User blog:Redheadedpichu/I might be gone... forever

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Well this might not be much of a shock to some since I haven't been very active but a lot of shit is happening in my life. I have been trying to bottle it up and try to hide the fact that it all hurts but I can't anymore. I want to smile and be the bubblying person that everyone - I hope - knows me as. Not the one who has been - recently - crying and asking for your help to cheer me up all the time because times are hard for me. I know to some this might seem unfair but I can't... hold it anymore. 

In school I'm getting ounched and kicked around. Sometimes just verbally but it's getting more and more pysically each time. Just a small trip here, kick her where-she-can-defo-feel-it there, make sure she cries like a five year old... blah, blah blah. I have actually been like this for just over a year now but I have been hidiong it that much so I can try and possibly, convience myself that it's okay. 

I know it isn't and I know I can't live on hiding. But don't worry to much. 

  • I'm not self-harming
  • Not planning of suiciding 
  • I'm still not emo/goth
  • I will finish off ALL RPs and SOME chars beofre leaving
  • I will never forget you guys x

I know this will hurt some people more than others and if it was my choice I would stay but I don't want to make all my friends a buddle of depression becuase of me. Hopefully this shall be tempoary and I can get back ASAP but until then I shall be leaving you guys very soon.



P.S. I love you guys so much. You helped me avoid doing the oppsite of above.