves 880 "Gauntlets made of snake scales. Not all that protective. Be careful, or you'll be hiss-tory! "
Dragon Gloves 26000 Gauntlets made of dragon scales. Provide excellent protection against any attack.
Iron Gauntlets 840 Gauntlets wrought of iron. Provide solid protection against blows to the hands.
Gold Gauntlets 1900 "Gauntlets fashioned from pure gold. Very sturdy, but incredibly heavy. "
Magic Gauntlets 9600 "Gauntlets made using Magic Ingots. Stronger than steel, light as a feather. "
Inferno Gauntlets 14000 "Gauntlets made using Magma Ingots. Protective, while giving off a slight warmth. "
Tidal Gauntlets 14400 Gauntlets made using Marine Ingots. Keep you cool in the heat of battle.
Holy Gauntlets 62000 Gauntlets of the very highest quality. Valued for their strength and their beauty.
Magic Mittens 20000 Mittens brimming with magical power. Just wearing them gives a surge of magic energy.
Frigid Gloves 3000 Gloves for braving the coldest of climates. Thick and warm to prevent frostbite.
Coastal Gloves 2400 Gloves for use in more tropical areas. Made using an especially breathable material.
Sandy Gloves 3000 Gloves for trekking in the desert. Perfectly suited to the most unforgiving of climates.
Grotto Gloves 7800 Gloves for delving into Reveria's caverns. Extra grip for clambering over slippery rocks.
Sky-High Gloves 10000 Gloves for exploring Levitania. Well suited to the unique conditions above the clouds.
Cutter's Boots 400 Shoes specially designed for Woodcutters. Make traipsing through the forest a cinch.
Miner's Boots 400 Shoes specially designed for Miners. Ensure your footing will be solid as a rock.
Hunter's Shoes 400 Shoes specially designed for Hunters. Hard wearing for when you're on the move.
Blacksmith's Shoes 400 Blacksmith's shoes that provide comfort and support when working the forge.
Carpenter's Boots 400 Shoes specially designed for Carpenters. Plenty of grip for the dusty workshop floor.
Mercenary's Boots 400 Shoes designed for Mercenaries which protect against any blows to the feet.
Magician's Shoes 400 Shoes specially designed for Magicians. Perfect for channelling the earth's power.
Paladin's Boots 400 Shoes specially designed for Paladins. Perfect for both swordplay and the saddle.
Tailor's Shoes 400 Shoes specially designed for Tailors. Nice and comfortable for life at the loom.
Alchemist's Shoes 400 "Shoes specially designed for Alchemists. Perfect for work in the lab, and in the field. "
Woodland Boots 18000 Boots for heroic Woodcutters. Perfect for traversing Reveria's dense forests.
Grand Miner's Boots 9600 Shoes for heroic Miners. Keep you perfectly anchored while you swing.
Sniper's Boots 11200 "Boots for heroic Hunters. Comfortable and durable, so you can hunt 24/7. "
Hammer Boots 7000 "Shoes for heroic Blacksmiths. Thick and heatproof, for all the dangers of the forge. "
Chief's Safety Boots 8000 Boots for heroic Carpenters. Nothing is better suited to life in the workshop.
Famous Fisher's Sandals 12000 "Sandals for heroic Anglers. Perfect for fishing any time, anywhere! "
Steel-Toe Shoes 19600 Shoes for heroic Mercenaries. So tough that you'll barely notice blows to your feet.
Grand Magician's Shoes 22000 Shoes for heroic Magicians. Be at one with each of the elements.
Crusader's Boots 14000 Boots for heroic Paladins. Proof of their status as great protectors of the realm.
Fashionista Shoes 10400 Shoes for heroic Tailors. Because true fashion starts with the feet.
Doctor's Shoes 11600 Shoes for heroic Alchemists. Designed after years of study on the perfect footwear.
Five Star Shoes 32000 "Shoes for heroic Cooks. Because to serve the best, you need to look your best. "
Lowtop Shoes 480 Simple shoes fashioned from leather. Perfect with almost any outfit.
Quilted Boots 1200 "Shoes suited to the cold of Mt Snowpeak. Soft, fluffy lining keeps feet nice and snug. "
Artisan's Shoes 1200 Versatile shoes worn by artisans. Equally suited to use indoors and out.
Formal Dress Shoes 12000 Smart shoes for a formal occasion. Designed to complement any suit perfectly.
Castele Heels 12000 Glamorous shoes for a formal occasion. The highest of heels at the height of fashion.
Highland Loafers 800 "Old-fashioned, rounded loafers. Worn for generations alongside a traditional kilt. "
Duelling Boots 2000 Boots made specially for duellists. Soft and flexible to allow for quick movements.
Hoofing-It Shoes 15000 Shoes shaped like a sheep's hoof. Complete the chic-sheep look with the Fluffy Suit.
Snow Shoes 20000 "Shoes with a soft, warm lining. The tops have been folded for a fashionable look. "
Monarch Loafers 28000 "Loafers inspired by the King's official garb. Not the real deal, but the quality is genuine. "
Harbour Sandals 720 Sandals commonly worn by Port Puertans. Made to be easily slipped on and off.
Warrior's Sandals 1800 Sandals worn by brave gladiators of the past. Extremely light for maximum manoeuvrability.
Ribbon-Laced Shoes 3300 Casual shoes tied with a red ribbon. Perfect for any occasion.
Shell Boots 3900 "Boots made from an assortment of shells. Deceptively comfy, and strong to boot! "
Starboard Shoes 6000 Shoes once worn by sailors when on deck. Nowadays they are often worn for style.
Beach Sandals 3600 "Sandals for Reveria's hot, sandy beaches. Keeps your feet cool, whatever the weather. "
Mules 4800 "Footwear made of interwoven leather strips. Fashionable, but a pain to put on. "
Buccaneer's Boots 12000 Boots worn by a fearsome pirate. Wear them to feel like a master of the seven seas.
Gaudy Boots 28000 Shoes popular among Port Puerto's elite. They certainly leave an impression.
Flip-flops 16000 A simple pair of flip-flops. Nice and cool in the summer. Maybe not for colder months...
Angelic Shoes 26000 "Shoes tied with thin leather straps. Light and comfortable, they are simply divine. "
Pair of Babouches 3200 Soft shoes with a pointed toe. Make walking on even the most uneven of roads a breeze.
Comfy Slippers 4200 "Slippers worn in Al Maajik. Their main appeal is that they are easy to wear. Slip on, slip off! "
Moccasins 6000 "Soft, comfortable footwear, made from a single piece of leather. "
Gladiator's Metal Boots 6200 Mighty boots of the great gladiators. Your feet won't feel a thing in these!
High-Toe Boots 9400 Fancy shoes worn by Al Maajik's elite. A long point signifies the wearer's importance.
Maharaja Shoes 14000 Quality shoes made for a maharaja. Extremely pointed toes signify royalty.
Platform Boots 10000 "Boots popular on Reveria's punk scene. Not the best quality, but full of attitude. "
Yippee-Ki-Yay Boots 8000 Shoes worn by the famous cowboys of yesteryear. Often noted for their practicality.
Dancer's Shoes 12000 "Light and flexible shoes worn by dancers. Perfect for making swift, flowing movements. "
Demon Shoes 30000 Fiendish footwear for little devils. The final piece in the demonic look.
Leather Boots 480 "Cheap boots made of leather. Not the most comfortable, nor the most protective. "
Savage Boots 2800 "High-quality leather boots. Provide good protection, and don't look too shabby either. "
Beastly Boots 14000 Boots made of top grade leather. Combine excellent protection with undeniable style.
Mermaid Boots 2200 "Boots made using fish scales. Difficult to produce, but effective as a result. "
Snakeskin Boots 880 "Boots made from snake scales. Not the best for protection, but they have a certain style. "
Dragon Boots 25000 Boots made using dragon scales. Top of the scale when it comes to this type of boot.
Iron Boots 840 Versatile boots used in many walks of Life. Especially useful for those seeking battle.
Gold Boots 1900 Heavy boots made of pure gold. A bit difficult to pull on and off.
Magic Boots 9600 "Boots made using Magic Ingots. Incredibly comfortable, despite being made of metal. "
Inferno Boots 15200 Boots made using Magma Ingots. The power of flames they contain will keep you warm.
Tidal Boots 14000 "Boots made using Marine Ingots. Imbued with the power of water. Stay cool, kids. "
Holy Boots 62000 Boots made of the highest quality materials. Strong and lightweight for easy movement.
Magic Shoes 13000 Shoes containing great magical power. They enable you to perform great magical works.
Frigid Boots 3000 Boots for use in freezing environments. A balance of insulation and manoeuvrability.
Coastal Boots 2400 Boots for use in tropical climates. Don't sweat it - they can deal with perspiration!
Sandy Boots 3000 Boots for use in harsh desert regions. They are specially made for traversing the dunes.
Grotto Boots 7800 Boots for exploring Reveria's dark caverns. They grip even the slipperiest of surfaces.
Sky-High Boots 11000 Boots for exploring Levitania. Perfect for hiking across the floating land.
Paladin's Shield 400 "A practice shield given to novice Paladins. Not the strongest, but anyone can use it. "
Bronze Shield 1600 "An easy-to-use, bronze shield. The first step towards an impenetrable defence. "
Iron Shield 2000 A heavy shield forged of iron. For when bronze just doesn't cut it.
Silver Shield 3600 A sturdy shield forged of silver. Strikes fear into monsters' hearts. If they have hearts...
Gold Shield 4200 "A gleaming golden shield. Once you've used one, you'll never look back. "
Captain's Shield 5400 A shield used by leaders among Paladins. Well-made and perfectly balanced.
Knightly Shield 18000 A shield designed only for worthy Paladins. It provides unrivalled protection.
Magicbane Shield 10000 A shield imbued with magical protective power. Emits an eerie sound when struck.
Rose Shield 8200 "A curved shield favoured by the gentry. It is thus known as ""The Rose of Nobility"". "
Gallant Shield 19800 A legendary shield described in many tales of heroism. It is said to repel any attack.
Paladin's Shield 400 A practice shield given to novice Paladins. Cannot be sold now.
Doctor's Cape 18000 A cape for heroic Alchemists. A symbol of their boundless knowledge.
Crusader's Cape 14400 A cape for heroic Paladins. A symbol of their strength and valour.
Cape 800 A cape to protect against both attacks and the cold. They seem to be in fashion lately.
Long Cape 8000 A long and more protective cape. Those of a diminutive nature may struggle to wear it.
Bat Cape 14000 A cape with a jagged edge. Creates a rather fearsome look.
Short Cape 9800 "A short cape that hangs just below the shoulders. Light, but not overly effective. "
Swallow Tail 15000 "A cape made to resemble a swallow's tail. Comfortable, and also rather stylish. "
Angelic Wings 20 White wings that make you feel as virtuous as an angel.
Demon Wings 20 Black wings that make you feel like a devil.
Round Specs 6300 A pair of glasses suitable for long hours at the library. Now you're reading with power!
Angler's Goggles 4800 Goggles worn by keen Anglers. Protect your eyes from sunlight reflecting off the water.
Stylish Specs 8000 "A slick, stylish pair of half-frame glasses. With fashion, less really is more! "
Black-Rimmed Glasses 10000 "Glasses with a thick, black rim. Show off your intellectual side! "
Red-Rimmed Glasses 12000 Glasses with a fiery red rim. Laid-back glasses that belie a passionate soul.
Classy Monocle 10000 "A fancy monocle. Perfect in just about any situation. Tea, anyone? "
Mini Specs 19000 "Small yet effective glasses. For fans of the old-fashioned, academic look. "
Wild Side Shades 16000 Pointed sunglasses for a rebellious look. Often worn by those of a spiky demeanour.
Aquamarine Ring 4000 A ring adorned with a large Aquamarine gem. As clear and beautiful as the southern seas.
Amethyst Ring 6000 A ring adorned with a large Amethyst. It gleams a clear and vibrant purple.
Topaz Ring 3000 A ring adorned with a large Topaz. Its vibrant orange glow is reminiscent of the sun.
Ruby Ring 13000 A ring adorned with a large Ruby. It shines a deep and fiery red.
Sapphire Ring 13000 "A ring adorned with a large Sapphire. The gem is a deep blue, like the ocean depths. "
Emerald Ring 12000 "A ring adorned with a large Emerald. Shines a deep green, like Reveria's dense forests. "
Black Onyx Ring 20000 A ring adorned with a large Black Onyx. The stone is as dark as the dead of night.
Diamond Ring 20000 A ring adorned with a large Diamond. Shines and sparkles like the stars.
Charm 720 A charm that slightly improves your Luck.
Durable Charm 4000 A charm that improves your Luck. It also boosts your defensive abilities.
Reinforced Charm 15000 A charm that greatly improves your Luck. It also boosts your defensive abilities.
Philosopher's Stone 99000 A miraculous stone that improves all your abilities. Also gives a great defensive boost.
Lucky Charm 0 A charm that greatly improves your Luck.
Claw Necklace 1200 "A necklace made of various animal claws. Oddly, it makes you feel closer to nature. "
Savage Necklace 7000 A necklace made from the claws of ferocious beasts. Symbolises knowledge of the wild.
Beastly Necklace 14000 Made from the claws of only the fiercest beasts. Proof of mastery of the wild.
Coral Necklace 2800 A pretty necklace made of coral. It makes you feel at one with the ocean.
Marine Necklace 4500 "Made as a tribute to the god of the sea, it is a sign of those who understand the ocean. "
Sea Necklace 9000 "Made as a tribute to the god of the sea, it is worn only by true masters of the ocean. "
Armour 10 Armour
Philosopher's Hat 46000 "Hat designed for old, wise sages. Just wearing it makes you feel smarter. "
Ares Circlet 32000 "Fine headgear made using godly materials. Put it on to look like a fierce, divine warrior. "
Dragon Whelp Head 400 Ever wanted to be a dragon? Now you can look like one! (Flame breath not included.)
Tiger Carp Helm 32000 Fishy headgear that covers your whole head. Certain to inspire fear in your enemies.
Plushling Hat 400 "Headgear to help fit in with the Plushlings. Makes you want to talk like them, too. "
Elegant Headband 400 Chic headband that will keep your hair in place and make you look charming.
Frilly Headband 400 "Cute, frilly headband worn by romantic girls who love to dream. "
Ninja Headband 400 "We in Reveria aren't sure what ""ninjas"" are, but this is their traditional headgear. "
Rainbow Hood 44000 There's always a rainbow after the rain. The most optimistic hood there is.
Origin Island Cap 16000 "Gear suited to Origin Island's climate. Stops wind, rain and the smell of the hot springs! "
Shogun Helm 56000 Black helm of a warrior from some other land. Only for supreme commanders.
Lord's Helm 28000 Red helm of a warrior from some other land. Makes you want to command armies.
Officer's Helm 24000 Blue helm of a warrior from some other land. Makes you want to go wild on a battlefield.
Sacred Hood 24000 "Made using a Protection Stone, this hood spreads a protective aura around your head. "
Freya's Helm 40000 "Helmet for female warriors, modelled on one worn by a battle goddess. "
Valkyrie Helm 48000 "Sparkling helmet for female warriors, blessed by divine spirits of battle. "
Minerva's Helm 44000 "Black helmet for female warriors, blessed by a goddess of defence. "
Fafnir's Helm 54000 "Helmet made from the scales of an ancient dragon, able to withstand even heavy blows. "
Godly Helm 36000 "Helmet made from godly materials. Won't make you immortal, but it's pretty tough. "
Rune Helm 30000 "Strange powers are sealed within. Brings out your secret abilities, improving SP recovery. "
Shadow Cap 20000 "Finest, close-fitting cap made from Monster Hide. "
Ares Armour 64000 "Armour made with godly materials, offering supreme protection. "
Origin Island Armour 24000 Armour designed for Origin Island's climate. Makes you want to meet strangers.
Sacred Robe 52000 Robe infused with the protective powers of a Protection Stone.
Freya's Mail 40000 "Armour for female warriors, modelled on that worn by a battle goddess. "
Valkyrie Mail 56000 "Shiny armour for female warriors, blessed by divine spirits of battle. "
Minerva's Mail 48000 Black armour for female warriors. Offers protection and makes you battle-thirsty.
Fafnir's Mail 58000 "Armour made from the scales of an ancient dragon, infused with its indomitable spirit. "
Godly Armour 20000 "Armour made of godly materials. It deflects blows, making you seem invulnerable. "
Rune Armour 40000 "Strange powers are sealed within. No matter how heavy the attack, it won't leave a dent. "
Shadow Armour 16000 Fine armour crafted from Monster Hide. It offers great manoeuvrability and protection.
Ares Guard 48000 Finest guard made with godly materials. The ultimate in protection and comfort!
Origin Island Bottoms 22000 Bottoms made for Origin Island's climate. How about wearing them in the hot springs?
Sacred Trousers 38000 It is said that these trousers only fit wise people of pure heart.
Freya's Skirt 20000 "Skirt for female warriors, modelled on one worn by a battle goddess. "
Valkyrie Skirt 36000 "Shiny skirt for female warriors, blessed by divine spirits of battle. "
Minerva's Skirt 28000 Skirt for female warriors. Offers protection and makes you battle-thirsty.
Fafnir's Leggings 56000 Leggings made of Ancient Dragon's Scales. Tough and sturdy.
Godly Leggings 16000 Leggings made from godly materials. Divinely comfortable.
Rune Leg Guards 32000 Strange power is sealed within. They keep your most vulnerable spots well-protected.
Shadow Leg Guards 16000 Finest leg guards made from Monster Hide. Very comfy and easy to move in.
Philosopher's Robe 64000 "Gown for enlightened sages, usually donned by those who seek knowledge. "
Inner Dragon 400 Dress up like a dragon and go around Reveria frightening wannabe heroes!
Plushling Costume 400 Plushling suit. Put it on and you'll forget all about being human.
Elegant Dress 400 "Chic dress, wider towards the hem. High-quality item for refined ladies. "
Cute Ribbon Dress 400 A bit of a cutesy ribbon dress. Classic touches give it a surprisingly modern look.
Ninja Garb 400 "Garb worn by foreign warriors called ""ninjas"". Made to enable stealthy movement. "
Rainbow Robe 60000 A robe containing the power of the rainbow.
Shogun Armour 52000 Black armour worn by foreign warriors. Seems impervious to many attacks.
Lord's Armour 28000 Red armour worn by foreign warriors. Swords and arrows are no match for it.
Officer's Armour 26000 Blue armour worn by foreign warriors. Deflects all sword blows.
Philosopher's Mitts 44000 Gloves for enlightened sages. Wisdom seems to emanate from them.
Ares Hand Guards 54000 Made from godly materials. Wearing them makes you feel divine power in your arms.
Dragon Claws 400 Gloves resembling dragon claws. You could do some serious damage with them.
Plushling Hands 400 "Gloves that look like Plushling paws. They can keep your hands warm, too. "
Ninja Hand Guards 400 "Hand guards used by people from another world called ""ninjas"". Tough, yet comfy. "
Shogun Hand Guards 52000 Golden hand guards worn for protection by battle commanders in foreign lands.
Lord's Hand Guards 20000 Red hand guards worn by warriors in a far off land. They make you want to bark orders.
Officer's Hand Guards 16000 Brown hand guards worn by warriors in a far off land. Protect your hands with these.
Sacred Hand Guards 20400 "Holding the power of a Protection Stone, these gloves turn strength into holy power. "
Freya's Hand Guards 24000 "Hand guards for female warriors, modelled after those worn by a battle goddess. "
Valkyrie Hand Guards 36000 "Shiny hand guards for female warriors, blessed by divine spirits of battle. "
Minerva's Hand Guards 32000 Black hand guards for female warriors. Said to have been worn by a warring goddess.
Fafnir's Gloves 52000 "Gloves made from Ancient Dragon's Scales, giving you dragon-like strength. "
Godly Gauntlets 16000 Gauntlets made from godly materials. Bestow divine power onto your arms.
Rune Gauntlets 25000 A strange power is sealed within. They pack a punch and protect your hands.
