User talk:Sharkling

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Hi, I'm an admin for the Fantasy Life Wiki community. Welcome and thank you for your edit to Pterodactyl! If you need help getting started, check out our help pages or contact me or another admin here. For general help, you could also stop by Community Central to explore the forums and blogs.

Please leave me a message if I can help with anything. Enjoy your time at Fantasy Life Wiki!

User talk:Yami riku

Profile Picture

Hi! This information should help with uploading your new profile picture:

Yami riku (talk) 19:14, November 4, 2017 (UTC)

Hey just replying to your questions, more often than not my changes are spelling/gramatical fixes and ease of use. Such examples include where say Woolies was a link except for the s, changing words that aren't clickable to clickable, adding "," to number amounts, adding "?" to values where there should be one but isn't known, etc. AndeWiki (talk) 22:44, November 6, 2017 (UTC)