User blog comment:TheDalmatianCupcake/When should I try the Trial of Time?/@comment-25646419-20160605012357

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Hi there! It sounds like you're ready for the Trial of Time, yes. Feel free to bring along a lot of Life Cures and items which restore HP. It can take a while to beat if you're going solo, so consider bringing along two tough allies.

Should you ever find things to be difficult, you are able to leave at any time. Levelling up in the Trials is a good way to go. Once you level up more, you may even consider gathering Silver Lunares Coins through Pam to trade for Gold Lunares Coins. If you spend 7 Gold Lunares Coins, you may obtain Fanciful Feet from the Exchange Clerk in Pam's home. These shoes give you x2 experience, which means you can increase your stats at a faster rate.

You'll find items in the Trials which will be used to progress through other lives you may be trying to rank up. The items found can also be used to craft some of the best Armour and Tools in the game.

As for the Goddess Statue, I bet you've realized by now that you unfortunately cannot change which rewards any of the statues will give you.

Should you desire a teammate or should you wish to trade items with others, consider posting in the Gamefaqs Fantasy Life forum. There'a nice little community there.