Shadow Gauntlets 24000 Finest gauntlets made from Monster Hide. They give you a very good grip on weapons.
Origin Island Gloves 17000 Gloves made for Origin Island's climate. Offer protection from any strange beasts.
Philosopher's Shoes 44000 Shoes for enlightened sages. They inspire you to further your quest for knowledge.
Ares Sandals 40000 Finest sandals made from godly materials. They make you tread more nimbly.
Dragon Stompers 400 Boots resembling dragon feet. Stomping on stuff and roaring suddenly seems appealing.
Plushling Feet 400 Footwear imitating Plushling feet. They make you want to walk in a funny way...
Elegant Shoes 400 Elegant shoes decorated with frilly ribbons. The round tips give them a graceful look.
Cute Shoes 400 "Somewhat cutesy enamelled shoes with neat, tapering tips. "
Ninja Tabi 400 "Footgear worn by ""ninjas"". They seem optimised for difficult missions. "
Origin Island Boots 16000 Boots designed for the Origin Island climate. They make you feel like an explorer.
Shogun Tabi 20000 Worn by foreign warriors to walk thousands of miles without getting sore feet.
Lord's Tabi 22000 Worn by foreign warriors to walk hundreds of miles without getting sore feet.
Officer's Tabi 12000 Worn by foreign warriors. You could walk a few miles in them without getting sore feet.
Sacred Boots 20800 "Containing the power of a Protection Stone, these boots make your stride somehow holy. "
Freya's Sandals 30000 "Sandals for female warriors, modelled after those worn by a battle goddess. "
Valkyrie Sandals 40000 "Shiny sandals for female warriors, blessed by divine spirits of battle. "
Minerva's Sandals 38000 Black sandals for female warriors. Said to have been worn by a warring goddess.
Fafnir's Boots 54000 Boots made from Ancient Dragon's Scales. Give your kicks more power. Dragon power.
Godly Boots 16000 "Boots made from godly materials. So divine, even monsters may kneel before you. "
Rune Boots 28000 Strange power is sealed within. They guard your feet from sneaky attacks.
Shadow Boots 16000 "Fine boots made of Monster Hide. So comfy, it feels like they're cuddling your feet. "
Aegis Shield 60000 Extraordinary shield that grants you divine protection. Easily deflects fierce blows.
Ancient Shield 40000 A shield housing souls of ancient warriors. It has saved lives for generations.
Ares Cape 38000 Finest cape made from God Materials. Makes its wearer look majestic.
Freya's Wings 16000 "Accessory for female warriors, modelled on a battle goddess's wings. "
Valkyrie Wings 50000 "Accessory for female warriors, blessed by divine spirits of battle. "
Minerva's Wings 20000 Accessory for female warriors. Grants divine protection on any battlefield.
Sacred Cape 20000 Cape infused with the power of a Protection Stone. Flutters on your back in a holy way.
Dragon Wings 400 It wouldn't be a dragon outfit without wings. If only they let you soar through the skies...
Double-Edged Stone 60000 "Charm that boosts your power, but makes Lady Luck turn away from you. "
Destiny Charm 28000 Lucky charm that might make all your wishes come true.
Fluffkin Fuzzband 20000 A Good-luck bracelet passed down from one Fluffkin to another over the centuries.
Bandit Hood 400 A hood worn by Bandits to conceal their faces.
Pam's Bandana 400 Headwear popular among more mature ladies.
Danuta's Hat 400 A hat to make you look like the Great Spirit of the forest. It's warm and fluffy.
Frilly Cap 400 An adorably frilly-licious hat.
Carrotella Head 400 A hat that will make your head look like a giant carrot monster.
Butler's Hat 400 未作成
Spirit's Hat 400 未作成
Snowman's Head 400 A hat resembling a snowman's head. Muffles sound for an added feel of snowy stillness.
Pino's Hat 400 Carved from the bark of Elderwood trees. Whispers of forest spirits come from within.
Fluffkin Head 400 "Headgear that looks like a Fluffkin head. Don't worry, kids, it's not the real thing. "
Warrior's Head Armour 400 未作成
Buccaneer's Headband 400 Bandana worn by pirates. Good for wiping hands and keeping sweat out of your face.
Celestial Hat 400 Light straw hat perfect for farmers working in the bright sunlight of the heavens.
Goddess's Hairpiece 400 "Hairpiece with the symbol of Lunares, made from some mysterious metal. "
Princely Crown 400 A marvellous gilded crown that's been in the Royal Family for centuries.
Festive Hat 400 Ho ho ho! Put this hat on and indulge in some gift-giving fun!
Pirate King's Hat 400 未作成
Odin's Helm 400 "Special equipment for Captain Odin, topped with a crest. "
Cursed Dragon Helm 90000 Replica of a cursed dragon's head. Put it on to feel like a fearsome dragon.
Mystery Hat 400 Quirky hat that looks like it might just talk.
Dragon King's Helm 400 "Helm worn by the Dragon King, the hero of centuries-old Castele legend. "
Sea Lord's Helm 400 "Helm worn by the Sea Lord, tales of whom have long been told in Port Puerto. "
女ボチャ帽子 400 未作成
Dark Sultan's Helm 400 "Helm of the Legendary Dark Sultan, the hero of age-old Al Maajikan tales. "
Spirit King's Helm 400 "Helm of the Spirit King, featuring in old legends of the Elderwood. "
Leilah's Floral Circlet 400 Made from Elderwood tree leaves. Smells of the forest. Aaah...leafy.
Pumpkin Head 400 With headgear like this you could become the ambassador of Pumpkinland.
Gold Dragon Head 400 "Part of the Gold Dragon costume set. It can make you breathe fire...well, maybe not. "
Cacto Cabeza 400 Hat made out of a hollowed-out cactus. Its cute little needles can cause acute pain.
Witch's Hat 400 Why not complement the look with a black cat or a bat?
Unknown Equipment 400 未知のアイテム。最新データを ダウンロードすれば詳細がわかります。
Festive Dress 400 Great outfit for the winter gift-giving season.
Pirate King's Outfit 400 未作成
Odin's Armour 400 "Armour worn by Maajiknight Captain Odin, with a characteristic dark colour scheme. "
Daemon's Outfit 400 Made with the finest Al Maajik materials to satisfy the needs of a Dark Sultan.
Mysterious Robe 400 Robe that makes you want to hop onto a broom and fly.
Dragon King's Armour 400 "Armour worn by the Dragon King, the hero of centuries-old Castele legend. "
Sea Lord's Armour 400 "Armour worn by the Sea Lord, tales of whom have long been told in Port Puerto. "
Men's Beachwear A 400 未作成
Dark Sultan's Armour 400 "Armour of the Legendary Dark Sultan, the hero of age-old tales in Al Maajik. "
Spirit King's Armour 400 "Armour of the Spirit King, featuring in old legends of the Elderwood. "
Leilah's Dress 400 Clothing woven from the Elderwood breeze. Put it on and you'll feel like a forest spirit.
Pumpkin Costume 400 An orange outfit to make you an instant celebrity among pumpkins.
Gold Dragon Body 400 "The Golden Dragon has sky-high HP... but you won't, even with this outfit. "
Cacto Suit 400 A suit made from a hollowed-out cactus. Offers protection...from cuddles.
未知のそうび 400 未知のアイテム。最新データを ダウンロードすれば詳細がわかります。
Hermit's Outfit 400 未作成
Prior Sultan's Outfit 400 未作成
Yuelia's Outfit 400 "Yuelia's clothing, made in Lunares. Uses only local Lunares materials. "
Bandit Outfit 400 Used by Bandits to make them appear tougher.
女ボチャドレス 400 未作成
Surf's Up Shirt 400 A shirt popular among beach-going hunks.
Lovely Swimwear 400 You'll be a hit at the beach when you wear this fashionable swimsuit.
Miracle Gloves 400 Miracle-working gloves that let you revive non-player party members to full HP.
Friendship Gloves 400 Gloves that improve your sociability. Your Friendship with visitors will rise in no time.
Treasure Gloves 400 Gloves of a legendary treasure hunter. Lets you get two items from each treasure chest.
Hermes Sandals 400 Sandals as light as a feather. Wear them to dash without ever getting tired.
Millionaire's Shoes 400 Special bejewelled boots that get you more Dosh when defeating opponents.
Laura's Hat 400 "A rakish blue cap, made using only the finest materials found in Castele. "
Blooming Cap 400 未作成
Men's Beachwear Hat A 400 未作成
Women's Beachwear Hat A 400 未作成
Surf's Up Shorts 400 Shorts popular among beach-going hunks.
Lovely Sarong 400 You'll be a hit at the beach when you wear this fashionable sarong.
Companion Cape 400 "A special, adorable cape. It makes pets and party members more friendly towards you. "
Celestial Wings 400 Wings that would let you freely soar in the skies...if they weren't just a replica.
Butler's Suit 400 A snazzy blue suit for deferential butlers with a respect for style.
Women's Beachwear A 400 未作成
Danuta's Outfit 400 Clothing modelled on the Great Spirit. May make the forest friendlier towards you.
Frilly Dress 400 Do you love the frill of a good dress? Then this is for you.
Carrotella Costume 400 Carrotella costume. Experience what it feels like to be a Carrotella.
Pam's Dress 400 This dress is a staple in more mature ladies' wardrobes.
Spirit Dress 400 未作成
Snowman Costume 400 "A suit that makes you look like a snowman. Looks warm, but feels chilly inside. "
Pino's Outfit 400 A top made from Elderwood tree bark. Much softer than you'd expect.
Fluffkin Suit 400 A suit to make you reflect upon the great history of the Fluffkin.
Warrior's Garment 400 未作成
Buccaneer's Costume 400 "Traditional pirate outfit, appropriate for sailing the high seas in search of treasure. "
Celestial Outfit 400 A top worn by celestial dwellers. The design has quite a long history.
Goddess's Dress 400 A dress woven from the night sky itself. Its rustling is like the whispering of the stars.
Princely Suit 400 A suit made from top-quality ingredients. Only those of nobility can wear it properly.
Bandit Gloves 400 The gloves of choice for any mischievous Bandit worth his salt.
Pam's Gloves 400 Gloves popular among more mature ladies.
Danuta's Gloves 400 Gloves that look like the Great Spirit's paws. Complete with soft toe beans.
Frilly Wristband 400 Adorable wristbands that give your hands a gift-wrapped look.
Carrotella Hands 400 Huge carrot hands. Just what you need to dress up as Carrotella.
Butler's Gloves 400 Blue gloves that capture the essence of hospitality.
Spirit Arms 400 未作成
Snowman Hands 400 Snowman gloves knitted with very thick wool for fun times in the snow.
Pino's Gloves 400 Gloves made from Elderwood tree bark. Make you feel at one with the forest.
Fluffkin Paws 400 Warm Fluffkin gloves that remind you of the kind nature of the Fluffkin.
Warrior's Hand Armour 400 未作成
Buccaneer's Wristbands 400 Pirate fashion. They're said to naturally snap open when a wish you've made comes true.
Celestial Gloves 400 Versatile gloves that are great for anything - from tilling the soil to celestial office work.
Goddess's Gloves 400 Gloves woven from the night sky itself. They make the stars seem within your reach.
Princely Arms 400 未作成
Festive Gloves 400 Fluffy gloves for Santa wannabes.
Pirate King's Arms 400 未作成
Odin's Gloves 400 Gloves used by Maajiknight Captain Odin. As cold as his icy stare.
Daemon's Bangles 400 Made with the finest Al Maajikan materials to satisfy the Dark Sultan's needs.
Spooktacular Arms 400 未作成
Dragon King's Gauntlets 400 "Gauntlets worn by the Dragon King, the hero of centuries-old Castele legend. "
Sea Lord's Gauntlets 400 "Gauntlets worn by the Sea Lord, tales of whom have long been told in Port Puerto. "
Dark Sultan's Gauntlets 400 "Gauntlets of the Legendary Dark Sultan, hero of age-old tales from Al Maajik. "
Spirit King's Gauntlets 400 "Gauntlets of the Spirit King, featuring in old legends of the Elderwood. "
Leilah's Gloves 400 Gloves made from Elderwood tree leaves. Make you blend in with nature.
Pumpkin Gloves 400 未作成
Gold Dragon Claws 400 Golden Dragon claws. Dragon-like strength... is not something they grant.
Cacto Hands 400 Gloves made from a hollowed-out cactus. No one will want to shake hands with you.
Bandit Boots 400 Casual shoes worn by chic sneaks. The very best in Bandit fashion.
Pam's Shoes 400 Sensible shoes popular with more mature ladies.
Danuta's Shoes 400 Shoes resembling the Great Spirit's hind paws. Toe beans give them good grip.
Frilly Shoes 400 "Comfy, luxurious shoes to put a spring in your step. "
Carrotella Boots 400 Boots imitating a Carrotella's feet. The root of any good carrot costume.
Butler's Shoes 400 Shoes polished so well you can see your reflection in them.
Spirit Boots 400 未作成
Snowman Boots 400 "Snowman boots, fluffy and white like the first snow of winter. "
Pino's Boots 400 Shoes made from Elderwood tree bark. They make forest walks even more pleasant.
Fluffkin Feet 400 Furry Fluffkin boots radiating famous Fluffkin will-power.
Warrior's Boots 400 未作成
Buccaneer's Shoes 400 Shoes popular among pirates. They have good grip to keep you steady on the deck.
Celestial Shoes 400 "Shoes good for anything, from trudging through fields to visiting the world below. "
Goddess's Heels 400 Shoes made from the night sky itself. Make you want to walk among the stars.
Princely Boots 400 Royal boots to serve a prince well in whatever situation he finds himself.
Festive Shoes 400 Fluffy boots in the latest Santa fashion.
Pirate King's Boots 400 未作成
Odin's Boots 400 Maajiknight Captain Odin's boots. Designed to keep pesky desert sand out.
Daemon's Shoes 400 "Shoes for the Dark Sultan, made from the finest Al Maajikan materials. "
Mysterious Boots 400 Mystic boots with tips curved up.
Dragon King's Boots 400 "Boots worn by the Dragon King, the hero of centuries-old Castele legend. "
Sea Lord's Boots 400 "Boots worn by the Sea Lord, tales of whom have long been told in Port Puerto. "
Dark Sultan's Boots 400 "Boots of the Legendary Dark Sultan, hero of tales told through the ages in Al Maajik. "
Spirit King's Boots 400 "Boots of the Spirit King, featuring in old legends of the Elderwood. "
Leilah's Boots 400 "Boots made from Elderwood tree bark. So soft, it feels like walking on grass barefoot. "
Pumpkin Feet 400 Shoes that seem to be designed for dancing on pumpkin patches.
Gold Dragon Feet 400 Golden Dragon feet. Will they make your kicks as powerful as a dragon's? ...No.
Cacto Zapatos 400 "Boots made from a hollowed-out cactus, with spikes on the back. "
Fanciful Feet 400 "Extraordinary, light shoes that increase the amount of experience points gained. "
Dragon King's Shield 400 "Shield used by the Dragon King, the hero of centuries-old Castele legend. "
Paladin's Pride 400 A brooch imbued with the spirit of a Paladin. Helps raise sword and shield skills faster.
Mercenary's Pride 400 A brooch imbued with a Mercenary's spirit. Helps raise your Greatsword skill faster.
Hunter's Pride 400 A brooch imbued with the spirit of a Hunter. Helps raise your bow skills faster.
Magician's Pride 400 A brooch imbued with a Magician's spirit. Helps raise your magic skills faster.
Miner's Pride 400 A brooch imbued with the spirit of a Miner. Helps raise your mining skills faster.
Woodcutter's Pride 400 A brooch imbued with a Woodcutter's spirit. Helps raise your woodcutting skills faster.
Angler's Pride 400 A brooch imbued with the spirit of an Angler. Helps raise your fishing skills faster.
Cook's Pride 400 A brooch imbued with spirit of a Cook. Helps raise your cooking skills faster.
Blacksmith's Pride 400 A brooch imbued with a Blacksmith's spirit. Helps raise your smithing skills faster.
Gold Dragon Wings 400 Golden Dragon Wings. They might allow you to fly...if they weren't a replica.
Odin's Cape 400 "A cape for Odin, the Maajiknight Captain. Protects your back from the hot desert sun. "
Daemon's Cape 400 "Cape for the Dark Sultan, made from the finest materials found in Al Maajik. "
Warrior's Cape 400 未作成
Princely Cape 400 Thick cape. A traditional royal garment.
Dragon King's Cape 400 "Cape worn by the Dragon King, the hero of centuries-old Castele legend. "
Sea Lord's Cape 400 "Cape worn by the Sea Lord, tales of whom have long been told in Port Puerto. "
Dark Sultan's Cape 400 "Cape of the Legendary Dark Sultan, hero of Al Maajikan tales told through the ages. "
Spirit King's Cape 400 "Cape of the Spirit King, featuring in old legends of the Elderwood. "
Plushling Backpack 400 Backpack in a style that's all the rage among Plushlings. Well-balanced and handy.
Carpenter's Pride 400 A brooch imbued with a Carpenter's spirit. Helps raise your carpentry skills faster.
Tailor's Pride 400 A brooch imbued with the spirit of a Tailor. Helps raise your sewing skills faster.
Alchemist's Pride 400 A brooch imbued with an Alchemist's spirit. Helps raise your alchemy skills faster.
Celestial Ring 80000 Diamond ring with starlight captured inside.
Sun Ring 400 A ring blessed by the sun. Makes your Special Skill gauge charge up quicker.
Moon Ring 400 A ring blessed by the moon. Makes SP recover quicker.
Star Ring 400 A ring blessed by the stars. Enables natural HP recovery during battles.
Monarch's Stone 60000 Only those who have earned the King's deep trust are allowed to wear this charm.
Legendary Talisman 400 Charm said to host the spirit of a legendary hero. Helps you when you're under attack.
Goddess's Blessing 400 Charm infused with limitless love. Use a Life Cure while wearing to recover full HP.
Djinn Talisman 72000 Charm said to be inhabited by a djinn. It boosts your attack power.
Tsunami Talisman 76000 Charm infused with the power of raging waves. It improves your defence.
Demonic Necklace 80000 Necklace infused with demonic power. The weak-willed can become possessed by it.
Tidal Necklace 20000 Necklace infused with the power of the sea. Calms the nerves like a warm ocean breeze.
Elise's Talisman 400 Charm blessed with good wishes from Elise.
Yuelia's Talisman 400 A charm blessed with good wishes from Yuelia.
Noelia's Talisman 400 A charm blessed with good wishes from Noelia.
Beginner's Pickaxe 400 A basic pickaxe for practising. Leaves every stone unturned.
Bronze Pickaxe 1000 Pickaxe made of bronze. Good for the more brittle rocks.
Iron Pickaxe 1800 Basic pickaxe made of iron. It digs. What more could you want?
Silver Pickaxe 2900 Light pickaxe made of silver. Sometimes used for sculpting statues!
Gold Pickaxe 4800 Dazzling pickaxe made of gold. Has an aristocratic air about it.
Lava Pickaxe 8000 Pickaxe infused with fire power. Practically melts the ore when hit!
Deep Sea Pickaxe 13000 Pickaxe infused with the power of the sea.
Ancient Pickaxe 20000 "Pickaxe brimming with ancient power. Gives literal meaning to ""having a break"". "
Mole Pickaxe 26000 Pickaxe infused with mighty mole might. Dig through rocks like a mole machine!
Solar Pickaxe 35000 Pickaxe blessed with the power of the sun. The pride and joy of all Miners!
Beginner's Pickaxe 400 A basic pickaxe for practising. Cannot be sold now.
Worn Axe 400 Axe belonging to a former Woodcutter. Her name is still written on its handle.
Oak Axe 1050 Axe with a handle made of oak. Somewhat decent.
Pine Axe 1900 Axe with a handle made of pine. Be careful! It's sharp!
Palm Axe 3045 Glittering axe with a handle made of palm. A blessing from the Forest Lady.
Sugar Axe 5040 A golden axe with a sugar wood handle. A blessing from the Forest Lady.
Sparkle Axe 8400 "Axe made of both razzle and dazzle. So sparkly, it'll never rust! "
Marine Axe 13650 Axe infused with the breath of the sea god. Its usability is quite high.
Giant's Axe 19800 Axe infused with the power of the ancient giants. Perfectly balanced.
Goddess's Axe 27000 Axe blessed by the Goddess. Almost like it adjusts to the user's hand.
Great Forest Axe 20900 Axe crafted deep within the forest. It is said there is no tree it cannot cut.
Worn Axe 400 Axe that belonged to a former Woodcutter. Cannot be sold now.
Guppy Rod 400 Fishing rod made for practising. For those still fishing in the kiddy pool.
Oak Rod 900 "Crude fishing rod made of oak. An entry-level rod, at best. "
Pine Rod 1600 Tough fishing rod made of pine. For those who want to fish but lack technique.
Palm Rod 2600 Decent fishing rod made of palm. Requires technique to get the most out of it.
Sugar Rod 4300 Balanced fishing rod made of sugar wood. Perfect for fishing wherever you go!
Famous Angler's Rod 7200 A fishing rod made for a famous Angler. Any Angler worth their worms would want one!
Sandstorm Rod 11800 A fishing rod holding the power of the desert. Perfect for sand fishing.
Whirlpool Rod 17000 Fishing rod able to withstand a whirlpool. Good stability in raging waters.
Sea Cloud Rod 23400 A special Levitanian fishing rod. The perfect rod for sky fishing!
Marine Rod 12000 Fishing rod said to have been used by the gods. No fish can escape its allure!
Guppy Rod 400 Fishing rod made for practising. Cannot be sold now.
Fledgling's Hammer 400 "A basic hammer for practising. Puts the ""ease"" in ""easy""! "
Bronze Hammer 1160 Hammer made of bronze. It's okay for most forging.
Iron Hammer 2100 Solid hammer made of iron. Great for those aspiring Blacksmiths.
Silver Hammer 3300 Sleek hammer made of silver. For intermediate users and up.
Gold Hammer 5520 Glittering hammer made of gold. Often more status symbol than tool.
Super Hammer 9200 Hammer finely tuned for balance. It's almost like it adjusts to the user's hand.
Flame Hammer 14900 Hammer infused with fire. Lets you strike while the iron's hot!
Rockcrusher Hammer 21000 Hammer with spikes on both ends. Sure to get its point across.
Spark Hammer 29000 Hammer infused with lightning. One electrifying experience!
Spirit Hammer 15600 Hammer infused with spiritual energy. Said to strengthen the user's swings.
Fledgling's Hammer 400 Hammer made for practising. Cannot be sold now.
Training Needle 400 A basic needle. Made for beginner Tailors.
Bronze Needle 800 A needle made of bronze. Expert Tailors should look elsewhere.
Iron Needle 1440 A needle made of iron. Sews through thick materials like a hot knife through butter.
Silver Needle 2300 Needle made of sleek silver. Slides through fabrics of all kinds!
Gold Needle 3800 A needle made of gold. Excellent for nuanced techniques.
Fashionista's Needle 6400 A needle for the fashion-conscious. Weaves through stitching like nobody's business.
Hornet Needle 10400 Needle shaped like an insect stinger. Cross stitching with this is the bee's knees!
New Wave Needle 15000 A needle for a new age of tailoring. Sure to help your clothing make a splash!
Gothic Needle 22000 A dark needle for the brooding Tailor. Terrible poetry not included.
Industry Needle 30000 Needle used for making top brand clothing. Runway fashion in half the time!
Haute Needle 20000 Needle for the best of the best. The culmination of sewing technology.
Training Needle 400 Needle made for practising. Cannot be sold now.
Makeshift Saw 400 Saw for beginners. Shows signs of rusting.
Oak Saw 1100 "Saw with a handle made of oak. Not terrible, not great. "
Pine Saw 1980 "Saw with a handle made from pine. Easy on the hands, tough on the wood. "
Palm Saw 3190 Saw with a handle made from palm. Loved by Carpenters far and wide.
Sugar Saw 5280 A saw with a handle made from sugar wood. Responds to even delicate movements.
Royal Saw 8800 Saw once used by the King of Castele. Said to have been used on castle DIY.
Sea Saw 14300 "A saw believed to be used by shipbuilders. If it's enough for a boat, it's fine for you. "
Gold Saw 20800 Saw made from dazzling gold. Raises the quality of items produced with it.
Ancient Saw 28000 Saw made from reptilian materials. Radiates with pure power.
Master Saw 16400 Saw passed down by famous Carpenters. Just brimming with cutting power!
Makeshift Saw 400 Saw for beginners. Shows signs of rusting. Cannot be sold now.
Pretend Frying Pan 400 Frying pan for practising. Also used by kids when playing house.
Bronze Frying Pan 840 "Frying pan made of bronze. Sturdy, and gets the job done. "
Iron Frying Pan 1520 Frying pan made of iron. Great for cooking delicious dishes!
Silver Frying Pan 2400 A frying pan made of sparkling silver. Its silver finish makes for non-stick meals.
Gold Frying Pan 4000 "Frying pan made of gold. Cooks food evenly first time, every time. "
Clam Frying Pan 8000 Frying pan designed like a clam shell. Retains heat extremely well.
Enchanted Frying Pan 11000 A frying pan with a magical aura. Its enchanted coating makes for magical meals!
Foreign Frying Pan 16000 A frying pan from a distant land. Brings out the best in any dish.
Frymaster 2000 74000 "A frying pan crafted from divine materials. It doesn't make meals, it makes legends! "
Pretend Frying Pan 400 A frying pan for practising. Cannot be sold now.
Experimental Flask 400 A flask for practising. Not suitable for dangerous mixtures.
Science Flask 2800 Small flask used for science. Perfect for budding Alchemists.
Inventor's Flask 3400 Flask with a slightly foul smell. Smelly but effective!
Bubbling Flask 5200 Flask that's always bubbling. Who knows what mixtures it can make?
Wisdom Flask 6000 Flask that emits mysterious white smoke. You have to see it to believe it!
Sol Flask 9000 Flask infused with the power of fire. Some say it's too hot to handle.
Icicle Flask 12500 Flask infused with the power of water. Some say it's the coolest flask in town.
Bolt Flask 18000 Flask infused with the power of lightning. Strikes the user with a bolt of inspiration.
Forbidden Flask 15000 The most forbidden of flasks. Only Castele-certified Alchemists can use it.
Miracle Flask 24000 The ultimate in alchemy flasks. Allows the user to make anything!
Experimental Flask 400 Flask for practising. Cannot be sold now.
Gigaga Pickaxe 45000 Pickaxe made for an ancient hero. Contains the power of the Fluffkin.
Demonic Pickaxe 60000 Pickaxe of darkness and destruction. Can take over the user's soul.
Spirit Pickaxe 70000 Pickaxe favoured by the gods. Said to infuse life into anything it touches.
Gigaga Axe 47000 Axe from a time long forgotten. Contains the power of the Fluffkin.
Cutterfly 60000 "Axe reminiscent of a butterfly. It looks cute, but it packs a punch! "
Meteor Axe 70000 "An axe infused with the power of the gods. So mighty, it can cut a meteorite right in half. "
Gigaga Fishing Rod 42000 Legendary fishing rod crafted long ago. Contains the power of the Fluffkin.
Victory Fishing Rod 60000 Fishing rod that brings glory to its user. Widely considered THE must-have rod!
Star Fishing Rod 70000 A quality fishing rod endorsed by the gods. Perfect for catching a falling
Gigaga Hammer 50000 Said to have forged many a famed weapon. Infused with Fluffkin power. Quite the rarity.
Clockwork Hammer 60000 Hammer that can smash through time itself. Said to be THE cure for insomnia.
Star Smasher 70000 Toughest hammer around. Its durability is out of this world!
Vintage Needle 51000 Needle used to stitch legendary clothing. For making a more vintage look.
Vogue Needle 60000 Needle that can pierce any fabric. Its mystical design is the new black!
Athena's Needle 70000 A needle said to belong to a divine Tailor. It almost seems to sew all on its own.
Gigaga Saw 49000 Saw created in ancient times. Contains the power of the Fluffkin.
Plume Saw 60000 Saw blessed by the gods. Literally flies through wood!
Solar Saw 70000 Saw containing the power of the sun. Guaranteed to brighten the user's day!
Ancient Frying Pan 40000 Unique pan made from age-old stone. Holds the ancient secret for perfect fried eggs!
Phoenix Frying Pan 60000 Pan of mythical origin. Brings any botched meal back to life!
Pan de Cuisine 70000 An exceptional pan for exceptional chefs. A flavour explosion in every meal. Très bien!
Flask of Dawn 43000 Flask containing the ancient wisdom. Allows for the creation of forgotten mixtures.
Big Bang Flask 60000 Flask filled with cosmic energy. One wrong move and the universe is DOOMED!
Yggdrasil Flask 70000 "Ultimate flask, imbued with the power of life. Its tree shape evokes images of creation. "
Woven Castele Rug 3000 A traditional woven Castele rug. Keeps your feet warm.
Royal Rug 15000 A rug made from fine materials. Its regal look befits the elite of Castele society.
Port Town Rug 5000 A rug made in the traditional Port Puerto style. It makes you long for the seaside.
Ship Deck Rug 13000 A lattice rug resembling the planking on a pirate ship.
Starry Night Rug 11000 A blue and gold rug with a night sky motif. Said to bring you good dreams.
Underworld Rug 14000 A rug in the Al Maajik style. Said to strike fear into the hearts of the weak.
Woven Castele Mat 3000 A traditional woven Castele mat. A common feature in many homes.
Royal Mat 20000 A mat of the finest materials. Matches well with the Royal Rug.
Port Town Mat 3800 A mat made in the traditional Port Puerto style. Bring that port feel to your home.
Pirate Mat 10000 A skull and crossbones mat befitting the playful yet menacing nature of a pirate.
Starry Night Mat 9000 A mat with a desert night sky motif.
Mat of Darkness 18000 A demonic rug. Good for those who like a darker touch.
Veggie Plot Rug 2400 A rug that makes you feel like you're right there in the farmyard.
Wooden Log Rug 6000 A raft rug. Good for surviving the high seas.
Clover Rug 14000 A green rug shaped like a four-leaf clover. Will bring good luck to any home.
Leaf Mat 10000 "A rug shaped like a cute, green leaf. Goes well with any furniture. "
Rush Rug 1600 "A rug made of dried, woven reeds. Don't all rush at once. "
Football Pitch 70000 Springy green turf. Good for a kickabout.
Simple Carpet 2000 A simple carpet that can be dyed to your liking.
Simple Mat 1000 A simple mat that can be dyed to your liking.
Magician's Trophy 70000 A magical carpet. Designed with the ancient Maajiknights in mind.
Wooden Dining Table 2400 A dining table made of wood. Seats four.
Royal Dining Table 14000 A fancy dining table for entertaining royalty.
Tiled Dining Table 3800 A dining table topped with seashell-blue tiles.
Pirate Dining Table 5800 A dining table to make you feel like you're dining al fresco by the sea.
Starry Night Dining Table 6800 A dining table from Al Maajik. Helps recreate fine moonlight dining.
Bloodthirsty Table 10800 A deadly dining table for demonic dinner parties.
Wooden Low Table 2800 A simple and homely wooden low table.
Royal Low Table 12000 A fancy Castelian low table.
Tiled Low Table 3000 A low table stylishly topped with tiles.
Pirate Low Table 4000 A low table for those who love that authentic pirate ship feel. Arrr!
Starry Night Low Table 6000 A low table with a funky night sky motif.
Occult Low Table 7800 A low table fit for a Dark Sultan. Stamped with Daemon's (forged) seal of approval.
Forest Dining Table 3000 A casual dining table to make your dinner party feel like a forest affair.
Forest Low Table 6800 A casual low table to make your room look a little more forest-like.
White Dining Table 500 A simple white dining table. Good for those who like minimalism.
Black Dining Table 500 A stylish black dining table. For classy dinner parties.
Pink Dining Table 500 A pretty pink dining table. For tea parties with cake.
Yellow Dining Table 500 A bright yellow dining table. Adds some sunshine to your dinner party.
Green Dining Table 500 A nice green dining table. Good for those who prefer simple decor.
Blue Dining Table 500 A calming blue dinner table. Your dinner parties will go smoothly with this.
Wooden Chest 2000 A wooden chest made of natural materials. Plenty of space inside.
Royal Chest 16000 A fancy chest fit for a queen. A much sought-after piece in Castele.
Tiled Chest 4200 A spacious chest finished with tiles.
Pirate Chest 4200 A rugged chest for all your treasured items.
Starry Night Chest 7000 A funky chest covered with a night sky motif.
Darkness-Eating Chest 7000 A devious chest for a Dark Sultan wannabe. It feasts upon the darkness of the mind.
Wooden Cabinet 2000 A simple cabinet made of sturdy wood.
Royal Cabinet 12000 A fancy cabinet for those wishing to emulate Castele royalty.
Tiled Cabinet 3000 A port-style cabinet laced with pretty seaside tiles.
Pirate Cabinet 3200 A traditional cabinet used by marauding pirates to store their spoils.
Starry Night Cabinet 4800 An Al Maajikan cabinet finished with pretty night sky motif.
Ominous Cabinet 14000 A terrifying cabinet that's pitch-black inside.
Forest Chest 6000 A simple chest that smells like the forest.
Forest Cabinet 5600 A forest-style cabinet. Makes your room feel at one with nature.
Wooden Sofa 2800 A simple and understated sofa.
Royal Sofa 13000 A luxury sofa with hand-stitched cushions. Fancy.
Port Town Couch 3200 A port-style couch. Perfect for reclining on to watch the seagulls fly by.
Pirate Bench 4600 A simple bench for a salty sea dog to take a rest.
Starry Night Sofa 6000 A great sofa for a relaxing daytime snooze.
Treacherous Sofa 20000 A sofa fit for a Dark Sultan to sit upon and make diabolical plans.
Forest Sofa 5800 Feels like you're sitting in the forest! Takes you right back to nature.
Wooden Bed 2400 A simple wooden bed with green sheets. Seems quite sturdy.
Royal Bed 19000 A royal four-poster bed of the highest quality. Pure luxury for anyone who uses it.
Port Town Bed 4200 Blue woodwork and striped sheets give this a breezy port town feel.
Pirate Berth 6000 A perfect place for a salty sea dog to relax after a day of plundering.
Starry Night Bed 12000 A navy blue bed with bright and starry night sky motif. Sweet dreams!
Nightmare Bed 8000 A midnight-purple and indigo bed. Watch out for night terrors.
Forest Bed 9000 Feels like you're sleeping in the forest. Listen hard and you may hear the spirits.
White Bed 800 A simple white bed. Casual yet classy.
Black Bed 800 A bed comprised of dark wood and black sheets. Looks cosy.
Pink Bed 800 A cute pink bed. You'll dream of marshmallows...maybe.
Yellow Bed 800 A vibrant yellow bed. Sure to give you some vivid dreams.
Green Bed 800 A calming green bed. Soothes the soul.
Blue Bed 800 A cool blue bed. Feels like you're sleeping in the sky.
Castele Curtains 960 Simple curtains. Look good against the blue sky.
Royal Curtains 17000 High-class curtains of royal quality. You'll want the neighbours to see 'em.
Lace Curtains 4000 Standard curtains in any Port Puerto home. Perfect for an ocean view.
Pirate Ship Window 6000 A pirate ship's grid window. Take a peek at the high seas.
Starry Night Curtains 10000 Funky curtains featuring a night sky motif. Help to keep the glare out.
Netherworldly Curtains 20000 Diabolical curtains that will make you feel like you're gazing into another realm.
Forest Curtains 8000 Curtains that filter the sunlight as if breaking through the branches of trees.
Simple Curtains 800 Simple curtains that can be dyed however you like.
Traditional Castele Wall 2000 A traditional Castele wall. Goes with any furniture.
Castle Wall 4800 A wall that resembles the stone interior of Castele Castle.
Plaster Wall 1600 A stucco wall made from natural materials. Keeps the warm air in.
Al Maajikan Wall 8000 A wall with designs inspired by the desert dwellers of Al Maajik.
Pirate Ship Wall 9000 A wall that resembles the interior of a grand pirate ship.
Enchanted Wall 14000 A strong wall to keep magic from getting out. Dark Sultans must respect their neighbours!
Blue Sky Wall 5000 A blue wall painted to look just like the Castele sky.
Sunset Wall 5000 A wall resembling the sunsets over Tortuga Archipelago.
Starlight Wall 5000 A wall resembling the starry night sky over the Drysand Desert.
Forest Wall 3200 A wall that can transform your room into an enchanted forest.
Wooden Wall 400 A wooden wall for a fresh cabin feel.
Concrete Wall 4000 A concrete wall. Simple and sturdy.
Simple Wall: White 1200 A simple white wall. Good for a minimalist decor.
Simple Wall: Black 1200 A deep black wall. Gives your room a mysterious aura.
Simple Wall: Peach 1200 A pretty pink wall. Cute and stylish.
Simple Wall: Yellow 1200 A bright yellow wall. Cheers up your whole room.
Simple Wall: Green 1200 A relaxing green wall. Gives your room a back-to-nature feel.
Simple Wall: Blue 1200 A cool blue wall. Gives your room a fresh feel.
Wooden Floor 2400 Wooden flooring. Nice and warm underfoot.
Brick Floor 4000 A stylish brick floor. Feels rustic and homely.
Castle Floor 4000 "Castele Castle floor, made of the finest materials. "
Block Floor 9000 A floor made of neatly patterned wood blocks. It's a little unusual.
Terracotta Floor 15000 A floor made of baked tiles. Good for workshop floors as well as homes.
Stone-Paved Floor 5000 "A cobblestone floor. Sturdy and good for dangerous work, like welding. "
Marine Floor 2500 A tiled floor. All the rage among the house-proud residents of Port Puerto.
Pirate Ship Floor 8000 Floor resembling a pirate ship deck. Easy to keep clean by swabbing.
Desert Floor 7000 Sandy desert floor. Add your favourite rug and you're done.
Cursed Floor 9000 A deep purple floor. Suits the Dark Sultan's air of mystique.
Unsettling Stone Floor 30000 A deep pink stone floor with accents of violet and lilac. Dark Sultans love it!
Grassy Floor 2000 Natural grassy flooring.
Sea Floor 2400 "A watery floor. If you invite an Angler round, they might get confused and try to fish. "
Concrete Floor 4000 "A concrete floor. Not very cosy... A bit avant-garde, perhaps. "
Woodland Floor 2000 "A floor resembling a sea of forest leaves. If you listen well, you can hear bugs rustling. "
Simple Floor: White 1200 An all-white floor. Good for those who like neutral decor.
Simple Floor: Black 1200 "A black floor. Well, it won't show the dirt. "
Simple Floor: Peach 1200 A pink floor. Good for those who want a peachy vibe.
Simple Floor: Yellow 1200 A bright yellow floor. Makes you feel happy.
Simple Floor: Green 1200 A green floor. Make your neighbours green with envy.
Simple Floor: Blue 1200 A blue floor. Gives your room a cool vibe.
Umbrella Tree 800 A decorative plant that seems to have sprouted from a forgotten umbrella.
Yucca 2000 A decorative plant that can reach heights of 5 metres if planted outdoors.
Lucky Cactus 4000 A cactus with two arms. Would it work as a scarecrow?
Bushy Tree 1500 A lush potted tree with powerful leaves. Said to resemble a jellyfish.
Smiley Flower 2000 A perennial plant with yellow petals. Blooms all year round.
Candle 1600 A huge candle for the home. Said to burn for hundreds of hours.
Dark Sultan's Lamp 8000 "A magical floating lamp, resembling a bat with a giant eye. "
Flower Ball Lamp 3000 A lamp with a glowing crystal ball. Nobody can explain how it emits light...
Scholar's Candle Stand 3000 "A stand with a bright candle, perfect for doing all-night research. "
Dragon Skeleton 24000 "A four million-year-old Napdragon fossil. Seems it was male, around 20 years old. "
Teddy Bear 1800 "A lovely, cuddly teddy bear. Castele children love their teddies. "
Cuddly Sea Turtle 3000 A cuddly sea turtle that's a popular souvenir in Port Puerto.
Toy Camel 7000 "A toy camel, popular with kids in Al Maajik. A noble desert beast made cute and cuddly. "
Big Bunny Plushie 12000 "A huge, slightly strange plush bunny rabbit. ...Is it watching you? "
Blacksmith's Trophy 16000 "A Paladin's armour. Purely decorative, so don't get any ideas about wearing it. "
Pirate Costume 7000 "A pirate outfit for display. It's just a reproduction, so no trying it on. "
Maajiknight Statue 8000 A statue of an ancient Maajiknight.
Great Sword 0 A replica of an ancient sword that changes size at its master's behest.
Tailor's Trophy 41000 A pure white wedding dress. Watch out for spillages.
Treasure Chest 3000 "A handy chest, great for storing treasure. Or other items...whatever floats your ship. "
Bottles 300 "Glass bottles. They're reusable, so it would be a waste to just throw them away. "
Miner's Trophy 20000 A mysterious stone filled with life forces. Only a philosopher knows its true use.
Basket 600 "A basket for storing small objects, such as apples or laundry. "
Water Jug 800 A pot for storing water. Can be used for storing grain as well.
Wooden Box 960 A wooden box. Mainly used to store vulnerable items during transit.
Barrel 1200 A sturdy barrel for storing drinking water during long sea voyages.
Cloth Bag 700 A small bag made of cloth. Use it to keep important items safe.
Carpenter's Trophy 20000 A diligently carved Goddess Statue. Looks very lifelike.
Rubbish Bin 400 Container for rubbish. A tidy room is a happy room.
Book Stack 8000 Books piled up haphazardly. Don't knock 'em over.
Scarecrow 3000 "A scarecrow for keeping mice at bay. ...What's with all the chew holes, then? "
Paladin's Trophy 7000 A replica of a legendary shield that's said to have stopped a star falling from heaven.
Mercenary's Trophy 18000 A replica of a legendary sword said to be imbued with a holy power.
Angler's Trophy 12000 "A pure gold statue of the Golden Swordfish, Lord of the High Seas. "
Wonderful Bow Stand 12000 A bow stand said to be favoured by the ancient gods.
Tree Stump & Axe 12000 A tree stump and axe ornament. Symbol of the Woodcutters' way of life.
Cook's Trophy 12000 "A big, delicious cake covered with fruit and whipped cream. "
Alchemist's Trophy 12000 A flask said to have the power to revive stars that burned out millennia ago.
Hunter's Trophy 12000 "A replica bow representing the spirit of all Hunters past, present and future. "
Woodcutter's Trophy 12000 An ornament celebrating Woodcutters' way of life. It moves true Woodcutters to tears.
Castele Memento 8000 "A ""gift"" from Divinus representing Mt Snowpeak. "
Port Puerto Memento 8000 "A ""gift"" from Divinus representing Tortuga Archipelago. "
Al Maajik Memento 8000 "A ""gift"" from Divinus representing the Ancient Ruins. "
Elderwood Memento 8000 "A ""gift"" from Divinus representing the Elderwood. "
Levitania Memento 8000 "A ""gift"" from Divinus representing Levitania. "
Lunares Memento 8000 "A ""gift"" from Divinus representing your trip to Lunares via the Goddess's Ship. "
Fairy Doll 12000 A doll in the shape of a sprite.
Imaginary Window 14000 A mysterious window. Each person sees a different scene outside.
Secret Door 12000 Makes your tiny room look like a palace hall. Good for those who like to look wealthy.
Patched Hole 1600 A patch used to cover holes. The sign of a DIY enthusiast.
Portrait of Erik 20000 A portrait of King Erik of Castele.
Portrait of Olivia 15000 "A portrait of the Pirate Leader and head of Port Puerto, Olivia Pescado. "
Portrait of Daemon 20000 "A portrait of the Dark Sultan, Daemon. Entitled: ""Destroyer of the World"". "
World Map 10000 A big map of Reveria.
Pirate Flag 10000 A pirate flag with a long history of treachery and plundering.
Forest Lordfish Print 10000 A print to commemorate victory over the Forest Lordfish.
Bluescale Lordfish Print 10000 A print to commemorate victory over the Bluescale Lordfish.
Deep Sea Lordfish Print 10000 A print to commemorate victory over the Deep Sea Lordfish.
Bass of Darkness Print 10000 A print to commemorate victory over the Bass of Darkness.
High-Flying Fish Print 10000 A print to commemorate victory over the High-Flying Fish.
Swordfish Print 10000 A print to commemorate victory over the Swordfish.
Volcanic Tuna Print 10000 A print to commemorate victory over the Volcanic Tuna.
Coldwater Tuna Print 10000 A print to commemorate victory over the Coldwater Tuna.
Golden Swordfish Print 18000 A print to commemorate victory over the Golden Swordfish.
Fish-for-Life Flag 18000 An Anglers' Association Membership Banner.
Wooden Chair 600 A simple wooden chair. Complements any decor.
Royal Chair 9000 A seat for those of high status. Or those who just want to look important.
Port Town Chair 2400 A nice chair from which to relax and watch the ocean.
Pirate Chair 2000 A chair well-suited for a pirate to rest their weary limbs.
Starry Night Chair 5200 A funky chair with a night sky motif.
Chair of Atonement 6200 A chair fit for a Dark Sultan. The perfect place to repent for any wrongdoing.
Forest Chair 1600 A chair that would look right at home in the forest.
Worn-Out Chair 300 A chair that's been patched up to repair its wear and tear.
White Chair 400 A fancy white chair. It's pretty comfortable.
Black Chair 400 A black chair. Comfy and stylish.
Pink Chair 400 A cute pink chair. Nice and relaxing.
Yellow Chair 400 A bright yellow chair. Comfy and cheerful.
Green Chair 400 A green chair. Calming.
Blue Chair 400 A blue chair. Looks cool.
Custom Wooden Chair 0 A bespoke wooden chair.
Wooden Wardrobe 1500 A splendid wooden wardrobe. Store your stuff in style.
Royal Wardrobe 23000 A fancy wardrobe fit for a royal trousseau.
Port Town Wardrobe 4000 A traditional Port Puerto wardrobe.
Pirate Wardrobe 5500 A scuffed pirate wardrobe.
Starry Night Wardrobe 7200 A classic Al Maajik starry wardrobe.
Other-Worldly Wardrobe 7000 This wardrobe is pitch-black inside. Some say it contains a portal to the dark realm.
Forest Wardrobe 6000 A forest-style wardrobe. Traditionally carved by squirrels using just their teeth. Cool!
#カーソル 4 もようがえのときに使用している。名前に#が付いているのは問題無いので消さないように!
#グリッド(屋根裏) 4 もようがえのときに使用している。名前に#が付いているのは問題無いので消さないように!
#グリッド(古屋敷) 4 もようがえのときに使用している。名前に#が付いているのは問題無いので消さないように!
#グリッド(ログハウス) 4 もようがえのときに使用している。名前に#が付いているのは問題無いので消さないように!
#グリッド(豪邸) 4 もようがえのときに使用している。名前に#が付いているのは問題無いので消さないように!
#グリッド(ポルト別荘) 4 もようがえのときに使用している。名前に#が付いているのは問題無いので消さないように!
#グリッド(ダルス別荘) 4 もようがえのときに使用している。名前に#が付いているのは問題無いので消さないように!
#グリッドカーソル 4 もようがえのときに使用している。名前に#が付いているのは問題無いので消さないように!
Spring Wreath 4 "A wreath made with Grassy Plains flowers. Has a fresh, natural scent. "
Heart Rug 4 A red rug shaped like a heart. Gives your room some pep.
Choco Mat 4 A mat shaped like a bar of chocolate. Makes your shoes smell sweet!
Snowman 4 A friendly snowman. Hope he doesn't melt on the floor...
Paddling Pool 4 A plastic pool for children to paddle in. Splashing's great fun.
Fluffkin-Shaped Rug 25000 A rug in the shape of a Fluffkin. It's soooo soft!
Flower Petal Mat 10000 A mat made to look like sakura petals. Such a soft and pretty colour.
Picnic Sheet 10000 Essential for any picnic. Keeps you off the wet ground.
Puddle Mat 10000 A puddle mat. Makes you wanna splash!
Floaty Table 40000 "A table made of fluffy clouds. You can put items on it, but they'll sink a bit. "
Festive Dining Table 10000 A dining set for the holiday season. Comes with a giant turkey.
Cake Dining Table 10000 "A dining table made of cake. It has a sweet, fruity scent. "
Ghostly Party Table 10000 未知の家具。最新データを ダウンロードすれば詳細がわかります。
Cloud Bed 50000 A bed seemingly made of a fluffy cloud. Hovers slightly off the ground.
Deckchair Bed 10000 A bed resembling a deckchair. It brings to mind a simple lifestyle.
Vampire Bed 10000 A coffin-style bed. Sleep here too long and you'll start to fear the daylight.
Choco Bed 10000 A chocolate bar-shaped bed. A sweet and slightly bitter taste for refined chocoholics.
Sleeping Dragon 10000 A bed resembling the Napdragon. Let this little dragon fly you to dreamland!
Cloud Curtains 40000 Curtains with a fluffy cloud design. Make you feel relaxed.
Resort Wall 10000 Wallpaper to turn your room into a mini resort. You can almost hear the waves.
Spooky Wall 10000 "Horror-themed wallpaper, complete with flying bats. "
Biscuit Wall 10000 A wall made of biscuits. ...No eating the walls!
Sakura Wall 10000 Wallpaper that looks like cherry blossoms in full bloom. Feels like spring.
Wafer Floor 10000 A floor made of wafers. Smells sweet.
Rainbow Lamp 36000 A rainbow lamp. Shines with seven colours.
Swimming Ring 10000 A rubber ring for the beach. Inflate fully before use.
Parasol Table 10000 A table with a sun umbrella. It's a sunbrella!
Coconut Palm 10000 A pretty big coconut palm. Makes your room feel like a tropical island.
Pumpkin Lamp 10000 A lamp made from a hollowed-out pumpkin. Spooky.
Pumpkin Scarecrow 10000 "A pumpkin head scarecrow. It'll scare away the crows, but the bats are a different story. "
Santa Doll 10000 "A Santa doll. He's not carrying any presents, though... "
Fireplace 10000 A cosy fireplace. Easy access for Santa.
Present Boxes 10000 Some big presents. Wonder what's inside?
Festive Tree 10000 A colourful festive tree.
Cherry Tree 10000 A beautiful sakura tree. Blooms all year round... Wow.
Picnic Set 10000 The quintessential picnic set. Comes with lunch box and flask.
Hydrangea Planter 10000 A planter full of hydrangeas in full bloom.
Frog Figure 10000 A happy frog ornament.
Laundry 10000 Laundry for drying. It's still damp.
Pirate Cannon 10000 A magnificent pirate ship's cannon. The gunpowder has been dumped for safety.
Devilish Bathtub 10000 未知の家具。最新データを ダウンロードすれば詳細がわかります。
Demonic Mirror 10000 "A dark, cursed looking glass. It can reset stats for you in your room. "
Pirate's Treasure Chest 10000 未知の家具。最新データを ダウンロードすれば詳細がわかります。
Legendary Festive Tree 10000 未知の家具。最新データを ダウンロードすれば詳細がわかります。
Rainbow Vase 10000 A bright vase containing Lola Lips. Now you can dye items in your room.
Angelic Mirror 10000 A mirror that shows the truth. Allows you to edit your look in your room.
Plushy Cottage 20000 A miniature Plushling house.
Plushling Plushie 40000 A plush Plushling toy. Looks like it could move at any second.
Portable Patio 48000 An elegant furniture set well suited to spring.
Astral Window 32000 A small window into deep space. Feels like you could get sucked in.
Deep Sea Window 32000 A small window to the deep sea. Feels like you're swimming with the fishes.
Fluffkin Window 20000 A window resembling a Fluffkin. Feels like it's looking at you.
Demonic Tuna Print 28000 A print to commemorate victory over the Demonic Tuna.
Godfish Print 32000 A print to commemorate victory over the Godfish.
Lunares Decoration 10000 A crescent-shaped Lunares wall ornament.
Weather Charm Doll 10000 Legend has it that hanging these dolls in your window will keep the rain away.
Poseidon Swordfish Print 10000 A print of the Poseidon Swordfish.
Fluffkin Chair 12000 A chair resembling a Fluffkin. Looks fuzzy.
Dark Sultan's Throne 10000 A splendid seat for a Dark Sultan to sit upon and contemplate infinity.
Dragon Chair 10000 未知の家具。最新データを ダウンロードすれば詳細がわかります。
Dreamy Rocking Chair 24000 A rocking chair made of high-quality materials. Try it out - it'll soothe your spirits.
Golden Goddess Statue 10000 "Place this statue in your room, and it will occasionally give you Gold Lunares Coins. "
Fluffkin Wardrobe 32000 A wardrobe resembling a Fluffkin. Looks so lifelike...
Cookie Wardrobe 10000 A wardrobe made of cookies. It's freshly baked.
Unknown Wardrobe 10000 未知の家具。最新データを ダウンロードすれば詳細がわかります。
Spring Water 10 Fresh spring water from the Castele suburbs. A gift to the Castelians.
Mountain Spring Water 50 Fresh spring water from Mt Snowpeak. Quality assured.
Saltless Seawater 100 "Water from Tortuga Archipelago. It's sea water, but it's not salty. Huh. "
Forest Mushroom 20 A mushroom that grows on trees and fallen leaves. A staple kitchen ingredient.
Mountain Mushroom 50 A mushroom that grows deep in the mountains. Known for its deliciousness.
Cave Mushroom 100 A mushroom that grows in dark places like caves. A yummy find.
Truffle 1000 A rare mushroom known for its distinctive taste. Can be used in cooking.
Duffle 20 "A rare mushroom known for its distinctive taste., this is a fake! "
Healweed 10 "Can be used in alchemy. Has a light, fresh scent. "
Vitalweed 30 Alchemy material. Has a refreshing scent.
Cureweed 20 A material for alchemy. It's a little bitter to the taste.
Lifeweed 40 An alchemy material. Has a distinctive scent.
Alcheweed 20 A natural material for alchemy. Has an unpleasant smell.
Legendweed 800 An alchemy material. Has a sweet scent.
Arch Alcheweed 200 Alchemy material. Has a strongly unpleasant smell.
Ultima Alcheweed 400 Alchemy material. Has a violently unpleasant smell.
Soulweed 600 "A material for use in alchemy. Has a fresh, vibrant scent. "
Grassland Honey 10 Made from the pollen of various flowers growing on the plains. Quite cheap.
Plateau Honey 30 Flavoursome honey made from the pollen of highland flowers.
Island Honey 60 Thick and full-bodied island honey. A real gourmet treat.
Beef 100 Well-marbled beef.
Bird Meat 60 Bird meat with the skin on.
Mutton 40 "Some people complain it's smelly, but others like it exactly for that reason. "
Dino Meat 500 Dino meat. It's a mouthful.
Monster Meat 500 Filling beast meat.
Dragon Meat 1000 Fresh dragon meat.
Castele Crucian 60 A small river fish. Eating it wouldn't hurt.
Castele Carp 120 A big river fish. It's rather smelly.
Plains Sweetfish 80 Delicious and easy to catch river fish.
Plains Eel 100 "Snake-like, slippery fish. Grilling brings out its flavour. "
Elderwood Trout 120 A river fish without that fishy smell. Makes a satisfying meal.
Rainbow Trout 450 A river fish prized for its delicate taste.
Black Bass 180 "An easy catch, popular with Anglers. Few people know that it's edible. "
Catfish 360 Easily recognisable by its cat-like whiskers. Has a muddy taste.
Forest Lordfish 2000 The biggest fish in the forest. It must be tens of years old.
Cave Catfish 700 "Its eyesight is poor, as it lives in darkness. Slightly smells of mud. "
Parasol Fish 800 Other fish use it as sun protection. Not suitable for use as food.
Sardine 140 "Said to be the weakest sea fish. Full of bones, but they're edible, too. "
Tuna 300 "Large migratory sea fish. The fatter it gets, the tastier it becomes. "
Squid 180 "Ten-legged, ink-spitting cephalopod. Sleek and chewy. "
Prawn 240 "These many-legged, whiskered crustaceans turn pink when boiled. "
Pufferfish 1000 "Poisonous, but edible and delicious when prepared by skilful Cooks. "
Flying Fish 320 "Long pectoral fins let it leap out of water. Has firm, yummy flesh. "
Cactus Fish 1000 Prickly green fish resembling a cactus. Does it taste like one too?
Bluescale Lordfish 3600 "Large fish nesting deep underground. Very smelly but oh, so good. "
Redgill 240 "Magma-dwelling, red-scaled fish. No need to spice it up, it's naturally hot. "
Magmafish 480 "It's actually a male Redgill. Very hot, handle it with care. "
Lava Prawn 420 "Magma-dwelling prawn. Not much is known about it, but it sure tastes great. "
Smelt 220 This fish feels best in ice-covered lakes. So small you can eat it whole.
Frosty Fish 440 Ice-covered fish well adapted to extremely cold conditions.
Icy Squid 360 This squid is so cool that the ink it spits out is frozen.
Deep Sea Lordfish 3600 This unappealing fish uses a luminescent lure to attract prey.
Electric Eel 480 "This eel stores electricity in its cheeks. Packs 100,000 volts. "
Desert Tuna 600 "Dry, sand-like to touch and yet perfectly edible. "
Sandfish 260 "Fish living in desert sands. Not sure what it eats, but it can certainly be eaten. "
Bass of Darkness 5500 Quicksand is its habitat. It tastes of wilderness.
Floaty Pufferfish 2000 "A fish that puffs up with air and floats in the sky. Has edible flesh, but poisonous organs. "
Sky Sardine 700 Schools of this white-blue fish are easily mistaken for clouds.
High-Flying Fish 6000 Floats in the sky like a fluffy cloud. Scholars call it Cloudus Fishus.
Puerto Bream 600 The most popular fish in Port Puerto. Its flesh is white and odourless.
Sea Bream of Love 1550 A variety of Puerto Bream. Always on the lookout for potential mates.
Sweet Fish Pastry 2000 Sweet fish-shaped pastry filled with red bean paste.
Applefish 1000 Fish resembling an apple. A conversation piece at any dinner.
Ornamental Carp 2200 A strikingly-coloured carp usually kept in garden ponds.
Swordfish 5000 Called the King of the Seas. Has a long bill that looks like a sword.
Volcanic Tuna 4200 Magma-dwelling tuna. Thrives in areas with high volcanic activity.
Coldwater Tuna 4200 "It's frozen all over, but not dead. The ice would keep it fresh anyway. "
Golden Swordfish 7500 An enormous swordfish. Far more valuable than the regular swordfish.
Pirate Carp 4400 Has a pirate mark on one side. Pirates consider it a lucky charm.
Evil Carp 6600 "This fish emanates a dark, occult aura. Prized in Al Maajik. "
Giant Castele Crucian 90 A small river fish. Eating it wouldn't hurt. This one's bigger than usual.
Giant Castele Carp 180 A big river fish. It's rather smelly. This one's bigger than usual.
Giant Plains Sweetfish 120 Delicious and easy to catch river fish. This one's bigger than usual.
Giant Plains Eel 150 "Unusually big, snake-like, slippery fish. Grilling brings out its flavour. "
Giant Elderwood Trout 180 A river fish without that fishy smell. Bigger than usual.
Giant Rainbow Trout 720 A river fish prized for its delicate taste. This one's bigger than usual.
Giant Black Bass 240 "Easy catch, popular with Anglers. This one's unusually large. "
Giant Catfish 540 Easily recognisable by its cat-like whiskers. This one's quite big.
Giant Forest Lordfish 3000 The biggest fish in the forest. This one in particular is huge.
Giant Cave Catfish 1000 "Its eyesight is poor, as it lives in darkness. It's bigger than usual. "
Giant Parasol Fish 1200 Other fish use it as sun protection. So big it can shade many fish.
Giant Sardine 200 Said to be the weakest sea fish. Bigger than they usually get.
Giant Tuna 300 Large migratory sea fish. This one is especially big.
Giant Squid 260 "Ten-legged, ink-spitting cephalopod. Sleek and chewy. Bigger than usual. "
Giant Prawn 360 "Unusually large, leggy and whiskered crustacean that turns pink when boiled. "
Giant Pufferfish 1500 Delicious when prepared by skilful Cooks. This one's pretty big.
Giant Flying Fish 480 Long pectoral fins let it leap out of water. This one's unusually big.
Giant Cactus Fish 1500 Prickly green fish resembling a big cactus. Does it taste like one too?
Giant Bluescale Lordfish 5400 "Extra large fish that nests underground. Very smelly but oh, so good. "
Giant Redgill 360 "Large magma-dwelling, red-scaled fish. No need to spice it up, it's naturally hot. "
Giant Magmafish 720 It's actually a male Redgill. Very hot and bigger than normal.
Giant Lava Prawn 640 "Large magma-dwelling prawn. Not much is known about it, but it sure tastes great. "
Giant Smelt 320 This fish feels best in ice-covered lakes. This one's bigger than usual.
Giant Frosty Fish 660 Larger ice-covered fish well adapted to extremely cold conditions.
Giant Icy Squid 540 Unusually big cool squid that spits out frozen ink.
Giant Deep Sea Lordfish 5400 "This bigger, unappealing fish uses a luminescent lure to attract prey. "
Giant Electric Eel 720 This eel stores electricity in its cheeks. Bigger than usual.
Giant Desert Tuna 900 "Dry, sand-like to touch, and yet perfectly edible. Unusually big. "
Giant Sandfish 380 Fish that lives in desert sands. Edible. This one's pretty big.
Giant Bass of Darkness 7800 Quicksand is its habitat. Tastes of wilderness. Unusually big.
Giant Floaty Pufferfish 3000 "A large fish that fills with air and floats in the sky. Has edible flesh, but poisonous organs. "
Giant Sky Sardine 1080 Easily mistaken for a part of a cloud. Unusually big.
Giant High-Flying Fish 9000 Floats in the sky like a fluffy cloud. This one is bigger than usual.
Giant Puerto Bream 900 The most popular fish in Port Puerto. This one is unusually big.
Giant Sea Bream of Love 2200 A variety of romantically-minded Puerto Bream. Unusually big.
Giant Sweet Fish Pastry 3000 Sweet fish-shaped pastry filled with red bean paste. Unusually big.
Giant Applefish 1500 Fish resembling an apple. Unusually large.
Giant Ornamental Carp 3200 A strikingly-coloured carp usually kept in garden ponds. Quite big.
Giant Swordfish 7200 "Called the King of the Seas, with a sword-like bill. Unusually big. "
Giant Volcanic Tuna 6400 Thrives in areas with high volcanic activity. Unusually big.
Giant Coldwater Tuna 6400 "It's frozen all over, but hopefully not dead. This one's pretty big. "
Giant Golden Swordfish 12500 Far more valuable than the regular swordfish. This one's unusually big.
Giant Pirate Carp 6600 Pirates consider it a lucky charm. This is a very big specimen.
Giant Evil Carp 8800 "This fish emanates a dark, occult aura. This is a very big specimen. "
Applefish 0 An Applefish you caught yourself.
Eggs 20 Regular eggs.
Royal Eggs 60 Incredibly heavy eggs. Are they made of gold?
Magic Eggs 400 There's something magical about these eggs.
Big Egg 600 That's one huge egg. Breakfast for the whole family.
Blizzard Egg 1800 Blizzard Bird's egg. It feels chilly to touch.
Bigbeak Egg 1200 "An egg from a Bigbeak. It's quite big, as expected. "
Thunder Egg 2400 A Thunderbird's egg. You can hear thunder rumbling inside.
Cows' Milk 20 "Whole, unpasteurised cows' milk. "
Extra Creamy Milk 60 "Extra creamy, delicious cows' milk. "
Grassy Plains Barley 20 Freshly harvested Grassy Plains barley.
Port Rice 20 Short-grain white rice.
Maajik Beans 20 A pod full of juicy-looking beans.
Carrot 20 A fully grown orange carrot.
Potato 30 A bulbous potato.
Daikon Radish 40 White and juicy daikon radish.
Cabbage 40 A fine cabbage head with dense leaves.
Bell Pepper 40 A glossy green bell pepper.
Aubergine 40 A fleshy aubergine.
Tomato 30 A succulent tomato.
Vine-Ripened Tomatoes 0 Fragrant vine-ripened tomatoes from Pedro.
Broccoli 40 A fresh broccoli head. Looks like a mini tree.
Onion 40 A cruel vegetable that makes people cry.
Pumpkin 40 A firm and heavy green pumpkin.
Sweetcorn 40 Sweet and juicy sweetcorn.
Sweet Potato 40 "Despite its name, it's not even related to potatoes. "
Castele Apple 20 Castele's finest produce.
Rainbow Apple 100 "It looks hand-painted, but it's naturally colourful like that. "
Grassland Grapes 30 "Fresh, delightfully juicy grapes. "
Jungle Banana 40 "Sweet-smelling, ripe bananas. "
Port Town Orange 50 A sun-kissed orange that smells of summer.
Southern Papaya 60 Delicious tropical fruit.
Desert Pear 80 "It may look like a brown apple, but it is a juicy desert pear. "
Wild Kiwi 200 Its fiercely green flesh is amazingly sweet.
Heavenly Peach 420 "Sweet-smelling, soft peach. "
Cave Strawberries 240 Ripe and full of flavour. Perfect for desserts.
Beach Watermelon 150 "Refreshing, succulent watermelon. "
Maajik Melon 300 "Popular in Al Maajik, crisp and sweet. "
Salt 20 A basic cooking ingredient.
Sugar 20 Unrefined cane sugar.
Red Peppercorns 100 "Very spicy, use sparingly. "
Vinegar 50 "A cooking ingredient. Very sour, with a pungent smell. "
Black Pepper 100 A cooking ingredient valued for its fragrance and spiciness.
Butter 50 "Creamy, unsalted butter made from fresh cows' milk. "
Ginger 100 "Warming, flavoursome spice. "
Mustard 150 "Hot, grainy mustard. "
Wasabi 200 It feels more spicy in the nose than on the tongue.
HP Potion 60 Restores HP a little.
Super HP Potion 90 Restores HP a little. Improved recipe restores a little bit extra.
Hi-HP Potion 320 Restores a generous amount of HP.
Super Hi-HP Potion 520 Restores a generous amount of HP. Improved recipe restores a little bit extra.
Healing Powder 1000 Restores some HP of the whole party.
Super Healing Powder 1500 Restores some HP to the whole party. Improved recipe restores a little bit extra.
Maxheal Dust 1400 Restores plenty of HP of the whole party.
Super Maxheal Dust 2000 Restores plenty of HP to the whole party. Improved recipe restores a little bit extra.
SP Potion 120 Restores SP a little.
Super SP Potion 150 Restores SP a little. Improved recipe restores a little bit extra.
Hi-SP Potion 440 Restores a generous amount of SP.
Super Hi-SP Potion 600 Restores a generous amount of SP. Improved recipe restores a little bit extra.
Energy Powder 1200 Restores some SP of the whole party.
Super Energy Powder 1800 Restores some SP to the whole party. Improved recipe restores a little bit extra.
Hi-Energy Powder 1600 Restores plenty of SP of the whole party.
Super Hi-Energy Powder 2000 Restores plenty of SP to the whole party. Improved recipe restores a little bit extra.
Elixir 3500 Fully restores HP and SP.
Super Elixir 4500 Fully restores HP and SP. This improved recipe can fetch more Dosh!
Spraylixir 5000 Fully restores HP and SP of the whole party.
Super Spraylixir 7000 Fully restores HP and SP of the whole party. This improved recipe can fetch more Dosh!
Life Cure 1500 Can revive you if you're defeated.
Super Life Cure 2250 Can revive you if you're defeated. Improved recipe revives you with more HP.
Panacea 1800 Cures all abnormal statuses.
Super Panacea 2700 "Cures all abnormal statuses. Improved recipe restores some HP, too. "
Power Aid 1200 Temporarily increases attack power.
Super Power Aid 1800 Temporarily increases attack power. Improved recipe lasts longer.
Power Spray 2000 Temporarily increases attack power. Restores some HP.
Super Power Spray 3000 Temporarily increases attack power. Restores some HP. Longer-lasting recipe.
Resistance Aid 1200 Temporarily increases defence.
Super Resistance Aid 1800 Temporarily increases defence. Improved recipe lasts longer.
Resistance Spray 2000 Temporarily increases defence. Restores some HP.
Super Resistance Spray 3000 Temporarily increases defence. Restores some HP. Improved recipe lasts longer.
Magic Aid 1500 Temporarily increases magic power.
Super Magic Aid 2250 Temporarily increases magic power. Improved recipe lasts longer.
Magic Spray 2500 Temporarily improves magic power. Restores some SP.
Super Magic Spray 4000 Temporarily improves magic power. Restores some SP. Improved recipe lasts longer.
Daredevil Aid 2700 Temporarily prevents knockback.
Super Daredevil Aid 4050 Temporarily prevents knockback. Improved recipe lasts longer.
Charge Up Aid 2500 Temporarily makes your Special Skill charge faster.
Super Charge Up Aid 4000 Temporarily makes your Special Skill charge faster. Improved recipe lasts longer.
Crit Aid 2500 Temporarily increases critical hit rate.
Super Crit Aid 4000 Temporarily increases critical hit rate. Improved recipe lasts longer.
Poison Antidote 120 An antidote for poison.
Super Poison Antidote 180 "An antidote for poison. Improved recipe restores some HP, too. "
Stun Antidote 160 A cure for being stunned.
Super Stun Antidote 240 "A cure for being stunned. Improved recipe restores some HP, too. "
Mega Aid 2500 Restores a large amount of HP.
Super Mega Aid 4000 Restores a large amount of HP. Improved recipe restores that bit extra.
Sleep Antidote 200 Wakes you up.
Super Sleep Antidote 300 Wakes you up. Improved recipe restores some HP too.
Pam's Candy 0 Candy from Pam.
Mini Bomb 300 A bomb that inflicts a bit of damage on enemies.
Super Mini Bomb 450 A bomb that inflicts a bit of damage on enemies. Improved recipe for extra power.
Great Bomb 1800 A bomb that inflicts serious damage on enemies.
Super Great Bomb 2600 A bomb that inflicts serious damage on enemies. Improved recipe for extra power.
Poison Bomb 1000 A bomb that poisons enemies.
Super Poison Bomb 1500 A bomb that poisons enemies. Improved recipe for extra power.
Stun Bomb 1200 A bomb that stuns enemies.
Super Stun Bomb 1800 A bomb that stuns enemies. Improved recipe for extra power.
Sleep Bomb 800 A bomb that puts enemies to sleep.
Super Sleep Bomb 1200 A bomb that puts enemies to sleep. Improved recipe for extra power.
Medium Bomb 1000 A bomb that inflicts a pretty good amount of damage on enemies.
Super Medium Bomb 1500 A bomb that inflicts decent damage on enemies. Improved recipe for extra power.
Love Bomb 2500 An amazing bomb that restores some HP for everyone.
Super Love Bomb 3750 An amazing bomb that restores some HP for everyone. Improved recipe for that bit extra.
Steak 500 "A thick cut of grilled meat. Restores HP, raises Strength and Vitality. "
Super Steak 750 "A skilfully grilled steak. Restores HP, raises Strength and Vitality. "
Shish Kebab 300 "Bird meat roasted on a skewer. Restores HP, raises Strength and Dexterity. "
Super Shish Kebab 450 "Bird meat skewer roasted to perfection. Restores HP, raises Strength and Dexterity. "
Roast Mutton 240 "A carefully roasted mutton chop. Restores HP, raises Strength and Focus. "
Super Roast Mutton 360 "A skilfully roasted mutton chop. Restores HP, raises Strength and Focus. "
Well-Done Burger 400 "A burger made from minced mutton. Restores HP, raises Strength. "
Super Well-Done Burger 600 "A deluxe burger made from minced mutton. Restores HP, raises Strength. "
Juicy Burger 1200 "A juicy burger made from minced beef. Restores HP, raises Strength. "
Super Juicy Burger 1800 "A skilfully grilled juicy burger. Restores HP, raises Strength. "
Royal Hamburger 2400 "A burger fit for the royal table. Restores HP, raises Strength. "
Super Royal Hamburger 3600 "A deluxe burger fit for royalty. Restores HP, raises Strength. "
Winter Stew 500 "A creamy stew of meat, veg and milk. Restores HP, raises Strength and Dexterity. "
Super Winter Stew 750 "A deluxe creamy meat and veg stew. Restores HP, raises Strength and Dexterity. "
Southern Stew 750 "Fresh ingredients in a demi-glace sauce. Restores HP, raises Strength and Focus. "
Super Southern Stew 1125 "A skilfully cooked Southern Stew. Restores HP, raises Strength and Focus. "
Monstrous Sauté 2500 "A gently simmered Monster Meat dish. Restores HP, ups Strength and Intelligence. "
Super Monstrous Sauté 3750 "A skilfully simmered Monstrous Sauté. Restores HP, ups Strength and Intelligence. "
T-Rex Leg 2000 "Juicy T-Rex grilled on the bone. Restores HP, raises Strength and Luck. "
Super T-Rex Leg 3000 "Skilfully grilled T-Rex Leg. Restores HP, raises Strength and Luck. "
Monster Roast 2700 "Roasted Monster Meat. Restores HP, and raises Strength and Intelligence. "
Super Monster Roast 4050 "Skilfully roasted Monster Meat. Restores HP, and raises Strength and Intelligence. "
Sautéed Dragon 3600 "A sautéed dragon dish. Restores HP, greatly raises Strength. "
Super Sautéed Dragon 5400 "A skilfully sautéed dragon dish. Restores HP, greatly raises Strength. "
Bandit Steak 1400 "Uniquely prepared steak. Restores HP, raises Strength and Vitality. "
Super Bandit Steak 2100 "Skilfully prepared Bandit Steak. Restores HP, raises Strength, raises Vitality. "
Dreamy Steak 3000 "A dreamily delicious steak. Restores HP, raises Strength and Vitality. "
Super Dreamy Steak 4500 "A skilfully grilled Dreamy Steak. Restores HP, raises Strength and Vitality. "
Tasty Kebab 720 "Bird meat in a special spice blend. Restores HP, raises Strength and Dexterity. "
Super Tasty Kebab 1080 "Skilfully fried Tasty Kebab. Restores HP, raises Strength and Dexterity. "
Juicy Mutton 560 "Juicy grilled mutton. Restores HP, raises Strength and Focus. "
Super Juicy Mutton 840 "Skilfully grilled mutton. Restores HP, raises Strength and Focus. "
Saurus Leg 4000 "A roast Saurus Leg. Restores HP, raises Strength and Luck. "
Super Saurus Leg 6000 "A skilfully roasted Saurus Leg. Restores HP, raises Strength and Luck. "
Juicy Monster Meat 5600 "A beast of a meat dish. Restores HP, and raises Strength and Intelligence. "
Super Juicy Monster Meat 8400 "Deluxe Juicy Monster Meat. Restores HP, raises Strength and Intelligence. "
Dragon Steak 7500 "Dragon meat roasted over a huge flame. Restores HP, greatly raises Strength. "
Super Dragon Steak 11250 "A skilfully roasted Dragon Steak. Restores HP, greatly raises Strength. "
Roast of Legend 10000 "A legendary dish prepared legendarily! Restores HP, raises Strength and Vitality. "
Super Roast of Legend 15000 "A skilfully roasted Roast of Legend. Restores HP, raises Strength and Vitality. "
Campfire Roast 600 "Wild meat roasted over a campfire. Restores HP, raises Strength and Luck. "
Super Campfire Roast 900 "A skilfully cooked Campfire Roast. Restores HP, raises Strength and Luck. "
Grilled Sweetfish 240 "Grilled Sweetfish. Good with a little salt. Restores HP, raises Focus. "
Super Grilled Sweetfish 360 "Skilfully grilled Sweetfish. Restores HP, raises Focus. "
Grilled Eel 600 "Grilled eel with a sweet and spicy glaze. Restores HP, raises Focus. "
Super Grilled Eel 900 "Skilfully prepared Grilled Eel. Restores HP, raises Focus. "
Grilled Tuna Head 700 "A well-grilled whole tuna head. Restores HP, raises Focus. "
Super Grilled Tuna Head 1050 "A skilfully grilled tuna head. Restores HP, raises Focus. "
Grilled Crucian 150 "A Grilled Crucian. Good with a little salt. Restores HP, raises Focus. "
Super Grilled Crucian 225 "A skilfully grilled Crucian. Restores HP, raises Focus. "
Rustic Trout 400 "Trout dusted in flour and fried. Restores HP, raises Focus and Vitality. "
Super Rustic Trout 600 "Skilfully fried trout. Restores HP, raises Focus and Vitality. "
Campfire Fish 500 "Fish grilled al fresco. Restores HP, raises Focus. "
Super Campfire Fish 750 "Skilfully grilled fish. Restores HP, raises Focus. "
Tuna Sashimi 600 "Ruby red tuna sashimi. Restores HP, raises Intelligence. "
Super Tuna Sashimi 900 "A prime cut of tuna sashimi. Restores HP, raises Intelligence. "
Pufferfish Sashimi 3200 "Thinly sliced Pufferfish sashimi. Restores HP, raises Intelligence and Luck. "
Super Pufferfish Sashimi 4800 "Deluxe Pufferfish sashimi. Restores HP, raises Intelligence and Luck. "
Bream Sashimi 2000 "Thinly sliced Bream Sashimi. Restores HP, raises Intelligence. "
Super Bream Sashimi 3000 "Deluxe Bream Sashimi. Restores HP, raises Intelligence. "
Dried Sandfish 1000 "Sandfish dried under the sun. Restores HP, and raises Intelligence and Dexterity. "
Super Dried Sandfish 1500 "Dried Sandfish of exceptional quality. Restores HP, ups Intelligence and Dexterity. "
Fish Soup 500 "Soup made from fresh fish. Restores HP, raises Focus and Dexterity. "
Super Fish Soup 750 "Deluxe fish soup. Restores HP, raises Focus and Dexterity. "
Red Soup 1600 "Soup made with redgills and seasonal veg. Restores HP, raises Focus and Dexterity. "
Super Red Soup 2400 "Skilfully prepared redgill soup. Restores HP, raises Focus and Dexterity. "
Smelt Soup 2000 "Soup made with smelt and seasonal veg. Restores HP, raises Focus and Dexterity. "
Super Smelt Soup 3000 "Skilfully prepared smelt soup. Restores HP, raises Focus and Dexterity. "
Seafood Stew 2000 "A Puerto Bream stew. Restores HP, raises Focus and Dexterity. "
Super Seafood Stew 3000 "Skilfully prepared seafood stew. Restores HP, raises Focus and Dexterity. "
Flying Fish Sushi 1400 "Fresh flying fish sushi. Restores HP, raises Intelligence and Dexterity. "
Super Flying Fish Sushi 2100 "Skilfully prepared flying fish sushi. Restores HP, ups Intelligence and Dexterity. "
Sardine Pâté 1000 "A pâté of minced sardines for a tasty snack. Restores HP, ups Intelligence and Dexterity. "
Super Sardine Pâté 1500 "Delectably smooth Sardine Pâté. Restores HP, ups Intelligence and Dexterity. "
Rice-Stuffed Squid 900 "A whole squid cooked with rice inside. Restores HP, raises Focus and Luck. "
Super Rice-Stuffed Squid 1350 "Skilfully prepared rice-stuffed squid. Restores HP, raises Focus and Luck. "
Prawn Gratin 1200 "Gratin with juicy prawns. Restores HP, raises Focus and Intelligence. "
Super Prawn Gratin 1800 "Skilfully baked prawn gratin. Restores HP, raises Focus and Intelligence. "
Swordfish Head 7500 "A whole grilled swordfish head. Restores HP, raises Focus. "
Super Swordfish Head 11250 "A skilfully grilled swordfish head. Restores HP, raises Focus. "
Golden Fish Head 10000 "A whole grilled Golden Swordfish Head. Restores HP, raises Focus. "
Super Golden Fish Head 15000 "A skilfully grilled Golden Swordfish Head. Restores HP, raises Focus. "
Rustic Rainbow Trout 2100 "Rainbow trout dusted with flour and fried. Restores HP, raises Focus and Vitality. "
S. Rustic Rainbow Trout 3150 "Skilfully fried rainbow trout. Restores HP, raises Focus and Vitality. "
Rustic Swordfish 8000 "Swordfish dusted with flour and fried. Restores HP, raises Focus and Vitality. "
Super Rustic Swordfish 12000 "Skilfully fried swordfish. Restores HP, raises Focus and Vitality. "
Fish Soup of Love 6000 "Sea Bream of Love soup. Restores HP, raises Focus and Dexterity. "
Super Fish Soup of Love 9000 "Skilfully prepared Fish Soup of Love. Restores HP, raises Focus and Dexterity. "
Tuna Sushi 2100 "Freshly prepared tuna sushi. Restores HP, and raises Intelligence and Dexterity. "
Super Tuna Sushi 3150 "High-quality tuna sushi. Restores HP, and raises Intelligence and Dexterity. "
Port Town Gratin 1600 "A Port Puerto speciality gratin. Restores HP, raises Focus and Intelligence. "
Super Port Town Gratin 2400 "A skilfully baked Port Town Gratin. Restores HP, raises Focus and Intelligence. "
Desert Fish Stew 4000 "A stew made with fish caught in the desert. Restores HP, raises Focus and Luck. "
Super Desert Fish Stew 6000 "A skilfully made Desert Fish Stew. Restores HP, raises Focus and Luck. "
Frosty Fish Stew 3600 "A cooling fish stew. Restores HP, raises Focus and Vitality. "
Super Frosty Fish Stew 5400 "A skilfully prepared Frosty Fish Stew. Restores HP, raises Focus and Vitality "
Fiery Fish Stew 3900 "A piping hot stew like molten magma. Restores HP, raises Focus and Strength. "
Super Fiery Fish Stew 5850 "A skilfully prepared Fiery Fish Stew. Restores HP, raises Focus and Strength. "
Sashimi Set 3000 "A fancy arrangement of the freshest sashimi. Restores HP, raises Intelligence and Vitality. "
Super Sashimi Set 4500 "A masterful arrangement of fresh sashimi. Restores HP, raises Intelligence and Vitality. "
Sky Sashimi Set 12000 "An artful arrangement of sky sashimi. Restores HP, ups Intelligence and Strength. "
Super Sky Sashimi Set 18000 "A masterful arrangement of sky sashimi. Restores HP, ups Intelligence and Strength. "
Fancy Sashimi Set 18000 "Sashimi set based around Golden Swordfish. Restores HP, raises Intelligence and Luck. "
Super Fancy Sashimi Set 27000 "Superb, Golden Swordfish-based sashimi. Restores HP, raises Intelligence and Luck. "
Fluffy Omelette 200 "A fluffy omelette made with fresh eggs. Restores HP, raises Vitality and Dexterity. "
Super Fluffy Omelette 300 "A skilfully prepared omelette. Restores HP, raises Vitality and Dexterity. "
Royal Omelette 2200 "A luxury omelette fit for a king. Restores HP, raises Vitality and Dexterity. "
Super Royal Omelette 3300 "A skilfully prepared luxury omelette. Restores HP, raises Vitality and Dexterity. "
Magical Omelette 1400 "A magical omelette made with magic eggs. Restores HP, raises Vitality and Dexterity. "
Super Magical Omelette 2100 "A skilfully prepared magical omelette. Restores HP, raises Vitality and Dexterity. "
Giant Fried Egg 1000 "A huge egg served sunny side up. Restores HP, raises Vitality. "
Super Giant Fried Egg 1500 "A skilfully prepared giant fried egg. Restores HP, raises Vitality. "
Egg Roll 240 "A rolled, fried egg pancake. Restores HP, raises Vitality. "
Super Egg Roll 360 "A skilfully rolled fried egg pancake. Restores HP, raises Vitality. "
Occult Roll 6000 "An egg roll made with strange things. Restores HP, raises Vitality and Luck. "
Super Occult Roll 9000 "A skilfully fried egg roll made with strange things. Restores HP, ups Vitality and Luck. "
Mushroom Quiche 320 "A quiche made with eggs and mushrooms. Restores HP, raises Vitality and Focus. "
Super Mushroom Quiche 480 "A skilfully made egg and mushroom quiche. Restores HP, raises Vitality and Focus. "
Forest Quiche 2000 "A quiche made with select ingredients. Restores HP, raises Vitality and Focus. "
Super Forest Quiche 3000 "Quiche skilfully made of select ingredients. Restores HP, raises Vitality and Focus. "
Pumpkin Quiche 1500 "Quiche made with eggs and sweet pumpkin. Restores HP, raises Vitality and Focus. "
Super Pumpkin Quiche 2250 "Skilfully prepared egg and pumpkin quiche. Restores HP, raises Vitality and Focus. "
Electro Egg Rice 4200 "A rice dish topped with a Thunderbird's egg. Restores HP, raises Vitality and Strength. "
Super Electro Egg Rice 6300 "Skilfully made dish using a Thunderbird's egg. Restores HP, ups Vitality and Strength. "
Eggy Fried Rice 720 "A rice dish topped with Bird Meat and egg. Restores HP, raises Vitality and Strength. "
Super Eggy Fried Rice 1080 "Skilfully prepared Eggy Fried Rice. Restores HP, raises Vitality and Strength. "
Magical Pudding 2400 "A sweet dessert made from magical eggs. Restores HP, raises Vitality and Intelligence. "
Super Magical Pudding 3600 "A skilfully prepared sweet egg dessert. Restores HP, raises Vitality and Intelligence. "
Honey Pudding 300 "A soft and fluffy pudding. Restores HP, raises Vitality and Intelligence. "
Super Honey Pudding 450 "A skilfully prepared soft and fluffy pudding. Restores HP, raises Vitality and Intelligence. "
Boiled Egg 60 "A fresh boiled egg. Restores HP, raises Vitality. "
Super Boiled Egg 90 "An exceptionally delicious soft-boiled egg. Restores HP, raises Vitality. "
Fried Blizzard Egg 3200 "A fried Blizzard Bird's egg. Restores HP, raises Vitality and Luck. "
Super Blizzard Egg 4800 "A skilfully fried Blizzard Bird's egg. Restores HP, raises Vitality and Luck. "
Finest Fluffy Omelette 0 A delicious omelette that is a speciality of Alfredo's Bistro. Fluffy and filling.
Carrot Soup 60 "Carrot soup. Restores HP, raises Dexterity and Focus. "
Super Carrot Soup 90 "Skilfully prepared carrot soup. Restores HP, raises Dexterity and Focus. "
Tomato Soup 300 "Tomato soup. Restores HP, raises Dexterity and Focus. "
Super Tomato Soup 450 "Skilfully prepared tomato soup. Restores HP, raises Dexterity and Focus. "
Boiled Veg 400 "A simple dish of boiled vegetables. Restores HP, raises Dexterity. "
Super Boiled Veg 600 "Skilfully boiled vegetables. Restores HP, raises Dexterity. "
Corn on the Cob 400 "Roasted golden sweetcorn. Restores HP, raises Dexterity and Strength. "
Super Corn on the Cob 600 "Skilfully roasted golden sweetcorn. Restores HP, raises Dexterity and Strength. "
Legendary Corn 3000 "Roasted sweetcorn dish. Restores HP, raises Dexterity and Strength. "
Super Legendary Corn 4500 "Skilfully roasted sweetcorn dish. Restores HP, raises Dexterity and Strength. "
Magical Pie 1600 "An enchanted pie. Restores HP, raises Dexterity and Luck. "
Super Magical Pie 2400 "A skilfully baked enchanted pie. Restores HP, raises Dexterity and Luck. "
Pumpkin Pie 800 "Sweet Pumpkin Pie. Restores HP, raises Dexterity and Luck. "
Super Pumpkin Pie 1200 "A skilfully baked sweet Pumpkin Pie. Restores HP, raises Dexterity and Luck. "
Pirate Gumbo 7000 "A hearty stew, key to a pirate's diet. Restores HP, raises Dexterity and Vitality. "
Super Pirate Gumbo 10500 "A skilfully prepared pirate's stew. Restores HP, raises Dexterity and Vitality. "
Cabbage Rolls 1000 "Cabbage leaves wrapped around a tasty filling. Restores HP, raises Dexterity. "
Super Cabbage Rolls 1500 "Skilfully prepared cabbage rolls. Restores HP, raises Dexterity. "
Hot Prawn Bisque 800 "A spicy soup made with Lava Prawn paste. Restores HP, ups Dexterity and Intelligence. "
Super Hot Prawn Bisque 1200 "A skilfully prepared lava prawn bisque. Restores HP, ups Dexterity and Intelligence. "
Sultan's Stew 3200 "This stew is the Dark Sultan's favourite dish. Restores HP, ups Dexterity and Intelligence. "
Super Sultan's Stew 4800 "A stew fit for the Dark Sultan himself. Restores HP, ups Dexterity and Intelligence. "
Sweet Potato Dessert 480 "A dessert made from sweet potatoes. Restores HP, raises Dexterity and Luck. "
S. Sweet Potato Dessert 720 "A skilfully made Sweet Potato Pie. Restores HP, raises Dexterity and Luck. "
Pumpkin Soup 840 "A sweet and savoury pumpkin soup. Restores HP, raises Dexterity and Focus. "
Super Pumpkin Soup 1260 "Skilfully made pumpkin soup. Restores HP, raises Dexterity and Focus. "
Vegetable Stew 360 "A healthy stew made with just vegetables. Restores HP, raises Dexterity and Vitality. "
Super Vegetable Stew 540 "A skilfully made vegetable stew. Restores HP, raises Dexterity and Vitality. "
Magical Honey Dessert 1500 "A dessert with sweet potatoes and honey. Restores HP, raises Dexterity and Luck. "
S. Magical Honey Dessert 2250 "Skilfully prepared Magical Honey Dessert. Restores HP, raises Dexterity and Luck. "
Apple Juice 100 "A sweet juice made from apples. Restores SP, raises Strength and Vitality. "
Super Apple Juice 150 "Luxury apple juice. Restores SP, raises Strength and Vitality. "
Summer Nectar 500 "A juice made from blended tropical fruits. Restores SP, raises Focus and Dexterity. "
Super Summer Nectar 750 "A luxury tropical fruit juice. Restores SP, raises Focus and Dexterity. "
Magical Milkshake 1000 "A strange milkshake that gives you magical powers... Restores SP, raises Intelligence. "
Super Magical Milkshake 1500 "A luxury magical milkshake. Restores SP, raises Intelligence. "
Barley Juice 600 "A bitter drink, made from barley. Restores SP, raises Luck. "
Super Barley Juice 900 "A skilfully brewed drink. Restores SP, raises Luck. "
Hot Spring Bream 1800 Fish commonly found in hot springs. Faintly smells of sulphur.
Gigaga Water 150 Water rich in ancient minerals. Said to promote longevity.
Hot Spring Water 150 "A miraculous cure, apparently. Bathe in it or drink it. "
Fossil Mushroom 120 Featured in ancient murals. Seems to be thousands of years old.
Gigaga Truffle 1200 Fantastic flavour and scent. The finest truffle in the world.
Goldweed 900 "Used in alchemy. Has a refreshing, sweet taste. "
Hermit Carrot 900 Used in alchemy. Bursting with rich flavour.
Cherry Nectar 60 "Sweet, transparent nectar that's a bit hard to come by. "
Ancient Nectar 60 Thick and slightly bitter nectar of ancient flowers.
Wild Beast Meat 700 "Soft and great-tasting, finest meat. "
Mythical Meat 2000 Its strange consistency can be quite addictive.
Gigaga Catfish 1000 A larger variety of catfish. Its whiskers are very sensitive.
Kissylips Angelfish 1600 Look at these dreamy lips! The most kissable fish in the sea.
Fossilfish 2000 "A living fossil, literally. Its scales are as hard as rock. "
Rainbow Sunfish 2400 "Not the prettiest fish, but at least it's colourful. And tasty. "
Demonic Tuna 10000 A mischievous giant tuna not picky about what it eats.
Godfish 12000 "Divine protector of lakes and ponds on Origin Island. Tastes godly, too. "
Penguin Eggs 700 "Warm to touch, small, spotted eggs from penguins. "
Golden Egg 4000 A giant egg of a Heaven Bird. It looks shiny.
Boiled Bamboo Shoot 280 "Grown in mineral-rich hot spring water, it helps with many ailments. "
Heavenly Asparagus 800 "Nutritious and delicious. Crunchy, without any tough strings. "
Angelic Remedy 3000 Restores HP and raises Vitality. Comes in handy when you're in a pinch.
Super Angelic Remedy 4000 Restores HP and raises Vitality. Handy in a pinch. Improved recipe for a greater effect.
Miracle 6000 Temporarily boosts all basic stats.
Super Miracle 9000 Temporarily boosts all basic stats. Improved recipe for a greater effect.
Luck Potion 5000 Temporarily boosts Luck but lowers all other basic stats.
Super Luck Potion 7500 Temporarily boosts Luck but lowers all other stats. Improved recipe for a greater effect.
Berserk Potion 6000 Boosts your Attack at the expense of Defence.
Super Berserk Potion 9000 Boosts your Attack at the expense of Defence. Improved recipe for greater effect.
Godly Spray 10000 Boosts the basic stats of everyone in your party.
Super Godly Spray 15000 Boosts the basic stats of everyone in your party. Improved recipe for a greater effect.
Strength Candy 14000 Hard candy that raises Strength. You can only eat so many.
Vitality Candy 14000 Hard candy that raises Vitality. You can only eat so many.
Dexterity Candy 14000 Hard candy that raises Dexterity. You can only eat so many.
Intelligence Candy 14000 Hard candy that raises Intelligence. You can only eat so many.
Focus Candy 14000 Hard candy that raises Focus. You can only eat so many.
Luck Candy 14000 Hard candy that raises Luck. You can only eat so many.
Fluffy Roast 4800 "The finest tender-cooked meat. Restores HP, raises Strength and Luck. "
Super Fluffy Roast 5760 "Skilfully grilled tender-cooked meat. Restores HP, raises Strength and Luck. "
Valorous Kebab 8800 "Finest-quality meats on a skewer. Restores HP, raises Strength and Vitality. "
Super Valorous Kebab 10560 "Skilfully grilled Valorous Kebab. Restores HP, raises Strength and Vitality. "
Heavenly Feast 20000 "Made with the finest ingredients, a sure hit! Restores HP, raises Strength and Focus. "
Super Heavenly Feast 24000 "Each glorious course is prepared perfectly. Restores HP, raises Strength and Focus. "
Rainbow Paella 8000 "Paella made with rare seafood. Restores HP, raises Focus and Vitality. "
Super Rainbow Paella 9600 "Skilfully prepared rare seafood paella. Restores HP, raises Focus and Vitality. "
Dark Giant Stew 44000 "A stew made with strange fish. Restores HP, raises Focus and Luck. "
Super Dark Giant Stew 52800 "A skilfully simmered strange fish stew. Restores HP, raises Focus and Luck. "
Fossil Sashimi Set 10000 "An arrangement of fresh fossil fish. Restores HP, raises Focus and Strength. "
Super Fossil Sashimi Set 12000 "A delicious arrangement of fresh fossil fish. Restores HP, raises Focus and Strength. "
Hot Spring Egg 3200 "A softly poached egg. Restores HP, raises Vitality and Strength. "
Super Hot Spring Egg 3840 "An exquisite hot spring egg. Restores HP, raises Vitality and Strength. "
Mushroom Medley 4400 "An arrangement of rare mushrooms. Restores HP, raises Dexterity and Luck. "
Super Mushroom Medley 5280 "A delicious arrangement of rare mushrooms. Restores HP, raises Dexterity and Luck. "
Glorious Dinner 6400 "A dish served at the table of the gods. Restores HP, raises Dexterity and Focus. "
Super Glorious Dinner 7680 "A skilfully prepared dish of the gods. Restores HP, raises Dexterity and Focus. "
Goddess's Frappé 3200 "A sweet, ice-cold drink. Restores SP, raises Intelligence and Luck. "
Super Goddess's Frappé 3840 "A deluxe sweet, ice-cold drink. Restores SP, raises Intelligence and Luck. "
Hermit's Drink 2400 "A strange drink that can make fairies appear. Restores SP, ups Intelligence and Strength. "
Super Hermit's Drink 2880 "A well-made drink that makes fairies appear. Restores SP, ups Intelligence and Strength. "
Rainbow Gelato 2800 "Ice cream made with quality milk. Restores SP, raises Intelligence and Focus. "
Super Rainbow Gelato 3360 "Deluxe ice cream made with quality milk. Restores SP, raises Intelligence and Focus. "
Giant Hot Spring Bream 2700 Fish commonly found in hot springs. This one's bigger than usual.
Giant Gigaga Catfish 1500 A larger variety of catfish. This one's unusually large.
Giant Kissylips Angelfish 2400 The most kissable fish in the sea. This is quite a big one.
Giant Fossilfish 3000 "A living fossil, literally. Has rock-like scales. Bigger than usual. "
Giant Rainbow Sunfish 3600 "Not the prettiest fish, but colourful and tasty. Bigger than usual. "
Goddess's Carp 4000 A carp of legend that is thousands of years old. Divinely graceful.
Giant Goddess's Carp 6000 A carp of legend that is thousands of years old. Divinely graceful. Unusually large.
Poseidon Swordfish 7000 "The ruler of the seas, powerful, fierce and fearless. "
Remote Island Honey 180 Honey from eternally blooming flowers. It takes millennia to develop its rich flavour.
Giant Beast Meat 1500 A big chunk of nutritious meat.
Golden Apple 3000 An apple that glitters like pure gold. Its taste is simply divine.
Galaxy Apple 3000 Quite possibly the tastiest apple in the galaxy.
Love Orb 20000 An orb of Bliss. Something special will happen if you use it. Also used in crafting.
Bravery Orb 20000 An orb of Stars. Something special will happen if you use it. Also used in crafting.
Wisdom Orb 20000 An orb of Dosh. Something special will happen if you use it. Also used in crafting.
Divine Bomb 7000 A jaw-droppingly powerful bomb.
Super Divine Bomb 10500 A jaw-droppingly powerful bomb. Improved recipe for even more BOOM!
Demonic Bomb 7000 "A powerful bomb that poisons and stuns, too. "
Super Demonic Bomb 10500 "A powerful bomb that poisons and stuns, too. Improved recipe for extra power. "
Heavenly Burger 12000 "A godlike burger. Restores HP, raises Strength and Focus. "
Godly Soup 48000 "Godlike soup. Restores HP, raises Focus and Dexterity. "
Golden Omelette 12000 "A glittery gold, fluffy omelette. Restores HP, raises Vitality and Dexterity. "
Lunares Pie 1800 "Yuelia's favourite pie. Restores HP, raises Dexterity and Luck. "
Finest Hot Spring Egg 3000 "A softly boiled egg, still jiggly. "
Ghastly Stew 20000 A stew with horrifying ingredients. Makes your tongue go numb.
Sea Lord Set 36000 "An array of the freshest sashimi, including Demon Shark Fin. Fit for Poseidon himself. "
Dragon Spice 1500 Pepper so spicy you'll breathe fire.
Demon Shark Fin 1800 A demon shark fin. Shark-tastic.
Ghost Meat 1300 Ghostly meat. ...Did it just move?
Super Heavenly Burger 14400 "A skilfully grilled godlike burger. Restores HP, raises Strength and Focus. "
Super Godly Soup 57600 "Skilfully cooked godlike soup. Restores HP, raises Focus and Dexterity. "
Super Golden Omelette 14400 "A skilfully cooked golden omelette. Restores HP, raises Vitality and Dexterity. "
Super Lunares Pie 2160 "So delicious, even Noelia would crack a smile. Restores HP, ups Dexterity and Luck. "
極上 未知のアイテム 10 未知のアイテム。最新データを ダウンロードすれば詳細がわかります。
Super Ghastly Stew 24000 A skilfully made but creepy stew. Makes your tongue go numb.
Super Sea Lord Set 43200 "A delicious array of fresh sashimi, including Demon Shark Fin. Fit for Poseidon himself. "
Castele Copper 40 Common Castele copper ore.
Plains Iron 80 Used to make many weapons and armour.
Port Puerto Silver 120 Port Puerto abounds with this ore.
Al Maajik Gold 160 Precious ore mined in the Al Maajik area.
Platinum Ore 240 Rare metal found on the top of Mt Snowpeak.
Magma Ore 200 Hard ore formed within hot magma. Used to make Magma Ingots.
Marine Ore 200 Crystallised deep-sea minerals. Used to make Marine Ingots.
Magic Ore 300 Ore formed by absorption of magic. Used to make Magic Ingots.
Celestial Ore 400 Rumoured to be crystallised sunlight. Used to make Celestial Ingots.
Aquamarine 1500 "Semi-transparent, blue gemstone. "
Topaz 1000 "Translucent, yellow gemstone. "
Ruby 2500 Blood-red gemstone that fetches a very high price.
Amethyst 1500 "Translucent, purple gemstone. "
Emerald 2800 "Deep-green, beautiful gemstone. "
Sapphire 3000 Expensive gemstone of a deep blue colour.
Black Onyx 3500 "Black, opaque mineral. "
Diamond 4000 "Dazzling, translucent gemstone. It's highly valued. "
Special Topaz 0 A special Topaz you dug up yourself.
Yellow Stone 500 Yellow crystal that looks particularly beautiful with light shining through it.
Blue Stone 1000 "Blue crystal of a pleasant, light blue colour. "
Purple Stone 2000 Purple crystal. Its unusual colour makes it very attractive.
Dragon Leg Bone 2000 Dragon fossil. It's easy to tell it's a leg because of the giant claws.
Dragon Vertebrae 2000 Dragon fossil. It's a small chunk of its spinal column.
Dragon Skull 2000 "Dragon fossil. The jaws are full of giant, sharp teeth. "
Minty Ore 40 A white stone with a minty scent. Used in alchemy.
Quality Minty Ore 80 A high-quality Minty Ore. Used in Alchemy.
Sandstone 120 Formed from compressed sand. Crumbles easily.
Oak Log 60 Soft timber that's easy to work with. Found around Castele.
Pine Log 80 "Timber of just the right hardness, useful in carpentry. "
Palm Log 100 "Very pliable, soft but firm wood. Port Puerto is famous for it. "
Sugar Log 120 "Wood with very fine texture, easy to work with. Found around Al Maajik. "
Desert Log 140 Hard wood with a firm texture.
Fir Log 160 "Dense, hard timber sourced from Mt Snowpeak. "
Mangrove Log 160 Very hard timber of an irregular shape. It takes a skilled Carpenter to work it.
Starry Log 160 Multipurpose timber from a tree said to have grown out of a fallen star.
Skytree Log 200 "One of the finest types of timber, hard but pliable. Very rare. "
Fire Log 2000 Timber infused with the fire element.
Wind Log 1500 Timber infused with the wind element.
Water Log 1000 Timber infused with the water element.
Earth Log 500 Timber infused with the earth element.
Elder Oak Log 360 "Oak log with many tree rings, indicating its respectable age. "
Elder Pine Log 480 "Pine log with many tree rings, indicating its respectable age. "
Elder Palm Log 600 "Palm log with many tree rings, indicating its respectable age. "
Elder Sugar Log 720 "Sugar log with many tree rings, indicating its respectable age. "
Elder Desert Log 840 "Desert log with many tree rings, indicating its respectable age. "
Elder Fir Log 960 "Fir log with many tree rings, indicating its respectable age. "
Elder Mangrove Log 960 "Mangrove log with many tree rings, indicating its respectable age. "
Elder Starry Log 960 "Starry log with many tree rings, indicating its respectable age. "
Elder Skytree Log 1200 "Skytree log with many tree rings, indicating its respectable age. "
Special Elder Oak Log 0 Special Elder Oak Log that you obtained yourself.
Pine Nuts 20 Hot spice that adds a pleasant fragrance to meat. Used in a variety of dishes.
Sugar Nuts 60 "Not just for desserts. Sugar can bring out the flavour of savoury dishes, too. "
Palm Nuts 40 So spicy they'll make your tongue go numb. Used in exotic dishes.
Giant Tree Nuts 200 Unique spice that's very bitter and pungent.
Celestial Leaf 200 Leaves grown in pure sunshine high in the skies.
Dandelion Puff 10 A natural cotton harvested from dandelions. Used to make Dandelion Cotton.
Sunny Puff 80 A soft natural cotton harvested from dandelions. Used to make Sunny Cotton.
Angelic Puff 240 "Soft and absorbent, natural cotton fibres. Used to make Angelic Cotton. "
Straw Thread 40 Natural fibres obtained from grasses. Used to make Woven Straw Fabric.
Silk Thread 80 Silk thread obtained from silkworms. Used to make Silk.
Marine Thread 120 Durable thread enriched with sea minerals. Used to make Marine Silk.
Flax Thread 160 Very handy and durable natural thread. Used to make Linen.
Pink Silk Thread 240 Finest thread spun in the darkness by spiders. Used to make Pink Silk.
Starry Thread 600 Fine thread glittering like stardust. Used to make Stardust Linen.
Sheep Fleece 40 Fluffy fleece shorn from a sheep. Used to make Wool.
Goat Fleece 160 Soft fleece shorn from a goat. Used to make Cashmere.
Golden Sheep Fleece 300 Golden fleece shorn from a sheep. Used to make Flare Wool.
Black Goat Fleece 300 Durable and warm black goat fleece. Used to make Black Cashmere.
Woven Straw Fabric 160 Slightly stiff material made from grass.
Dandelion Cotton 40 Snow-white material with a fresh scent.
Wool 160 A soft and fluffy material made from sheep fleece.
Silk 320 Luxurious material made from silk thread.
Sunny Cotton 320 Soft material that smells like sunshine.
Cashmere 640 "Light, cosy material made from Goat Fleece. "
Marine Silk 480 "Material so durable, it can even be used as a ship's sail. "
Linen 640 Lightweight material that keeps you cool under the hot sun.
Flare Wool 1200 Toasty warm woollen material.
Pink Silk 960 Material made from pink silk thread. A must for the fashion-conscious.
Black Cashmere 1200 Cashmere made from black goat fleece. Darkly luxurious.
Angelic Cotton 960 A heavenly material said to be favoured by angels.
Stardust Linen 2400 Strangely bright and supple material.
Fine Feather 100 Feather from a brilliantly-coloured bird.
Glossy Feather 200 A bright blue feather.
Coal-Black Feather 400 Jet-black feather.
Snow-White Feather 1000 A pure white feather. Lovely.
Evil Wings 800 "A pair of leathery, thin wings that look like they belonged to some demonic creature. "
Little Shell 60 A shell that can often be found on the seashore.
Durable Shell 300 "A seashell, common find on beaches. It's pretty hard and durable. "
Rainbow Shell 1200 A seashell glittering colourfully in the light.
Antidote Berries 10 "Red berries that are said to cure poisoning. A bit tart, so they're no good for cooking. "
Antistun Berries 20 "Orange berries said to cure being stunned. A little bitter, so no good for cooking. "
Rejuvenating Berries 100 Berries that cure all ailments. Bad aftertaste makes them unsuitable for cooking.
Wakeup Berries 40 "Blue berries that will banish sleepiness. So sour and bitter, they'll make your eyes water. "
Apple Appliqué 400 An appliqué that looks like a delicious apple.
Fairy Appliqué 400 Totally adorable fairy appliqué.
Shield Appliqué 400 A cool appliqué of a shield.
Hero Appliqué 400 An appliqué fashioned after a legendary hero.
Princess Appliqué 600 A pretty princess appliqué.
Pirate Appliqué 600 An appliqué with a pirate motif.
Dragon Appliqué 600 An appliqué depicting a dragon.
Royal Appliqué 600 An appliqué of a crown. Erik's favourite.
Little Tail 60 Gives a little wriggle now and then.
Big Tail 300 A tail as long as your arm. Gives a little twitch now and then.
Beast Tail 1200 A monster tail that looks like it's alive. Difficult to stash it in a bag.
Animal Hide 120 "Thin, elastic animal hide. "
Beast Hide 600 "Robust, durable hide. "
Monster Hide 900 "Iron-hard, durable hide. "
Fish Scales 400 Slightly transparent fish scales.
Snake Scales 200 "Thick, tough snake scales. "
Dragon Scales 6000 Dragon scales. They're hard as steel.
Magic Powder 400 Light powder with a magical feel.
Demonic Powder 600 Powder with a strange aura.
Spiritual Powder 1000 Faintly sparkling powder bursting with life energy.
Animal Claws 40 Just regular animal claws.
Hard Claws 240 Tough claws.
Sharp Claws 480 "Sharp, pointy claws. "
Deadly Claws 950 Sharp claws of a vicious creature.
Animal Fang 60 Just a regular fang.
Thick Fang 360 The thick fang of a predator.
Strong Fang 700 The strong fang of a strong beast.
Sturdy Fang 1400 The very strong fang of a fearsome beast.
Turtle Shell 100 Strong turtle shell.
Thick Shell 240 Thick and durable turtle shell.
Timeworn Shell 450 "A strong, burnished shell of a turtle that lived to a ripe age. "
Ancient Shell 1900 Incredibly durable shell that served a turtle well for centuries.
Pretty Coral 40 Lightly-coloured coral.
Stunning Coral 180 Coral so beautiful it'll take your breath away.
Glittering Coral 360 Beautiful coral glinting with the light of the sun.
Vivid Coral 700 "Beautiful, iridescent coral. "
Suspicious Object 200 A strange object. Who knows what it's for...
Mysterious Object 500 A mysterious object. Who knows what it's for...
Curious Object 1050 A mysterious object with a strange feel to it.
Unknown Life Form 2150 A mysterious object with a strong presence.
Poison Powder 120 "Poisonous powder. So potent, just looking at it feels dangerous. "
Stun Powder 400 "Powder that stuns. So potent, just looking at it makes you feel frozen. "
Sleep Powder 180 "Powder that induces deep sleep. So potent, just looking at it makes you feel drowsy. "
Combustible Powder 270 Powder containing the power of fire. Burns explosively when ignited.
Green Gel 60 "A green, jiggly gel. "
Blue Gel 120 "A blue, jiggly gel. "
Yellow Gel 300 "A yellow, jiggly gel. "
Red Gel 240 "A red, jiggly gel. "
Purple Gel 180 "A purple, jiggly gel. "
Black Gel 420 "A pitch-black, jiggly gel. "
Pink Gel 360 "A pink, jiggly gel. "
King Gel 3600 A sparkling jiggly gel.
Green Cactus 72 A green cactus. Kind of slimy inside.
Yellow Cactus 360 "A yellow cactus. Spiky outside, slimy inside. "
Pink Cactus 700 An unusual pink cactus. Spiky with a slimy interior.
Giant Claws 3600 Giant claws from an unusually large creature.
Giant Fang 4800 A giant fang. It looks terrifying.
Giant Scale 4200 Giant scale from an unusually large creature.
Giant Tail 5600 A really big tail.
Giant Horn 6400 An impressively big horn.
Rainbow Feather 2000 Flight feather from a very big bird.
Frosty Feather 3000 Blizzard Bird's flight feather. It feels cold to touch.
Lightning Feather 4000 The electrifying Thunderbird's flight feather.
Dangerous Object 0 A dangerous-looking object you got from Professor Snooze.
Moon Cluster 1200 A glimmering cluster.
Star Cluster 1200 A cluster that sparkles like stardust.
Sun Cluster 1200 A cluster that is pleasantly warm.
Animal Droppings 10 Poop from a herbivorous animal. It's got grass and stuff in it. Eww.
Monster Dung 20 Monster poop with an acrid smell. Looks like it's still warm.
Castele Bloom 20 A flower that grows in the Castele suburbs. Symbolises valour.
Port Puerto Bloom 40 A flower that grows in the Port Puerto suburbs. Symbolises travel.
Al Maajik Bloom 60 A flower that grows in the Al Maajik suburbs. Symbolises wealth.
Running Flower 300 A bright flower that brings energy. Symbolises vigour.
Lucky Flower 300 A flower that is said to bring good luck. Symbolises prosperity.
Energising Flower 300 A flower that motivates with its fresh scent. Symbolises energy.
Marriage Rose 500 A flower often used as a token of love. Symbolises togetherness.
Happy Daisy 700 A flower that makes you smile. Symbolises cheerfulness.
Yellowbell 10 A yellow flower used to make dye. Symbolises joy.
Greenbell 10 A green flower used to make dye. Symbolises health.
Bluebell 10 A blue flower used to make dye. Symbolises peace and calm.
Blackbell 10 A black flower used to make dye. Symbolises elegance.
Redbell 10 A red flower used to make dye. Symbolises passion.
Whitebell 10 A white flower used to make dye. Symbolises purity.
Common Grasshopper 30 "A common grasshopper. It can be sold, but not for much. "
White Butterfly 40 "A common butterfly. It can be sold, but it isn't worth much. "
Royal Grasshopper 100 Wears a mini crown and acts like it owns the place. Can be sold for a bit of Dosh.
Yellow Butterfly 100 A butterfly with vividly yellow wings. Can be sold for a bit of Dosh.
Scarab Beetle 200 "A roundish, clumsy scarab beetle. Fetches a nice price for a bug. "
Rhino Beetle 140 A beetle with only one horn. Can be sold at a shop for a reasonable price.
Dragonfly 140 A dragonfly that resembles a real dragon. Can be sold at a shop for a reasonable price.
Iron Stag Beetle 500 A stag beetle with wings like polished iron. Can be sold for a nice amount of Dosh.
Second Best Beetle 500 "In the world of beetles, this guy's a capable weight lifter. Fetches a good price. "
Stained Glass Butterfly 1000 Its wings beautifully reflect light. Fetches a handsome price.
Steel Stag Beetle 1000 This tough beetle glistens like polished steel. Fetches a handsome price.
Champion Beetle 1000 This rhino beetle is like a king of all insects. It fetches a handsome price.
Fire Mana 3000 Crystallised fire energy.
Water Mana 3000 Crystallised water energy.
Earth Mana 3000 Crystallised earth energy.
Wind Mana 3000 Crystallised wind energy.
Light Mana 6000 Crystallised light energy.
Shadow Mana 6000 Crystallised shadow energy.
Criticaline 6000 A special crystal formed in sand. Used to forge sharper weapons.
Guardine 6000 A special crystal formed inside a rock. Used to forge stronger shields.
Tool Upgrade Stone 1000 A stone said to enhance tools. Might be a good idea to use it in tool smithing.
Attack Upgrade Stone 1000 A stone said to enhance weapons. Might be a good idea to use it in weapon smithing.
Magic Upgrade Stone 1000 A crystallisation of mysterious power. Might be good to use it in staff smithing.
Qualitine 1000 A stone that raises the quality of items. Can be used for making weapons and tools.
M. Def. Upgrade Stone 1000 A stone that increases magic defence. Might be good to use it in armour smithing.
Def. Upgrade Stone 1000 A stone that increases defence. Might be good to use it in armour smithing.
Focus Gem 2000 A stone said to improve concentration. Can be used in making axes and pickaxes.
Energising Stone 2000 A stone said to energise whoever holds it. It might be worth using it in crafting...
Bronze Ingot 80 "A bronze ingot used for forging weapons, tools and armour. "
Iron Ingot 220 "An iron ingot used for forging weapons, tools and armour. "
Silver Ingot 360 "A silver ingot used for forging weapons, tools and armour. "
Gold Ingot 480 "A gold ingot used for forging weapons, tools and armour. "
Platinum Ingot 700 "A platinum ingot used for forging weapons, tools and armour. "
Magma Ingot 500 "A magma ingot used for forging weapons, tools and armour. "
Marine Ingot 500 "A marine ingot used for forging weapons, tools and armour. "
Magic Ingot 700 "An enchanted ingot used for forging weapons, tools and armour. "
Celestial Ingot 900 "A celestial ingot used for forging weapons, tools and armour. "
Fire Shard 2500 "A shard infused with fire energy, used for forging weapons, tools and armour. "
Wind Shard 2500 "A shard infused with wind energy, used for forging weapons, tools and armour. "
Water Shard 2500 "A shard infused with water energy, used for forging weapons, tools and armour. "
Earth Shard 2500 "A shard infused with earth energy, used for forging weapons, tools and armour. "
Dragon Shard 3600 A strong piece of rock that seems to have come from a dragon's body.
Fossil Shard 5000 A fragment of a giant ancient dragon fossil.
Evil Shard 7000 A rock with sinister vibes.
Red Ingot 0 A vividly red ingot.
Oak Beam 120 "A wooden beam cut from an Oak Tree. Used in weapon, tool and decor making. "
Pine Beam 240 "A wooden beam cut from a Pine Tree. Used in weapon, tool and decor making. "
Palm Beam 300 "A wooden beam cut from a Palm Tree. Used in weapon, tool and decor making. "
Sugar Beam 350 "A wooden beam cut from a Sugar Tree. Used in weapon, tool and decor making. "
Desert Beam 400 "A wooden beam cut from a Desert Tree. Used in weapon, tool and decor making. "
Fir Beam 450 "A wooden beam cut from a Fir Tree. Used in weapon, tool and decor making. "
Mangrove Beam 450 "A wooden beam cut from a Mangrove Tree. Used in weapon, tool and decor making. "
Starry Beam 550 "A wooden beam cut from a Starry Tree. Used in weapon, tool and decor making. "
Skytree Beam 600 "A wooden beam cut from a Skytree. Used in weapon, tool and decor making. "
Fire Beam 3600 "A wooden beam cut from a Fire Log. Used in weapon, tool and decor making. "
Wind Beam 3000 "A wooden beam cut from a Wind Log. Used in weapon, tool and decor making. "
Water Beam 2400 "A wooden beam cut from a Water Log. Used in weapon, tool and decor making. "
Earth Beam 1800 "A wooden beam cut from an Earth Log. Used in weapon, tool and decor making. "
Sinister Branch 6000 A branch cut from a Sinister Tree. Used in weapon and furniture making.
Beaver Beam 0 A wooden beam cut by Beavy and Beavo.
Forest Lordfish Moss 1000 A clump of moss from a Forest Lordfish's head.
Subterranean Scales 1500 Giant scales of a Bluescale Lordfish.
Antenna Lantern 1500 The Deep Sea Lordfish uses this as a lure.
Dark Scales 1500 Giant scales of a Bass of Darkness.
Celestial Scales 2000 Giant scales of a High-Flying Fish.
Swordfish Fin 2000 The stiff dorsal fin of a Swordfish.
Volcanic Fin 2000 The fiery dorsal fin of a Volcanic Tuna.
Icy Scales 2000 The frozen scales of a Coldwater Tuna.
Golden Fin 4000 The very tough dorsal fin of a Golden Swordfish.
Scrap Iron 10 Plain old scrap iron.
Scrap Wood 10 Plain old scrap wood.
Scrap of Cloth 10 Just a piece of cloth.
Mysterious Rubbish 10 It smells funny.
Burnt Food 10 Result of a cooking accident.
Wooden Buttons 40 Simple wooden buttons.
Metal Buttons 80 Fancy metal buttons.
Seashell Buttons 100 Lovely buttons made from shells.
Gemstone Buttons 400 Luxury buttons inlaid with gemstones.
Wonderful Buttons 1000 Splendid buttons made with rare materials.
Cute Ribbon 40 Very cute ribbon.
Fancy Ribbon 80 Ribbon of the fancy variety.
Wonderful Ribbon 1000 Splendid ribbon.
Fluffy Ribbon 0 Special ribbon from Chic.
String 40 Thread used in tailoring.
Leather String 80 Leather string. Used in tailoring.
Wonderful String 1000 Awesome string. Used in tailoring.
Sack of Copper 200 A sack full of copper coins. It looks worth selling.
Sack of Silver 800 A sack full of silver coins. It looks worth selling.
Sack of Gold 2000 A sack full of gold coins. It might sell for a lot of Dosh.
Sack of Treasure 4000 A sack full of glittering treasures. It probably fetches a jaw-dropping price.
Fire Mana + 6000 A high-quality fire crystal.
Water Mana + 6000 A high-quality water crystal.
Earth Mana + 6000 A high-quality earth crystal.
Wind Mana + 6000 A high-quality wind crystal.
Criticaline + 6000 Higher grade Criticaline. Improves sharpness of forged weapons.
Guardine + 6000 Higher grade Guardine. Strengthens forged shields.
Tool Upgrade Stone + 6000 Higher grade Tool Upgrade Stone. Might be good to use it in tool smithing.
Attack Upgrade Stone + 6000 Higher grade Attack Upgrade Stone. Might be good to use it in weapon smithing.
Magic Upgrade Stone + 6000 Higher grade Magic Upgrade Stone. Might be good to use it in staff smithing.
Qualitine + 6000 Higher grade Qualitine. Used in weapon and tool making.
M. Def. Upgrade Stone + 6000 Higher grade M. Def. Upgrade Stone. Might be good to use it in armour smithing.
Def. Upgrade Stone + 6000 Higher grade Def. Upgrade Stone. Might be good to use it in armour smithing.
Focus Gem + 6000 Higher grade Focus Gem. Can be used in making axes and pickaxes.
Energising Stone + 6000 Higher grade Energising Stone. Might be good to use it in item crafting.
Chalk Ore 500 A strange ore that's very light and hard. Used to make Ancient Ingots.
Dark Ore 500 An ore used to make Demonic Ingots.
Rare Metal 4000 Used to make various weapons and armour.
Prism Jewel 8000 A jewel used to decorate the finest outfits. Can be obtained from Divine Stones.
Ancient Orb 7000 An orb used to make weapons and tools. Can be obtained from Dark Stones.
Divine Stone 3000 Crystallised essence of light. Gives off a faint glow.
Dark Stone 2500 Crystallised essence of darkness. Its dark surface plays tricks with your eyes.
Bismuth Ingot 1800 Bismuth ingot used to forge weapons and tools.
Golem Fragment 3000 A part of a golem containing a little of its essence.
Gigaga Log 240 Wood said to be used in the furniture of the gods. Also used in the Goddess's Ship.
Divine Log 260 Wondrous wood from a tree said to hold all worldly knowledge. Seems to be conscious.
Giga Gigaga Log 1300 "Tip of a Giga Gigaga Tree. Harder than iron, lighter than cotton. "
Giant Divine Log 1400 Shiny trunk of an Ancient Divine Tree. Put your ear to it and you hear strange whispers.
Millennial Branch 2800 "Obtained from the Sacred Millennial Tree, it can be used to make weapons and furniture. "
Centurial Nuts 250 "Sweet, bitter, salty and sour nuts. Few Cooks know how to use them well. "
Marshmallow Nuts 300 "Delicately sweet, soft nuts. Yummy when roasted over a campfire. "
Special Gestures 200 Gesture set.
Special Avatar Parts 200 Avatar parts set.
Divine Puff 280 A natural material from a Divine Dandelion. Soft and fluffy.
Rainbow Thread 700 Many-coloured thread. Used to make rainbow linen.
Sparkling Goat Fleece 400 Goat fleece that shines dimly even in total darkness. Used to make Divine Cashmere.
Rainbow Linen 2600 High-quality material that sparkles like a rainbow.
Divine Cashmere 2800 "Warm, yet breathable material made from Sparkling Goat Fleece. "
Ancient Seashell 1600 A shell from a creature who lived millennia ago.
Divine Beast Skin 1800 Strange hide. It's tough yet flexible.
Vile Claws 1500 Claws from an evil being.
Ancient Fang 2000 An ancient dinosaur fang.
Ancient Tail 1800 An ancient dinosaur tail.
Giant Beast's Horn 8000 A great horn from a giant being. It's incredibly sharp.
Mythical Beast's Scales 5000 Scales from a mythical beast. Change colour in the light.
Ancient Dragon's Scale 10000 A giant scale from a giant beast. Extremely hard.
Other-Worldly Powder 1400 Mysterious powder that makes you shudder. Feels like something from another realm.
Mysterious Artefact 13000 A strange object of indeterminate form. Feels both hot and cold at the same time.
Divine Bird's Feather 7000 Glinting golden feather.
White Gel 500 "A white, jiggly gel. "
Crab Claw 800 "A sturdy, sharp crab claw. "
Crab Shell 900 A hard and durable crab shell.
Lifeforce Cluster 1800 An ore cluster humming with life energy.
Rainbow Mana 6000 A crystal with rainbow energy.
Rainbow Mana + 6000 A well-cut rainbow crystal.
Soul Stone 3000 A stone that can improve the properties of tools. Use it when making a tool.
Soul Stone + 9000 A stone that can greatly improve the properties of tools. Use it for crafting tools.
Ancient Ingot 1100 A metal bar that changes colour depending on the light. Made from Chalk Ore.
Demonic Ingot 1000 A strange metal. Freezes you with fear. Made from Dark Ore.
Gigaga Beam 800 "A wooden beam cut from a Gigaga Tree. Used in weapon, tool and decor making. "
Divine Beam 1000 "A wooden beam cut from a Divine Tree. Used in weapon, tool and decor making. "
Yggdrasil Branch 4000 An Yggdrasil Branch. Overflowing with life energy.
Other-Worldly Fin 6000 A giant Demonic Tuna fin.
Godfish Moss 7000 A clump of moss from a Godfish's head.
Sack of Secret Treasure 10000 A bag full of treasures. Who knows what this could fetch at a shop?
Ancient Emerald 6000 A beautiful Emerald formed over many years.
Mystical Sapphire 6000 A beautiful Sapphire that has formed over many years.
Star Diamond 20000 A crystal containing the essence of a Crystal Dragon.
Divinus Appliqué 1000 An official-looking appliqué of Divinus.
Other-Worldly Leaf 800 A leaf grown under the sun of the spirit world.
Divine Pods 300 Divine seed pods said to grant eternal life to whoever eats them.
Exquisite Feather 1500 A beautifully colourful bird feather.
Cruel Fang 2400 A fang from a wild beast.
Ancient Coral 1000 A coral formed over many years.
Queen Gel 4400 "A pink, jiggly gel. It has a sweet and heady aroma. "
Cursed Tail 2600 A tail with an ominous air about it.
Evil Claws 12000 Claws from an evil being. They look as if they could still slash at you.
Mad Beast's Fang 9000 A fang from an evil beast. It's bloody.
Crystal Scale 13000 "A beautiful, transparent scale. "
Black Crab Shell 3800 A shiny black shell. Sounds like metal when you strike it.
Angelic Butterfly 4800 A soothingly beautiful butterfly. Will reach a good price if sold.
Demonic Grasshopper 4400 A fearsome grasshopper whose cry sounds like a demon. Fetches a good price if sold.
Ancient Stone 3000 A stone that raises the quality of items. Use it while crafting tools.
Ancient Stone + 9000 A stone that greatly raises the quality of items. Use it while crafting tools.
Berserk Stone 4000 A stone that can improve the properties of weapons. Use it when crafting a weapon.
Berserk Stone + 12000 A stone that can greatly improve the properties of weapons. Use it when crafting.
Spell Stone 4000 A stone that can improve the properties of magical staffs. Use it when crafting a staff.
Spell Stone + 12000 A stone that can greatly improve the properties of staffs. Use it when crafting.
Protection Stone 4000 A stone that can improve the properties of shields. Use it when crafting a shield.
Protection Stone + 12000 A stone that can greatly improve the properties of shields. Use it for crafting.
Divine Ribbon 2000 Beautiful ribbon fit for a goddess.
Divine Buttons 1500 Majestic buttons fit for a god.
Gigaga String 1800 Pretty string that's also strong.
Goddess's Bead 5000 An orb said to be found only in the vicinity of the Goddess's Carp.
Divine Powder 1800 Godly powder. Has the power to change your life.
Golden Droppings 200 "Shining golden droppings. They smell bad, but oddly make you want more... "
Gold Lunares Coin 20000 A small gold coin. Engraved with a crescent moon.
Silver Lunares Coin 20000 A coin shining silvery white. Engraved with two crescent moons.
Divine Breath Orb 4000 An orb containing divine breath.
Element Zero 9000 An orb with a rainbow trapped inside.
Cherrybell 60 A pink flower that only blooms for a short while. Symbolises undying friendship.
Ancient Flower 60 A flower often found around an ancient isle. Symbolises chance meetings.
Crimson Scales 24000 Hard scales from the Ancient Napdragon. They're battle-scarred.
Bone Dragon Horn 16000 A cursed horn.
Wicked Bird Feather 14000 Feather from a Typhoon Bird.
Magic Power Orb 9000 An orb used for weapons and tools. Rumoured to be used by the Pumpking.
Pumpkin Buttons 1200 Funky buttons made from pumpkins.
Fortified Shell 2400 A shell as impenetrable as a fort.
Horror String 2000 Deadly string. Sheer yet strong.
Gold Shard 2000 Part of a legendary weapon said to have been used by a hero.
Cherry Blossom Orb 3000 An orb the colour of sakura petals. Secretly held by a bandit.
Wild Antler 4000 A bony antler that looks like it's been through the wars.
Happiness Ribbon 1400 Happy ribbon for bringing people together.
Pastel Cotton 1280 Fluffy cotton that gives you the warm and fuzzies.
Cloud Cashmere 3000 Cashmere as fluffy as a cloud floating across the blue sky.
Sorcery Orb 8000 A strange orb with a golem's face floating within.
Ghost Shell 1800 A ghostly shell.
Dream Shard 20 "An Ore cluster that is vague, like a half-remembered dream. "
Flower Buttons 1000 Unusual buttons made from flowers. Make you feel happy.
Sorcery Powder 3200 Powder with a Magician's power. Sends a shiver down your spine.
Dragon Horse Saddle 20 Allows you to rent the Dragon Horse at the Castele stables.
Unicorn Saddle 20 Allows you to rent the Unicorn at the Castele stables.
Deer Saddle 20 Allows you to rent the Deer at the Castele stables.
Marine Horse Saddle 20 Allows you to rent the Marine Horse at the Port Puerto stables.
Sky Turtle Saddle 20 Allows you to rent the Sky Turtle at the Port Puerto stables.
Crab Saddle 20 Allows you to rent the Crab at the Port Puerto stables.
Sultan's Horse Saddle 20 Allows you to rent the Sultan's Horse at the Al Maajik stables.
Ghost Horse Saddle 20 Allows you to rent the Ghost Horse at the Al Maajik stables.
Alpaca Saddle 20 Allows you to rent the Alpaca at the Al Maajik stables.
未知のそざい 20 未知のアイテム。最新データを ダウンロードすれば詳細がわかります。
World Map 0 A map showing all of Reveria.
Ophelia's Letter 0 A letter from Queen Ophelia of Castele.
Pam's Storage Key 0 A key that will let you access the storeroom next to Pam's house.
Finest Hot Spring Egg 0 絶妙なゆでかげんのおんせんたまご。
Great Compendium 0 A thick encyclopaedia bursting with information on the world of Reveria.
Pam's Candy 0 メグからもらったキャンディー。
Hootwink Feather 0 "An owl's feather, much sought after by Hunters. "
Café Apple 0 A Castele Apple. Stock for the Appleseed Café.
King Erik's Letter 0 A letter from King Erik of Castele.
Olivia's Letter 0 A letter from Olivia Pescado of Port Puerto.
Daemon's Letter 0 "A letter from Daemon, Dark Sultan of Al Maajik. "
Goddess's Compass 0 A treasure entrusted to the denizens of Al Maajik by the Goddess.
Goddess's Deck Wheel 0 A treasure entrusted to the dwellers of Elderwood Village by the Goddess.
Goddess's Anchor 0 A treasure entrusted to the people of Port Puerto by the Goddess.
Pretty Shard 0 The shard of a broken Doom Stone.
Mountain Pass Key 0 A key to open the locked door to the Mt Snowpeak summit.
Great Pirate's Journal 0 A log listing the Seven-Point Pirate Code. A seven headed beast is drawn on it.
Goddess's Recipe 0 Instructions on how to make Reveria. Written by the Goddess.
Levitania Floatstone 0 A large Floatstone that apparently kept Levitania afloat.
Keepsake Floatstone 0 A small Floatstone that Crankshaft gave to Aurora.
Goddess's Cogwheel 0 A treasure entrusted to the land of Castele by the Goddess. A mysterious relic indeed.
Found Amethyst 0 An Amethyst that you obtained. It's very sparkly.
Doom Stone 0 These strange stones have been falling from the sky recently...
Apple Pie 0 A delicious-looking Castele Apple pie.
Rope Ladder 0 A sturdy-looking rope ladder.
Royal Pass 0 This golden pass enables you to use the inn and other facilities for free.
Killer Bunny 700 キラーバニー
Black Panther 450 ブラックパンサー
Killer Bear 1800 キラーベア
Killer Horn 1200 キラーホーン
Taurus 750 タウロス
Fanged Ape 900 キバザル
Behemoth 5000 ブヒーモス
Chimera 6500 キマイラ
Gigante 8000 ヒガンテ
Silverfang 3000 シルバーファング
Lord of the Dead 8000 ロードオブデス
Desert Tyrant 4500 さばくのタイラント
Ferociousaurus 6000 きょうぼうレックス
Shadowsaurus 9000 シャドウレックス
Great Serpent 1200 オロチ
King Cobra 1800 キングコブラ
Crocturtle 750 ワニガメ
Turtanic 1800 しまガメ
Radishella 600 デカブラ
Angry Zombie 750 あらくれゾンビ
Jellking 1600 うみうしキング
Spook 250 ゴースト
Ice Spook 750 アイスゴースト
Big Spook 2000 ビッグゴースト
Desert Spook 1300 さばくユーレイ
Sand Golem 1500 サンドゴーレム
Ironstone Golem 1800 サテツゴーレム
Lava Golem 1000 マグマゴーレム
Rocksalt Golem 1100 ソルトゴーレム
Pickaxed Golem 1200 つるはしゴーレム
Iron Golem 800 アイアンゴーレム
Gilded Golem 2100 さきんゴーレム
Moth Queen 1900 クイーンモス
Killer Bee 900 キラービー
Eyes of Darkness 1500 ヤミヨノメ
Bigbeak 2700 マルマル
Blizzard Bird 3300 ブリザーバード
Shadow Bigbeak 8000 シャドウマルマル
Thunderbird 3900 サンダーバード
Napdragon 5500 イネムリドラゴン
Shadow Dragon 10000 シャドウドラゴン
Silver Dragon 6600 シルバードラゴン
Golden Dragon 7700 ゴールドドラゴン
Calamitus 6900 わざわい
Forest Wraith 5000 モリジー
Earth Wraith 3000 ツチジー
Sea Wraith 4500 ウミジー
Blaze Wraith 3600 モエジー
Gale Wraith 4200 カゼジー
Lightning Wraith 8800 ピカジー
Bandit Leader 300 わるものリーダー
Outlaw Leader 800 ならずものリーダー
Sulphur 100 硫黄の香り
Sparkling Topaz 300 輝く黄玉
Strifestone 200 戦いの神石
Golem Stone 5000 Golem Stone
Gold Stone 300 魔力の神石
Oasis Gemstone 600 オアシスの宝石
Toolstone 150 道具の神石
Pure Gemstone 400 清らかな宝石
Divine Toolstone 300 道具の神々の岩
Incandescent Gemstone 600 灼熱の宝石
Divine Powerstone 400 戦いの神々の岩
Mountain Gemstone 800 名峰の宝石
Blessed Rock 300 守りの神々の岩
Seadrop 600 海のしずく
Skyrock 1000 天空の岩
Skylight 2000 天空の光
Ancient Rock 800 古代の岩
Ancient Darkness 1800 古代の闇
Giant Fossil 2000 巨大化石
Dragon Scab 1000 ドラゴンのかさぶた
Dark Heart 3000 魔王の心臓
Fire Elemental Rock 1500 炎のエレメントロック
Wind Elemental Rock 1500 風のエレメントロック
Water Elemental Rock 1000 水のエレメントロック
Earth Elemental Rock 1500 地のエレメントロック
Great Oak Tree 100 デクの大木
Great Palm Tree 200 ナンボクの大木
Great Pine 150 コニファーの大木
Great White Fir 300 モミの大木
Great Mangrove 300 マングローブの大木
Great Skytree 400 トレントの大木
Great Desert Tree 400 デザートの大木
Great Sugar Tree 400 シュガー大木
Great Elderwood Tree 1000 コモレビィの大樹
Sinister Tree 2000 ダークポール
Celestial Tree 2500 天空の樹
Fire Tree 1500 炎のエレメントウッド
Wind Tree 1500 風のエレメントウッド
Water Tree 1500 水のエレメントウッド
Earth Tree 1500 地のエレメントウッド
Forest Lordfish 600 森のヌシ
Swordfish 1000 カジキマグロ
Volcanic Tuna 800 マグマグロ
Coldwater Tuna 1200 レイトウマグロ
Bluescale Lordfish 1800 地底魚
Deep Sea Lordfish 1500 深海魚
Bass of Darkness 2000 ダークバス
Golden Swordfish 2500 ゴールデンカジキ
High-Flying Fish 3000 スカイトビウオ
Plains Bear 300 パーテルベア
Carrotella 200 デキャロッテ
Great Starry Tree 1000 星の大木
Ancient Divine Tree 4000 ゴッドツリー
Giga Gigaga Tree 3000 ギガントツリー
Godfish 7000 神のヌシ
Demonic Tuna 5000 デビルマグロ
Divine Stone 4000 ゴッドストーン
Dark Stone 3000 ダークストーン
Rainbow Wraith 10000 ニジー
Heaven Bird 12000 ゴッドマルマル
Hell Gigante 13000 デビルベヒーモス
Ancient Dragon 15000 エンシャントドラゴン
Killertaur 20000 狂ミノタウロス
Demon Master 30000 ガーゴイル親玉
Crystal Dragon 40000 クリスタルドラゴン
Giant Crab 3000 巨大カニ
Darkzine 2800 ワンダリンウィスプ(闇)
Blazine 2800 ワンダリンウィスプ(火)
Gustine 2800 ワンダリンウィスプ(風)
Aquazine 2800 ワンダリンウィスプ(水)
Sea Mare 2500 レアタツノオトシゴ
Divine Guardian 5500 プラチナよろい
Dark Giant 5200 ストーンマン(狂)
Bloodmon 3500 デカデイモン
Giant Mimic 3800 でかミミック
Antiquesaurus 4000 タイコサウルス
Grand Marinetaur 3800 大魚人
Medusa 3600 メデューサ
Deadly Medusa 4800 デスメデューサ
Shadow Gargoyle 5000 ガーゴイル子分B
Crabby Paladin 4800 騎士カニ長(大)
Heavy Guardian 6200 ジャンボよろい
Jellqueen 6000 クイーンウミウシ
Gustilion 6500 トラライオン(風)
Aqualion 6500 トラライオン(水)
Blazilion 6500 トラライオン(火)
Sagely Carrotella 2000 万年キャロッテ
Strongtaur 3000 ブライタウロス
Ancient Napdragon 45000 Ancient Napdragon
Lord of the Cursed 40000 Lord of the Cursed
Typhoon Bird 35000 Typhoon Bird
Pumpking 30000 Pumpking
Poseidon Swordfish 10000 Poseidon Swordfish
Millennial Tree 5000 Millennial Tree

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